XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Жакыпбекова Г.О. 1, Жылысбаева Гулхан Нурдиллаевна 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави
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The chemical experiment occupies an important place in the teaching of chemistry. In the chemical experiment, there are huge didactic possibilities, which, unfortunately, are not used enough in school practice.

An experiment is understood as an observation of the phenomenon under study under certain conditions that allow you to follow the course of the phenomenon and repeat it if these conditions are met. The peculiarity of the experiment as a means of cognition is that in the process of observation and independent observation of experiments, students not only learn more quickly about the properties of substances and chemical processes, but also learn to confirm knowledge by chemical experiments, as well as acquire special skills and skills to work independently. Through observation and experience, students learn the diversity of the nature of substances, accumulate facts for comparisons, generalizations, and conclusions.

The experiment is an important way to realize the connection of theory with practice in the training of chemistry, the way to turn knowledge into beliefs. Underestimating the role of the experiment and especially at the beginning of chemistry training has negative consequences, in particular, leads to a flaw in the development of specific thinking, which interferes with the general development of students and sharply reduces interest in the educational subject.

In the practice of teaching chemistry, it is traditionally accepted to divide a chemical experiment into a demonstration, carried out by a teacher and a student, performed by schoolchildren in the form of laboratory experiments, practical work, and solving experimental problems.

Virtual laboratory – a software and hardware complex that allows you to conduct experiments without direct contact with a real installation or in the complete absence of one [1].

The use of computer technologies contributes to the development of autonomypupils. The use of the interactive complex is possible at various stagesclasses: explaining new material, fixing the topic under study, conducting and checkingself-work, repetition of topics passed, conducting virtualpractical works. Virtual laboratories can also be used on extracurricularActivities to prepare students for scientific and practical conferences.

A virtual laboratory in the process of teaching chemistry helps the teacher in the processvisualization of educational material, especially in the formation of basic concepts,necessary for understanding the microworld (structure of the atom, molecules), such importantchemical concepts as "chemical bond," "electronegativity," reactions withpoisonous substances (halogens), long-term chemical experiments (hydrolysisnucleic acids), etc [2].

The most interesting thing is that without a single test tube, not a single chemical, inWithin the virtual laboratory, experiments can be done. For this there is an assistant,which prompts the student's sequential actions and indicates his errors.The student must pass a safety test before starting the experiment.The virtual laboratory allows you to assemble various devices, installations fromcomponents, make measurements, make observations in "Laboratorylog, "photograph "from the screen using a virtual camera, composereaction equations. From the side of the program, control is ongoing throughout all stages.

At the same time, students increase cognitive interest, the ability to observe, highlight the main thing is to draw conclusions from observations. When working in a virtual lab, students have the ability to understand the essence of chemical reactions, as they can to see these processes at the molecular level.

The tasks of using virtual laboratory work dictate certain requirements for the algorithm for their construction: the logic of the layout of the material, the methodically competent presentation of it, the reasonable use of animation tools, the availability of reference data that can expand the student's capabilities when explaining the results and answering the questions posed. Thus, each laboratory work should have its own characteristics, but the cycle of work, grouped into certain sections, should be presented as a whole in accordance with the above requirements.

Laboratory work on general and inorganic chemistry can be conditionally divided into two types: work performed using the microanalytic method (in test tubes), and work requiring hardware design. In the first case, the transfer of laboratory technology from the real world to the virtual one is not so complex and requires the creation of a single algorithm, to which most works of this type obey. Examples are work on the study of redox and ion exchange reactions, hydrolysis of salts, most of the work on the chemistry of elements. The second type includes the work of the physicochemical plan, the implementation of which requires the use of instruments: determining the thermal effects of reactions, studying the rate of reaction, preparing solutions and determining their concentration. The main point when creating such works, in our opinion, is the complete approximation of the work execution scheme and its hardware design to real conditions.

It should be noted that the object of chemistry research is a substance that has a complex of characteristics and properties that not a single most advanced computer model can reproduce. Therefore, when creating laboratory works on general and inorganic chemistry, the most optimal is the combination of a virtual and real experiment, in which the computer model of the studied process has the auxiliary function of preparing the student for actions with real objects, allows you to speed up the processing of the obtained data, compile a work report, answer a number of typical questions for this work.

