Goal of the research: To identify the challenges of the method of flipped classroom.
Method of the research: Theoretical method.
Result of the research: To find decisions and ways to solve weakness of flipped classroom.
Flipped classroom is a relevant theme in actual society because our education has been dwelling in the pandemic situationCOVID 19. It was complex to deal with online teaching, but the result has been even better that educational community could expect.
Online teaching enabled people to get knowledge even in that situation. Despite this fact, education possess a lot of methods, how to learn and teach a foreign language but theydid not acquire a high level of education in offline education. It means that learning techniques did not help students to learn how to learn, they only taught them how to accept awareness, but not to use. This is a big fault, because students have to use their knowledge in a true life. Therefore, it is vital to look for new methods of learning even online based techniques.
Education in pandemic situation was possible only in condition of modern technologies and innovative approaches. In case of that it shows that methods as flipped classroom is actually important. Its conception is quite suitable for online teaching.
Besides distance learning raised digital knowledge both as students and teachers of foreign languages because they understood that people changed and their minds too. Generally, we must utilize flipped classroom technology in our country, in toward to improve our level of education.
Flipped classroom represents how to use modern technologies with a great profit toeducation, because it is appropriate for contemporary society. It responds to all the demands. This technology enables students to economy time and energy. Pupils have a lot of time, which theycan use on miles more important things,for example, create new method or techniques or experiment them [1:145].
For instance, in traditional classes teachers explain a new topic, and they missan addition time, because time that the government gives them is not enough. It means that our education has a lot of drawbacks. They should decide this problem, because everyone knows that it is in their responsibility to educate a new generation, who create a new century. So, it is meaningful that theymust take a responsibility for education of the generation.
Flipped classroom is one of the decisions of this problem. Everybody leads to agree with this point of view, because flipped classroom represents, that teachers send a video and additional materials for mastering a new topic for children on internet or on platform. It means that children do not spent much time on lesson to understand a new topic, because they will already have known the topic, and they come to the class with a specific question. It is obvious that it is farbetter than in traditional method of learning, which led the children not to accomplish the homework.
It is vital to underline, that teachers explain the topic and children do exercises, which so simple, but teacher gives children the exercises, which far more complex than exercises in a class. There are a lot of questions about how to use this method in Tobol’s secondary school, Kostanay region. As for senior school’s students it is far easier because they are fond of learning with the method of flipped classroom, because they understand that it enables them to sort out their priorities and economy their time. Definitely it is fascinating process for them to have such experience. It is up to students to improve their knowledge or not. But pupils in grammar school are aware that their knowledge it is their future.
However, there are questions, and it is created in case of misunderstanding of people how to deal with this method. The main idea that have to know, it is flipped. Explanation of topic stays on the children’s self-education and practice will be during lecture’s time. It is economy their time. Teachers explain one topic again and again, it is not consistent with what should be, because as practice showed students should have a possibility to repeat the moment of explanation for improving understanding.
Flipped classroom can help in this question a lot. Students are able to have an opportunity to watch misunderstanding moments unlimited times until they would understand it. Ancient history tells all things in our world have disadvantages. Also Flipped classroom technology has weakness too:
The first and the most vital weakness is that government cannot equip every village with computers and other communicational technologies.
The other reason is that there are a lot of families who are in law conditions of living so that is why it is convenient for them to choose offline education instead of learning on internet.
The other disadvantage of the method is that it is hard psychologically, that is why it is suggested to pupils of high school, because they are more prepared and the understand far more that in the middle school.
One of the reasons is because of trust ability.
However, it is obvious that it provides a lot of advantages:
Cost effective. Learners should not go to school, lose their time for eating in canteen or write something that they do not understand or loose time for accepting information that they can get by themselves. It is very useful to save time for doing more practice exercises and assignments.
Learning comfortably. It is significant when pupils learn everything in their natural speed. They can slowly move to their goal but understanding can be higher than in the traditional method of learning.
Collaboration and teamwork methods can enhance the level of team building, because of creative tasks. Educators can give them opportunities to unite and to know each other better for further work.
Interesting stuff. Children can be involved in education on internet miles easier, because initially it is what they truly want. It is fascinating andgreat entertainment as well as an educational process of getting new knowledge[2].
It is not an old fact that in many regions of country there is lack of equipment, but it can be solved by government. In case of pandemic situation, it shown that it is possible.
So it is the most essential thing to create a new method of learning, because, we teach our students, and we know that our pupils are our future.
Flipped classroom is one of the most popular methods in the world. Flipped classroom found a great success in people, because it was very useful in learning.
A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home while engaging in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor[3:102].
For the first time, this method was created for students who studying in Physical training faculty. But nowadays, the scientists understood that this method or technology is appropriate for all students, in spite of faculty and direction. They underline that this method would help you in learning or teaching a foreign language, because of more practice that the students have, when they study with this technology. Everybody knows that practice is the most important thing in mastering a foreign language.
Moreover, a lot of students said that they need in additional class, but they cannot accept this, where through the teachers can’t spend their time without paying for it. It is correct, but we must understand that in this scene the students are behind, as a result teacher just do their work and don’t lose anything.
Flipped classroom provides children more opportunities than simple lesson. For instance: free time, useful information, time-saving, and labor-saving. Labor-saving, because teacher explains the same thing several times. However, the students cannot replay explanation over and over again [4:20].
The students of foreign languages faculty know one fascinating fact that the most essential thing in learning foreign language is practice.
Perceptions of ELT Students towards Flipped Classrooms Participants indicated benefits such as learning at one’s own pace, advanced student preparation, overcoming the limitations of class time, and increasing participation.
