XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Баранова Л.М. 1, Комаристый А.А. 1, Костюк Д.А. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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Now there are many approaches among scientists to determine the essence and structure of motivation. Despite the wide variety of interpretations, the most traditional is the understanding of motivation as an incentive process, the realization of any needs or goals. Motivation is the main component of the structure of the educational activity, where the main emphasis is on the importance of the individual as the subject of the activity.V.G. Aseyev notes the complexity of the structure of the human motivational system, which is a "complex, multi-level system of stimuli, including: needs, motives, interests, ideals, aspirations, attitudes, emotions, norms, values, etc. [1].

The structure of the motivational environment of the training and professional activities of military cadets unites the main groups of motives, requiring the teacher to recognize and form them in the course of all training to prepare the future officer for service in the Russian Armed Forces:

Cognitive motives. The focus of the educational activity on the learner as its subject involves its improvement and development in personal terms through focused and conscious work on the development of sociocultural and specific-individual experience in different types and forms. Any activity (cognitive, social-useful, scientific and practical, theoretical, etc.) has the goal to master and accumulate a system of knowledge, to work out effective ways of action and their creative application in non-standard situations. Cognitive motives express the personal attitude of the student to the subject, contribute to the satisfaction of learning activities and the process of cognition;

Professional motives. Striving to become a highly qualified military specialist, successfully fulfilling his professional duties, to be able to constantly self-improvement and self-education suggest a conscious choice of the profession of an officer. The main indicator of effectiveness and effectiveness in this case is the level and completeness of approach to the specified norms. Academic performance (quality of learned knowledge, as well as developed skills) is a criterion for the success of educational activities, along with parameters of mental study work (pace, activity, systematicity, duration, their ratio);

Motives of official achievements. Focusing on the career of an officer, i.e. on the service perspective, its basis has the need to achieve success in the situation of competition with other professionals. The purpose of the cadet to correspond to a certain status in the system of official relations, to strive later for official growth increases the level of academic success.There is a direct correlation between increasing success and interest in achievements and reducing the difficulty of the process itself;

Social motives. The essence of social motives lies in the awareness of the special status and role of military service and professional activities of the officer, duty and responsibility to the family, society and the state. The so-called positional motives are guided by cadets in order to gain approval and gain authority among different categories of groups (training group, teachers, commanders, etc.). The desire to benefit the Russian Armed Forces realizes the need for social recognition, self-esteem and self-determination, contributes to the increase of self-esteem.The willingness not only to interact with people, but also to analyze and adjust the ways of their interaction is the basis of self-education and self-improvement of the individual;

Pragmatic motives. The group of these motives is connected with the presence of the future officer need for meaningful results, various benefits during training at the departmental university and after graduation from it. Material well-being also plays an important role, as obtaining an officer's profession involves social guarantees and greater demand in the labor market, which allows you to get a high-paying job after graduation from a military university [3].

According to a large number of researchers (N.A. Bakshaeva, L.A. Golovy, G.A. Mukhina, A.N. Pechnikov), the defining motives in the structure of the motivational environment of cadets in training in military universities are professional and pragmatic, and only then cognitive motives [2,4].

During the study of a foreign language, the hierarchy of motives can change: if the junior courses are dominated by social and professional motives, then at the final stage of training the first place comes pragmatic orientation. This fact is due to the lack of interest of the cadets in the subject, lack of understanding of where and how the knowledge will be applied in the future. However, the effectiveness of the formation of the personality of a highly qualified specialist depends more on cognitive motives.


1. Aseyev, V.G. Motivation of behavior and personality formation / V.G. Aseyev. Moscow: Publisher Thought, 1976. 160 p.

2. Bakshaeva, N.A. Psychology of motivation of students: textbook for universities / N.A. Bakshaev, A. A. Verbitsky. 2nd ed., erased. Moscow: Yureit Publishing House, 2019. 170 p.

3. Golovey, L.A. Differential-psychological factors of professional self-determination / Psychological problems of self-realization of the individual. - St. Petersburg: SpbSU Publishing House, 1999. Ed. 3 - P. 76-83

4. Pechnikov, A.N., Mukhina G.A. Features of educational motivation of cadets of law schools of the Interior Ministry. Psychology: Results and Perspectives: Thesis of the Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 1996.

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