XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Рашид А.А. 1, Алтынбекова М.О. 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави
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The pace of modern scientific and technological processes imposes great goals and new tasks on the education system. Bringing up the younger generation as a fully developed, intelligent, high-minded, competitive citizen is the most pressing issue of our society. This requires every teacher to innovate in a creative way.

Only knowledge can make the future brighter than today. The growth and prosperity of any country depends on the level of its national education system, the direction of development. The modern requirement of education is to cultivate a creative, competitive, competent person and the formation of an individual who is not only ready to live in a changing social and economic environment, but also has a positive impact on its implementation and improvement. The first and foremost requirements for such a person are creativity, activity, responsibility, deep knowledge, professional literacy. To implement these requirements, it is necessary to work in a completely new direction in the assessment of student knowledge and the use of new pedagogical technologies [1].

With the help of formative assessment, the teacher identifies the student's progress, indicating when he or she has reached the learning objectives. And in the future he can help the teacher in planning and teaching lessons. Students' selected learning objectives can be reflected in 'achieved' and 'ambitious', and in the process of teaching, students who are still striving for a learning objective should be able to consider the possibility of achieving the learning objective. It is important to provide feedback to students after reflection [2]. Based on the learning objectives, it is possible to determine where students have achieved and why they need to pay attention.

Once the formative assessment has decided on the selected learning objectives, it is important for the teacher to analyze the results of his or her students. It is important to think about what the expected results will be based on students' basic knowledge. Does the teacher's decision match the expected result? The teacher must use reflection to plan for future work. For example, if all students are expected to achieve learning objectives, but they do not, it is important to think about how to change the content of the following lessons to help such students.

Chemical secondary education consists of three tasks that are inseparable. It is called the educational, pedagogical and developmental goals of teaching [ 3 , 4 ]. Educational, pedagogical and developmental potential of chemistry, the main task of secondary chemical education is to make knowledge based on the experience of the older generation through logical and didactic processing and criteria-based assessment.

Whether the concept of the goal and the expected result coincide or not possible.The scope of the goal is wider, and the expected result is within the same goal, but more specific. It depends on the content of the study material. The expected learning outcomes may include, for example, knowledge of the signs and properties of a concept in chemistry, the ability to solve chemical equations, apply rules and regularities, perform calculations and modifications of mathematical problems without error, and more.The expected results of teaching reading glass required to produce relevant reports, perform exercises and tasks or answer questions that will be introduced. It is a model for learning. This model should be known to all stakeholders in advance. According to the model, in the process of learning, a problem is solved, exercises and tasks are performed (Figure 1).

Figure 1- The process of formative assessment.

Assessment and assessment of knowledge helps the student to learn and provides quantitative information about the quality of knowledge of him and the teacher. The teacher receives information about the level of knowledge of the student and lays the foundation for the organization of his cognitive work. The teacher assesses the shortcomings in his work, complements and corrects the methods of work, finds ways and means of working with individual students, determines the level of program knowledge. The student understands the level of mastery of the topic. If knowledge is not tested, the student will not be able to assess their knowledge in depth, comprehensively and correctly. After receiving the education, the student has the opportunity to improve their work at school, at home, to develop good qualities, to eliminate shortcomings in knowledge, business, skills. The importance and tasks of monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills, requirements, assessment of learning outcomes require great responsibility from teachers (Figure 2). 

  Figure 2 - Formative assessment

Self-assessment achieves the direction of the student's cognitive activity, because it also regulates the requirements for cognitive activity, the structure of self-assessment in the learning process is to determine the purpose of independent action, to identify ways to achieve it with learning outcomes, to carry out independent action. Comparison of learning outcomes with learning outcomes, assessment of progress, identification of errors, identification of causes, correction of work on the basis of self-assessment, refinement, improvement of the action plan, summarizing.

Rather than highlighting each child's educational shortcomings, it is important to highlight their achievements, show the child what to read by stating the instructions, make the instructions continuous and systematic, focus on the child's social, emotional, cognitive development processes and take them into account. Through these activities, students create an environment conducive to effective learning and success. All these actions are carried out during the formative assessment.

Thus, the following advantages of formative or learning assessment over traditional assessment can be noted:

accurately describes the level of student achievement;

This increases the interest , leaving earning ;

increases the reliability of the system, this word that the recipient feels responsible .

Student self-esteem develops and a person is formed who is able to self-assess not only in the classroom, but also in the contradictions that occur in any life. Through the use of formative assessment, feedback is provided between teacher and student. As a result, the student controls himself, chooses his own methods, evaluates the results, which is continued by the teacher. Thus, the child develops his key competencies through the ability to set goals, plan the expected outcome, and gain experience in evaluating it.


Krasnoborova AA " Criteria-based assessment in school" textbook. - Perm, 2010

The program of advanced training courses for teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teacher's Guide., AEO NIS, 2012.-61 p

MK Kurmanaliev. Modern technologies of teaching chemistry.-Almaty, 2009. 51b.


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