Scheme 1
Scientists convince that flipped classroom can contribute to personalization with video lectures, which present opportunities to watch or re-watch lessons as needed [5]. Moreover, with a variety of materials in addition to lecture videos, the flip can contribute even further to the individual needs of students observed, Personalization is a key premise for an improved learning experience.
Examples of some excerpts are provided from student comments to illustrate each category of benefits. Learning at One’s Own Pace. Based on comments from participants:
Scheme 2
As seen from the responses, a flipped classroom decreases physical limitations of the classroom by presenting outside learning opportunities. Increasing Participation, we also have the chance that pupils participate in the lesson more than before if they watch the videos regularly. When they know the topic and learn something about it, they participate in class much more. It is also good to be aware of the subject beforehand.
It has to underline that flipped classroom as a method is the best way of learning a foreign language. We use innovative technologies for learning a foreign language. However, we have a lot of advantages through using network, without going at school or university. Teacher has a lot of energy to work with students, answer the interesting question that they have, explain something that studentsdo not understand. Everything through innovative technologies, exactly through online-based education. Educators can create a program or network, which would work on, during pedagogical career. They are able to utilize networks are ready for use, but it would be rather good for create a new network, which included exercises, videos, tests, and other tasks. Generally, it would be more effective for students. But there are many networks, which are ready for working.
For instance, Edmodo is based on educational technology, and all the members of this network are people, who work in this sphere.
Edmodo is one of the popular platform which is used for providing students with assignments and additional materials, where teachers can work with students using flipped classroom technology, staying with connect with pupil, communicate with them about materials for the lesson, sent them all the information about topic. Educators can assign assignments; submit different tasks with wide range varieties.
Picture 1
It was created for people who learn or teach, so it is effective enough to use it in the Flipped classroom technique as well as other apps and platforms. Edmodo is consisting of different tools that can be useful in process of learning. Communication is the main thing that underlines Edmodo in their work, it is clear that talking and sharing opinions are the key of qualitative education.
There is message box, where students can communicate with their professors and ask those questions, teachers can give students feedback. Also they can add to their messages additional information as photo, articles or links. It goes easy when everything works so technically without failures.
Picture 2
There are different assignments and quizzes. Tasks have wide range variants as matching, multiple answers, true\false, fill in the gaps, and creative activities as writing essays, articles, tests and quizzes.
Picture 3
Students involve watching videos and additional materials out of school on particular platform and then they are ready to practice the topic in the classroom. They have extra time for using the topic and utilize it in real life. After watching videos and presentations they possess awareness and skills. The goal of watching is guidance students and supports them and provides them information.
At school they do individual tasks as well as group activities. There is variety of exercises: speaking-oriented, quizzes, creative tasks as maps, posters, tables, debate and presentations.
As for individuals tasks it is used to show the indicator of understanding level of each pupil. Using Edmodo it can be arranged quiz for 10 minute just for checking the result. The other activity is problem solving, because it is vital to teach students having their own individual opinion, because the clarity of subject is associated with individual of point of view. Time on task: 10 to 20 minutes; Group size: 1 to 4
Next activity is a map. Making the map is one of the greatest ways to clarify topic with the biggest profit to learning process. Students draw map with cyclically connected information that enables them to get the theme properly and deeper. Time on task: 30 to 45 minutes; Group size: 1 to 4
Group tasks help students to work on collaboration and respect to each other. It also gives an opportunity to exchange opinions and thoughts. Clearly, working together gives them possibilities to take responsibility for their actions and make each other be responsible for some parts of tasks.
Fishbowl discussion. Students sit at table and engage discussion. They can criticize and make notes. It helps students to exchange opinions and change their own individual opinions. It is also an opportunity to teacher to see where students have pressures. Time on task: 1 to 2 hours; Group size: 3 to 6
Case studies is also can be suitable for practicing task because in this activity students can review a case study concerning a specific, real-life problem or scenario. Time on task: 1 to 2 hours; Group size: 3 to 6
Picture 4
It can be used Edmodo as a platform but also there are a lot of activities that it has to be used at school in offline learning, because all of the tasks that are mentioned above are offline based exercises that are related to enhance speaking and also other skills of students and give them extra time to deal with essential part of learning process.
In conclusion, it is necessary to sum up that this technology is not ideal method but rather good than traditional one. In general, flipped learning or a flipped classroom is a kind of blended learning. The concept is not new, but the term is recent.
Generally, the flipped model has been presented as using lecture videos outside the classroom. It allows teachers to spend class time on more engaging activities that enhance the content of the lecture and present learningexperiences outside the physical constraints of the classroom by using appropriate technologies.
Thus, the flipped classroom provides several benefits:
• free classroom time,
• opportunities for personalized learning,
• opportunities for more student-centered learning,
• a continuous connection between student and teacher,
• increased motivation of students,
• a learning environment full of familiar tools, and
• variety in lecture content attuned to different learning styles.
Bergmann, J., &Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: reach every student in every class every day. Washington, DC: InternationalSocietyforTechnologyinEducation
VanessaStrauss. The flip: Turning a classroom upside down. The WashingtonPost
Jonathan Bergman, Aaron Sams. Flip you classroom. - p. 102
Alvarez B. "Flipping the classroom: Homework in class, lessons at home". Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed For Quick Review, 77 (8), 2011. P.18–21.
Три ответа: методика «перевернутого класса». Образовательный онлайн-журнал Educlub
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Picture 2.
Picture 3.
Picture 4.