Higher education teachers are faced with the challenge of preparing a specialist who knows the methods and techniques of working with information and is able to "use information and information technology rationally to maintain and develop his or her intellectual and creative potential" [1, с. 109].
With regard to foreign language teaching, this task means the importance of shaping As far as foreign language teaching is concerned, this task means the importance of forming and developing information competence of students together with their foreign language communicative competence. Today, researchers [2, с. 31; 10] speak about the synthesis of these two competences in foreign language teaching methodology, which leads to the emergence of foreign language information competence. This competence consists in the student's mastery of skills, knowledge, skills and activities which enable a student to navigate in an information environment and work with The competence is based on the student's ability to navigate and work with foreign-language information both in traditional media and on the Internet [2, с. 31].
Among the conditions for the formation of foreign language information competence are the following:
1. High level of foreign language communicative competence (not lower than B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference).
2. Systematic development of skills:
a) knowledge of the existence of different types of information and information resources in a foreign language;
b) orientation in foreign language information on the Internet;
c) looking for and selecting relevant information in a foreign language on the Internet.
the ability to search for relevant information in a foreign language on the Internet;
d) being able to present information in a foreign language in writing in accordance with the communicative situation;
e) proficiency in various styles of writing in a foreign language;
f) ability to work with online libraries, electronic catalogues and other similar resources in a foreign language
In today's world, people are exposed to a very intense flow of information, including in a foreign language. A considerable part of information is obtained by means of information and communication technologies, which permeate all spheres of human activity. A person's ability to navigate information flows both in native and foreign languages determines his/her success and competitiveness as a specialist [3, с. 53]. All this determines the formation of foreign-language information competence as a goal of foreign-language education and predetermines the search for the ways of its effective formation and development. A very similar definition can be found in the works of foreign author M. D. Boyd, where a social network is defined as " an Internet service that allows everyone to create a public or semi-public profile within the system, to organize social relationships with other users. The nature and nomenclature of these relationships may vary depending on the site" [4, с. 211].
One of the means of developing this competence in the practice of teaching foreign languages is social networks used in the framework of mixed learning technology.
Social networks are not educational resources, but were created for the purpose of communication. The very name "social network" was introduced by D. Barnes in 1954, initially the scope of this term was sociology [5, с. 13]. Later, this concept begins to be used in other industries. Researchers [2; 7; 5] consider guest books, forums, and blogs to be the prototypes of social networks. Currently, social networks are defined in different ways, we will rely on the definition of V. M. Sazanov: a scientist understands social networks as a means of mass communication and knowledge transfer [6, с. 311].
There are a large number of social networks, which E. D. Patarakin combines into two groups based on the criterion of access to them:
– public social networks, for which the professional, age and gender characteristics of the participants are not important. Examples of such networks are: FaceBook, MySpace, VKontakte, Instagram and many others;
- special networks that are created for participants who are united on a certain basis. As a rule, participants of such social networks become by invitation (i.e. they are closed) [7, с. 131].
O. A. Klimenko notes that the social network Facebook has long been recognized as one of the most popular tools for teaching and development and allows university teachers to create courses for students [8, с.406]. Nevertheless, the attitude of scientists can be described as cautious: according to them, the use of social networks in teaching requires careful training on the part of the teacher, as well as a well-founded and well-developed methodology for working with social networks in the learning process [9, с.124-126].
Based on the comments given by teachers, we can conclude that social networks are a good platform, which, along with opportunities for the development of communicative competence, provides opportunities for solving a number of educational tasks:
1. Manage the learning process. Social networks are an effective tool that helps teachers and students to stay in touch, and information about cancellations, rescheduling classes, holding conferences, etc. can be published in a group on social networks.
2. Individualize the learning process. Social networks allow students to complete assignments anywhere, anytime. Social networks give the teacher the opportunity to learn the interests and hobbies of students and take them into account when planning the educational process.
3. Organize the learning process. In a group in social networks, you can continue the discussion that began in the classroom, publish tasks for students.
4. Engage in discussions inactive or little active in the classroom for students.
5. Increase motivation to learn a foreign language. Social networks can be used as a platform for preparing and conducting projects, organizing quizzes and contests, and conducting surveys.
In the modern world, the view of knowledge has also changed. Previously, it was believed that knowledge can only be obtained from various sources, but now such a way of working with information as "loading information" is also considered. It means that social networks and the tools that can be found in them are used by students in order to independently create and upload content to the platform. The social network is not used as a ready-made information bank – the information inside it is created by users.
Conclusion :
Thus, social networks, part of which is presented in this article, indicates the effectiveness of the use of social networks in the practice of teaching a foreign language to students, since their use contributes to the implementation of the personal-activity approach, the principle of individuality, increased motivation to learn a foreign language, as well as reducing stress due to fear of making a mistake.
Inside social networks, you can find tools such as a blog, microblog, wiki, podcasts, chats, and much more that you can use by applying your knowledge of English. Their diversity should encourage teachers to actively use social networks in teaching. In addition, the use of social Internet platforms will increase students ' interest in the language, motivation, and incentive to actively participate in various formats of work and language practice.
List of used literature:
Книги, монографии, учебники
Описание англоязычных журналов, сборников