XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Babazhanova Gulfina Islamovna 1, Altynbekova Minash Orazbaevna 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави
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As noted in the address of the head of state, in order to become one of the most civilized developed countries in the future, modern education is necessary. The main goal of new education, along with updating the content of Education, requires improving the efficiency of using various teaching methods and tools. With the ever-increasing growth of Science and technology, the theory of pedagogical science and the process of teaching are also undergoing radical changes. In this regard, the paradigm of learning has changed. The content of Education has been updated, and a new approach has emerged. In this regard, teachers are faced with the task of constantly updating teaching methods and mastering technologies, being able to use them effectively.

New requirements for the quality of education require the teacher to be on a par with the student in mastering the content of Education. Criterion-based assessment of students knowledge allows them to use different approaches to teaching and learning, monitor students academic achievements in a timely manner, provide the teacher with the necessary content, increase students motivation to learn, and integrate modern teaching methods. Today, the paradigm of learning has changed. The content of Education has been updated, and a new approach has emerged.

In this regard, teachers are faced with the task of constantly updating teaching methods and mastering technologies, being able to use them effectively. The main goal of the educational program, along with updating the content of Education, requires the introduction of a criterion – based assessment system and improving the effectiveness of using various teaching methods and tools.

The evaluation system is also undergoing radical changes and is moving to a criterion-based assessment system. The assessment system is the main tool for predicting learning problems and measuring success. Evaluation of students learning outcomes is an important part of the learning process, and it can be said that the key to managing the learning process is evaluation.

The term "assessment" in the sense of "sitting close" in Latin – the main characteristic of assessment is that one person closely monitors what another person says or does, or their own thinking, understanding, or behavior in a state of self-control [1].

Criterion – based assessment is a process of comparison with pre-established achievements in the formation of a student's educational and cognitive competence based on the purpose and content of education, i.e. assessment through certain criteria.

The relevance of the revision of the evaluation process is determined by the modern tasks of education, the need to develop uniform requirements for assessment and evaluation of students academic achievements in order to improve the level of education taking into account international standards and requirements for the quality of Education, ensure the authenticity of educational results and competitiveness of graduates of Kazakhstani schools outside the country.

Let's focus on the functions of pedagogical assessment.Regulatory function. On the one hand, it is the establishment of a specific student's achievements according to the approved standard, but on the other hand, it is the administration's supervision of individual students, school classes, the level of their academic performance, and the quality of the teacher's work (according to the experience developed over the past decades). As a result of the first case, the student has the full right to graduate from an educational institution.

Information and forecasting function. It reflects the main points of meaningful communication between all participants in the educational process, the content and emotional reflection of students, as well as the pedagogical reflection of the teacher. Because, first of all, the assessment allows us to think about the correct solution of all issues of the educational process in a particular class, about the normal condition of each student in the Class[2].

In criterion-based assessment, students academic performance is measured by a specific set of pre-defined criteria. Students academic performance in the subject is evaluated in two ways: formative assessment and summative assessment. It stimulates the child's comprehensive search. The advantage of this assessment system is that the child develops thinking and is interested in studying science.

Educational goals in educational programs based on the updated content of education require students to be able to identify and study specific problems. On the way to achieving these goals, students are given a criterion-based assessment. In particular, formative assessment, which directs students, is a form of effective assessment used in the classroom. Formative assessment is carried out systematically throughout the entire quarter during daily classes and is an integral part of the lesson. Formative assessment is carried out regularly, through feedback between the teacher and the student, which contributes to timely correction of the learning process, determining its size, and further planning of the lesson[3]. In order to determine the degree of achievement of students learning goals in the curriculum, according to B. Bloom's taxonomy of learning goals, evaluation criteria are compiled sequentially by the level of thinking skills.

The technology of setting goals in the criterion-based assessment of knowledge is related to the observed, understood and determined actions of students. The criterion-based assessment is based on supporting the teacher in class work, creating a positive impact in the learning process. The results allow the teacher to reflect on their lesson and plan their work for the future. And the student learns the practice of self-analysis and reflection, becomes an active participant not only in the educational process, but also in the evaluation process. In this case, the emphasis is on self-esteem. That is, at the beginning of the lesson, the criteria for the lesson are determined with the goal of what students should know and achieve. Evaluation through the criterion allows students to: know and understand the evaluation criteria for analyzing the result; do not make mistakes by knowing the criteria, give a high-quality result; participate in reflection, that is, evaluate themselves and their friends; deepen their knowledge by participating in the evaluation process, apply real knowledge, be able to express their thoughts freely, think critically[4].

A well-known Eastern thinker said: "A person who knows how to draw conclusions can set goals.” I think that if we change our approach to assessment, introduce criteria-based assessment into our lessons, and focus the personal orientation of our students on an active position, bring the individual to responsibility, results, and our students work to achieve a certain result in each lesson, both the student and the teacher will be able to see the success of their work.


Urmashev B. A. technology of criterion-based assessment: textbook – Almaty: SSK publishing house, 2016. -140 P.

2.State program for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 7, 2010 No. 1118.

Bekzhanova A. introduction of new technologies in the education system. - School of Kazakhstan. – 2018, No. 7, pp. 38-42.

electronic resource: http://www.zkoipk.kz/kz/2015smart1/1510-conf.html

Просмотров работы: 122