XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Корнилов В.О. 1, Никитин А.В. 1, Павлова Ю.Е. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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Private civil communication culture has become widespread in specialized areas of culture, such as among military personnel. The beginnings of military eloquence appeared in the most ancient civilizations.

Russian military eloquence, which arose on a national basis, developed and took shape under the influence of the traditions of oratory of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. National features of communication between military personnel in Russia are largely determined by the nature of wars, as well as the social and political situation in the state.

In the old days, the army some exceptional attention was paid to the compilation of speeches and all the information that is currently transmitted to the troops in the form of printed orders was put in them.

So, the teacher of literature of the mid XIX century V. Plaksin wrote in "The Literature Training Course" in 1843: "Military speeches are most in need of quickness of imagination. In the strength, courage of thoughts and feelings, the syllable in them must be alive, fast, short and strong."

Military speech etiquette is a set of behavior rules, communication of military personnel in official and off-duty spheres of activity, interpersonal relations, as well as forms of addresses and greetings that have a ritual character.

At the same time, it is divided into two groups of rules:

rules establishing relations between military personnel;

rules establishing the relations of military personnel with other groups and segments of the population.

The first group of rules can be divided into subgroups: chief - subordinate, subordinate - chief, it includes the relations between military personnel who are equal in rank and position. Etiquette is inextricably linked with the culture of communication, the ability to establish proper relationships with people. The language of the military professional environment is fixed in the individual speech of the serviceman, that is, in the culture of communication.

The communication culture of military personnel has a number of features:

- categorical imperative (the need for mandatory execution of the order);

- energetic and clear form of speech actions;

- availability of a "sublanguage" of statutes and instructions;

- emotional and figurative expressiveness in imperative speech form;

- high improvisation associated with changes in the combat situation;

- strict chain of command.

E. Fuchs, the military historian and adjutant of A.V. Suvorov, in 1825 wrote: "The main advantages of speech are: clarity for listening, limited periods, happy choice of metaphors and figures, purity, completeness and euphony. Military eloquence works on the heart and imagination."

Prince Dmitry (Donskoy) spoke to the army on Kulikovo field in this spirit: "Brothers, nobles and magistrates, and knights, it needs to look younger, and a young honor mine."

Prince Igor's speech to the regiments is also in tune with these words: "I want to break a spear on the border of the Polovtsian field; with you, Rusichi, I want to either lay down my head, or drink from the don with my helmet."

The main criteria of military communication culture are:

- politeness is a moral quality that characterizes a person for who respect for other people has become the daily norm;

- tact - the ability to behave decently, respect for a sense of proportion in behavior and actions;

- modesty - a moral quality of a person, which is manifested in the fact that a person does not recognize exceptional merits or rights;

- expediency - striving for a moral ideal;

- situational - the ability to behave in accordance with certain situations.

General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a set of laws for military personnel of the Army and Navy give the norms and rules of military etiquette a legislative character. This provides for their mandatory compliance by all categories of military personnel.

Thus, Article 67 of the Charter of Internal Service of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation says: "Military personnel must constantly serve as an example of high culture, modesty and self-restraint, preserve military honor, protect their dignity and respect the dignity of others. They should remember that their behavior is judged not only on them, but also on the Armed Forces as a whole."

The most complete rules of military courtesy are reflected in the Chapter "On Military Courtesy and Behavior of Military Personnel" (Articles 67 - 74). The following rules of military etiquette are normatively fixed there:

- the procedure for referring to a serviceman as "you" with the use of the word "comrade" as a symbol of military partnership;

- use of the affirmative expression "officer's word" as a symbol of officer's honor;

- when saying goodbye to each other, the officer is allowed to pronounce the ritual "I have honor»;

- compliance with the norms of respect for the senior - ask permission from the senior when addressing another serviceman, give way, place in transport;

- compliance with the rules of military courtesy towards civilians;

- compliance with the rules of wearing military uniforms.

For military personnel, it will be interesting, instructive and useful to know the main recommendations for avoiding conflicts in the communication process. They include:

- formation of a habit of tolerant and even interested attitude to the opposite (non-matching) view, opinion, assessment of another person;

- purposeful and conscious suppression of negative emotions that arise in relation to colleagues in difficult interaction situations;

- leaving, getting out of the habit of using hard and categorical assessments in communication;

- the desire and ability to notice and highlight the partner's positive side in order to influence him through it;

- compensation for critical comments with well-deserved praise (approval);

- criticism of the essence of specific mistakes, misdemeanors, and not the individual as a whole, etc.

The speech of a soldier expresses his spiritual world and simultaneously affects the spiritual world of others, causing a sense of beauty or ugliness.

Communication is of great importance for enriching the entire system of relations of the individual with the world around him, breaks the framework of the immediate environment, makes the individual involved in all the events of the world, to different generations, countries, epochs.

A culture of communication should manifest itself not only in the knowledge of principles and rules, but also in the ability to understand the other person. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: the ability to argue respectfully, behave modestly at the table, the ability to help another person imperceptibly, protect nature, and not litter around you.

Language is always linked to culture, just as culture is linked to language. This is reflected both in the specifics of the language code and in the speech behavior of cultural representatives.

Thus, the culture of communication is an integrative complex historically changing system that expresses a holistic approach to the communication process.


Military etiquette and military communication culture.

Lavrinova N.N. Some features of military communication culture.

Maklakov A.G. Military psychology. – M.: Oniks, 2005.

Просмотров работы: 11