An important factor in assessing the quality of virtual laboratory work is the ratio of the active and passive components of student activity. Currently, computerized laboratory workshops are known in which a user (student) monitors what is happening on the monitor screen and describes observations in a notebook. This kind of work can be classified as a virtual simulator of real laboratory work, in which the active component of the student's activity is minimized. The high level of interactivity of virtual laboratory works in chemistry developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University allows you to maximize the experimental component of the learning process and approach the conditions of reality.

The logic of presenting material in virtual laboratory work differs from real work in a more detailed description of the study process, an abundance of prompts and links, as well as the presence of animation. Virtual work requires more clarity in describing the sequence of actions, so it is methodically justified to present this kind of work in the form of a certain number of sections - tabs, each of which carries its own semantic load:

Theoretical material.

Description of operation.

Procedure of work execution.

Laboratory installation.


To succeed in any laboratory work, the student must carefully study the theoretical material on the topic of research, so in virtual laboratory work a section with a similar name should be presented in more detail than in the classical workshop.

The section "Description of work" formulates the purpose of laboratory work, provides the installation diagram, calculation formulas, describes the work with schedules.

In the section "Procedure of work," the student receives step-by-step instructions for performing laboratory work.

In the section "Laboratory installation," the student independently prepares for work, collecting it from component parts, the most real image of which is given in the "tool window."

With the mouse key, the student has the ability to move any components of the installation, weigh substances, stir the solution with a glass stick, in short, carry out a real process in the virtual world. Each incorrect student's action is commented on by a computer, for which the program developers thought through each erroneous student's action, and also indicated those reference points that should be carried out by the student during laboratory work. For example, before the substance is weighed, the tracing paper must be weighed, before the temperature measurement procedure the substance in the water must be mixed, etc. Failure to comply with certain conditions prevents the work from continuing [3].

All chemicals (NaOH, NH4Cl) as well as technical means (flasks, test tubes, cups, thermocouple, scales, etc.) are presented in kind for maximum realism of laboratory work. The image appears when you move the cursor over the corresponding part.

During the experiment, the dependence of temperature change on time is recorded by a computer and a graph of this dependence is drawn on the screen, which was obtained during laboratory work under real conditions.

In the "report" section, the student fills the corresponding sections, fixing the values ​ ​ obtained during the experiment of the measured values.

Many virtual experiments are a model of real environmental problems, which occur around: the occurrence of acid rain, air pollution, etc. Their conduct will help to understand the essence of such phenomena with which the student occurs in nature and in everyday life [4].

Thus, the use of digital educational resources in the educational process allows: to make the lesson more interesting, visible; involve students in active cognitive and research activities; conduct laboratory and practical work under imitation conditions.

The advantages of virtual labs from real ones are: 1) absence the need to purchase expensive equipment and reagents; 2) opportunity modeling processes that are fundamentally impossible in laboratory conditions; 3) observing what is happening on a time scale; 4) safety; 5) possibility of using a virtual laboratory in remote learning.

Using the information technologies of the virtual laboratory, it is possible to achieve a new quality of education, provide methodological support for the educational process using modern, mainly interactive, means and forms of education, as well as increase the educational independence and creative activity of students.

Literature used:

Бабинцева Е. И., Декунова Н. А., Гавронская Ю. Ю. Виртуальные лаборатории для обучения химии // Новые образовательные стратегии в современном информационном пространстве: Сб. научных статей. СПб.: Ленма 2014. С. 195-201.

Гавронская Ю. «Интерактивность» и «интерактивное обучение» // Высшее образование в России, 2008. № 7. С. 101-104.

Леонова О. Н. Методика использования образовательных ресурсов на электронных носителях. Химия (ИД «Первое сентября»), 2005. № 8. С. 13-17.

Князева Е. М. Лабораторные работы нового поколения // Фундаментальные исследования, 2012. Ч. 3. № 6. С. 587-590.

Просмотров работы: 14