Эффективность видеоконференц связи при обучении иностранным языкам - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Эффективность видеоконференц связи при обучении иностранным языкам

Акан Гулим Дауренбеккызы 1, Тулегенова Аида Мейрамбековна 1
1Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева
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The use of information and communication technologies represents a new level of thinking, creativity, communication and performance, and leads to a radical restructuring of the various aspects of activity, including learning and teaching. The important role of Information Technology in the development of society is to accelerate the processes of acquisition, dissemination and use of new knowledge by society.

One of the most striking innovations of synchronized learning and parenting systems is video conferencing. Videoconferencing – the modern telecommunications service which allows in real time on-line to communicate and carry out joint work with the territorial remoteness of participants. The essential advantage of the conference is the ability to simultaneously see and hear your interlocutor on the screen with the creation of a direct communication effect.

Today, there are a large number of already familiar network tools based on the hypertext protocol: web forums, chat rooms, information and education portals, network wrappers for previous courses, virtual universities.

In the new educational environment, methodological approaches, requirements for the training of teaching staff change, which leads to a restructuring of the education system.

As practice shows, due to the specificity of distance education, not all teachers with extensive experience in the higher education system are willing to work as tutors. When comparing the competencies of a teacher of traditional and distance learning, among the specific ones of the teacher can be distinguished the following:

- competences in pedagogy: pedagogical technologies of distance learning (related techniques and technologies);

- competencies in psychology: psychological knowledge features of communication in a virtual environment, features of age-related changes in the perception of virtual communication, principles of distance learning for children, adolescents, adults;

- skills in the field of Information Technologies: free possession of means of communication on the Internet, desire to study new means, network services, mastery of the constantly improved network kit [1, с. 18];

- communicative competence - a system of internal resources necessary to build effective communicative action in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction.

Let's identify a few areas of concern as we analyze the current situation the University in the application of innovative technologies.

First, increased attention to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process leads to a loss of meaning, the importance of the purpose of the training itself. For example, the use of testing methods leads to a reassessment of the value of the test result, and the passing of the test becomes an end in itself.

Secondly, there are higher requirements for distance learning. If the teacher does not own the media, he cannot use the resources. Distance learning should be a well-established mechanism, as balanced as possible in the ratio "educational environment-personality-information technology" for the implementation of learning goals aimed at unlocking the potential of the individual.

Third, activities in a rich information environment of education lead to significant information overload caused by the abundance of information sources and the inability to cover even a significant part of it. In this aspect, the problems of forming a culture of information preservation and creating a pedagogy of health preservation based on health preservation technologies are relevant [1, с. 79].

Fourth, the application of asynchronous distance learning can only lead to psychological discomfort. Psychological dissonance occurs if, along with virtual communication, the student does not communicate directly with the teacher, full-time. There is also a risk of losing the creativity and cooperation directly realized in joint activities, some insider information at work.

Videoconferencing is now becoming the basis for the creation of a unique community of educational institutions, which allows the exchange of experience, conducting master classes and conferences, regardless of the territorial location of participants in the educational process.

Based on the idea that the goals of training are determining, the next stage of preparation and videoconferencing can be established.

1. Target setting stage. It is necessary to answer the questions, What is the purpose of the educational project? What knowledge and skills will the student acquire? What place will Video Conferencing take in the educational process?

2. Preparatory phase. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the level of readiness of students for distance learning, the quality of the logistics of interactive communication, the availability of telecommunications services, compliance with the technology chosen by the public.

3. Stage of technological equipment. At this stage, the technical equipment, technological and methodological skills of the master are determined, the project curator, the time frame, the calendar of contacts, the design of synchronous and asynchronous interaction tools are selected.

4. Design of a didactic route. Definition of the didactic environment of online learning, definition of the didactic format. At this stage, participants in the video conference are being registered. Forms of support can be help services that make comments and solve urgent problems. Didactic materials are loaded, questions are specified for reflection, thematic and didactic and methodological issues and questions are defined, preliminary consultations are held, forums where topical issues and difficulties are discussed.

