XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Моторин В.В. 1, Романчук В.О. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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As part of the development of modern society and the transformation of the modern world, we are dictated to new requirements and conditions for the development of human creative and intellectual abilities. Notable changes are taking place not only in the sphere of culture and spiritual life, but also in the very conditions for the creation and reproduction of the results of intellectual activity, i.e. in the field of education. Consequently, one of the priority tasks of modern education is the creation of such psychological and pedagogical conditions that would ensure the development of the intellectual potential of each student, allowing him to comfortably adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of society.

In the course of the historical evolution of pedagogical science, the problem of forming a creative personality and creating special psychological and pedagogical conditions for the dynamic development of intellectual and creative potential has always remained relevant. Thus, the technological aspect of the formation of a creative personality was studied by V.I. Andreev, V.P. Bespalko, V.A. Slastenin. Classics of Russian pedagogy and psychology D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, V.A. Kan-Kalik emphasized in their writings the idea of ​​the need to develop the creative potential of each person.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions represent a set of objective possibilities, circumstances of the pedagogical process, purposefully created and implemented in the educational environment, ensuring the solution of a particular pedagogical task [1, p. 23]. From this point of view, the closest to our understanding is also the position that considers psychological and pedagogical conditions as specific ways of pedagogical interaction, "... interrelated measures in the educational process aimed at the formation of the subjective personality traits ...", taking into account psychological characteristics, "productive and effective "[2, c 36] ways and methods of activity in the given conditions."

In our opinion, the goal for which psychological and pedagogical conditions are created, as well as the essential characteristics of the planned result and the characteristics of the environment in which the process of achieving the goal is carried out, in turn, determine the choice of adequate psychological and pedagogical conditions. A competent choice of such conditions plays a special role in preparation for various contests. Participation in difficult competitions in a foreign language is an enfilade of complex speech-and-thinking tasks of a non-standard creative nature.

The International Competition of cadets is held annually on the territory of the Russian Federation - “an intellectual creative event of a competitive nature, aimed at demonstrating by students of educational institutions of higher education knowledge, skills and practical skills in academic disciplines that form the basis of their general theoretical and general professional training, contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process in educational organizations higher education, improvement and development of modern pedagogical technologies ”[8, p. 2]. In order to increase the level of competition, teams of military educational institutions of higher education of federal state bodies of the Russian Federation, training personnel in the interests of state security, ensuring the rule of law and law and order, as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, training personnel in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in military training centers.

In our opinion, the effective development of intellectual and creative potential in preparation for the International Competition is impossible without the implementation of the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

1) the formation of stable emotional-volitional qualities, focused on creation and creativity, since stress resistance and emotional calmness are integral components not only within the preparation, but also within the framework of the students' performance in front of the jury in personal and team competitions.

2) implementation of complex methods, forms and means of developing the intellectual and creative potential of cadets while ensuring its consistency and integrity in the process of foreign language education in a military university; such a condition rests entirely on the shoulders of the teacher, whose goal is the correct selection of methodological and technological training tools.

3) the unity of educational, scientific and educational work in the field of stimulating the intellectual and creative activity of cadets, built on the principles of motivational and creative activity (for example, a written essay competition), problematic (personal championship competition - "a report of a commander in a state of emergency"), integrativity (team competition - "at the negotiating table"), practical orientation and reflexivity (cover all rounds).

4) dialogical co-creativity of the teacher and cadets at all stages of the development of intellectual and creative potential in the process of foreign language education.

The interconnected, interdependent structure of psychological and pedagogical conditions acts as a single integral pedagogical sphere, characterized by the consistency of each of its components. It is quite obvious that the development of intellectual and creative potential in preparation for the Military Competition in the English language is the disclosure of the deep reserves of the personality, providing a future military specialist with the desire and opportunity for self-development.

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Регламент Международной Олимпиады по Английскому языку 2021.

Просмотров работы: 4