XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Рыльков Н.В. 1, Романчук В.О. 2
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
2 ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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In the light of progressive trends in the development of modern society, it is extremely important for a future specialist to quickly and accurately analyze the changing situation, extract important information, be able to predict the consequences of their actions, synthesize the experience gained and make the right decisions in any non-standard situation. Predictive thinking is used in various situations of a future specialist, which can be classified as ordinary, everyday, almost mechanically performed, as well as completely new, non-standard, requiring "out-of-the-box" solutions. So, there are well-known examples of accumulation of internal reserves and potencies in difficult, practically extreme situations, when decisions are made in the shortest possible time, and the intellectual and creative potential of a person directs all reserves to generate them.

It is obvious that future specialists tend to solve many problems by transferring and comparing solutions that are already well known, understandable and productive. This transfer is characteristic of each of us in our daily activities. However, when a person finds himself in a new non-standard situation, for example, of a professional nature, then the old “template” convenient solutions cannot be fully extrapolated, which means it is necessary to find new ways of solving non-standard problems. In our opinion, such "insight" can and should be stimulated through continuous work in classrooms within the framework of dialogical co-creation between the teacher and the student. The essence of the development of predictive thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language, in our opinion, is a pedagogically regulated process aimed at increasing the student's motivation, his self-organization of cognitive activity, developing practical techniques for solving non-standard problems and, of course, the reflective component of the educational process.

In our opinion, modern high-quality training of future specialists is closely related to their motivation, creativity, i.e. motivational and creative activity. Such activity presupposes an intention to creativity, achievements in creativity, productivity of cognitive activity, the ability to predict the likely course of events, flexibility of thinking and openness to new solutions. The constant striving of the teacher to involve the student in foreign language classes in higher education in the development of intellectual and creative potential, independent actualization of the acquired knowledge and the desire to think one step ahead is realized through the accumulation of full-fledged methodological and technological tools of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Thus, the educational process, built on the principle of motivational and creative activity, seems to us to be more effective for the development of predictive thinking of future specialists. However, theoretical ideas about the methodological and technological tools for performing non-standard tasks have a key goal - application in practice, i.e. building your own decision strategy with the aim of the next step towards new opportunities. The principle of practical orientation in the process of developing predictive thinking in the framework of dialogical co-creation of a teacher and a student in a foreign language class is to recognize the dependencies and connotations between theoretical knowledge and their practical application, i.e. understanding the possibility of learning to act in difficult conditions effectively and competently. To accumulate a baggage of rich instrumentation among students, the teacher is required to develop creatively oriented tasks that can rely on various technologies. So, it seems to us that extrapolation of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving by G.S. Altshuller, according to which in the process of working on a problem it is very important to think dialectically, i.e. think in contradictions. This means learning to see and find in a problem situation or phenomenon a discrepancy between different requirements for them, to understand that an attempt to improve one part of the situation by using known means usually leads to an unacceptable deterioration in other parts.

Thus, the development of predictive thinking, in our opinion, is closely related to the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students, who, in terms of motivation and intention to apply, develop and improve their skills in practice, acquire and form value-semantic attitudes towards creativity, praxis and forecasting. their professional activities.


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Просмотров работы: 7