5. Stage of realization and realization of project objectives. The main principle at this stage is the consistency of all parties to the process. Videoconferencing as a technology incorporates not only traditional principles for all forms of distance learning. We can distinguish such specific aspects as communication "here and now", the personification of statements, the maximum number of business contacts and communication with various people, active participation in what is happening, respect and benevolence- the attitude to all participants of the conference, constant feedback, interaction dialogue, that is, full and egalitarian interpersonal communication.

6. Evaluation phase. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the performed vks. The identification of problem areas, significant events, achieved goals will contribute to further improving video conferencing technology.

When carrying out videoconferencing for a distributed audience, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements based on the technical, methodological and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of this type of communication [2, с. 46]. Such as requirements for slides and printed illustrations, for the art of communication, for the skills of demonstration and transfer of illustrative material, for the temporary study of the lesson scenario, for the psychological preparation of the teacher. There are "general laws of gender" concerning the special nature of the perception of screen learning information. A video material is needed, constructed methodically competent and technically qualified, the format of" talking head " is pedagogically ineffective. The lecturer is obliged to act as an assistant for the perception of information, not as a provider. The receiving party should also have a minimum of knowledge about the means of remote communication and the features of the work.


Therefore, for the successful use of videoconferencing in the training process, it is necessary to intensify proper training, develop new competencies and skills of tutors to implement different forms of training in the videoconferencing environment and overcome problem areas in the context of modern rationality: "efficiency, speed, inclusiveness". Direct participation in videoconferences also contributes to this.

Below are some practical works related to the video:

1. ThingLink is an award-winning education technology platform that makes it easy to augment images, videos, and virtual tours with additional information and links. Teachers and students use ThingLink for creating accessible, visual learning experiences in the cloud.


2. Lessons in youtube


List of used literature:

Книги, монографии, учебники

Podlasny I. P. pedagogy: 100 Questions - 100 answers. - M.: VADOS-Press, 2006. - 365 S.

Trainev V. A. pedagogical technologies of Information Communication (generalizations and recommendations)





Сопроводительное письмо

Настоящим письмом гарантируем, что опубликование научной статьи «Эффективность видеоконференц связи при обучении иностранным языкам », Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. авторов в журнале «Международный студенческий научный вестник» не нарушает ничьих авторских прав. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д.передает на неограниченный срок учредителю журнала неисключительные права на использование научной статьи путем размещения полнотекстовых сетевых версий номеров на Интернет-сайте журнала. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. несет ответственность за неправомерное использование в научной статье объектов интеллектуальной собственности, объектов авторского права в полном объеме в соответствии с действующим законодательством РФ. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. подтверждает, что направляемая статья нигде ранее не была опубликована, не направлялась и не будет направляться для опубликования в другие научные издания. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. согласны с тем, что в случае выявления нарушений норм этики научных публикаций после издания статьи, к ней может быть применена процедура ретракции. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. согласен на обработку в соответствии со ст.6 Федерального закона «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 г. №152-ФЗ своих персональных данных, а именно: фамилия, имя, отчество, ученая степень, ученое звание, должность, место(а) работы и/или обучения, контактная информация по месту работы и/или обучения, в целях опубликования представленной статьи в научном журнале. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. гарантирует, что материалы направляемой статьи не содержат информацию, составляющую государственную, коммерческую или иную охраняемую законодательством РФ тайну, и несет самостоятельную ответственность за содержание подобной информации в статье. 

Тулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. согласен с правилами подготовки рукописи к изданию, утвержденными редакцией журнала «Международный студенческий научный вестник», опубликованными и размещенными на официальном сайте журнала. 

ТакжеТулегенова А.М., Акан Г.Д. подтверждает, что ознакомлен и согласен с условиями договора публичной оферты, размещенного на официальном сайте журнала.

Просмотров работы: 6