At the stage of global digitalization of all spheres of life of modern society, the problem of studying the synergetic potential of students in the educational process is becoming increasingly relevant.
Researchers problem, "synergy potential of students" (A. V. Mudrik, E. N. Knyazeva, S. P. Kurdyumov) combines the view that it should represent the human factor in the dynamics as a continuous, evolving, multifaceted process that characterizes latent abilities
The term "potential" means "hidden possibilities, power, strength". A broad interpretation of the concept of "potential" (from the Latin potential) consists in its consideration as "a source of opportunities, means, stock that can be put into action, used to solve a task or achieve a certain goal; the capabilities of an individual in a certain area". The term "potential" means the presence of someone – a student, a group of students, a collective of an institution-hidden, undetected opportunities or abilities in the relevant areas of life.
Currently, there are three directions in the development of ideas about the synergistic potential of managing the association of students.
Supporters of the first (E. N. Knyazeva, S. P. Kurdyumov, G. A. Kotelnikov) believe that the synergy potential is a system set necessary for the functioning of disclosure or information technology education system, various resources are directly connected with the operation.
Proponents of the second direction (B. G. Grachev, N. N. Kiselev, S. A. Sukhorukov, V. A. Ukhanov) present the synergetic potential of managing the association of students as an information educational system of factors that ensure the possibility of achieving educational goals.
Proponents of the third (G. K. Selevko, N. M. Talanchuk, A. A. Kolesnikov) consider the synergetic potential as the ability of a certain set of resources to solve the tasks assigned to it.
Based on the proposed interpretations, it is possible to determine the synergetic potential of students as a set of opportunities for combining students, in other words, the effectiveness of the synergetic potential of students depends on the correspondence of its functional and structural elements.
The synergetic potential of students simultaneously appears in the unity of spatial and temporal characteristics and concentrates three levels of connections and relationships:
- reflects the past, i.e. it is a set of properties accumulated by the information technology educational system in the process of its formation and determines its ability to function and disclose, self-organization;
- characterizes the present from the point of view of practical application and use of the abilities available to the student, which makes it possible to distinguish between realized and unrealized opportunities.
- focused on the future, because in the process of activity, the student not only realizes his abilities, but also acquires new powers and abilities.
To consider the concept of "synergetic potential of the student", let us turn to the definition of potential, which is considered as "the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the body, the living personality of a person, and which are used by them" (K. Marx, F. Engels, S. L. Rubinstein). In the definition, we are talking on the one hand about the organism, on the other - about the living personality of the student, from which we can conclude that:
- until the moment of employment of the student in the educational process, it is possible to speak only conditionally about physical and spiritual abilities in general;
- the result of the realization of the synergetic potential of the student is a real contribution of the student, it is expressed in a specific product of activity, as well as in a certain level of productivity and efficiency achieved by him.
Thus, "synergy potential of the student" in its origin (the body and lively social personality of a student) and as to use in education can be seen as a "synergy potential of the student" - the source of the ability to self-organize (subjective position) of the student.
From a theoretical and practical point of view, the importance of this fact is to consider the synergetic potential of students as a permanent reserve for improving the effectiveness of education, with the prospect of self-education.
The synergetic potential of the student is not a constant value, it is constantly changing. The ability of the student and the creative abilities of the student accumulated in the course of activity increase with the disclosure and self-improvement, strengthening of health, improving the living conditions of students and decrease with the deterioration of these conditions. In other words, the synergistic potential of students is evaluated not by the degree of preparedness of the student to the lesson in the moment, and his opportunity in the long term (including education, age, personal qualities, experience, motivation, etc.).
The synergistic potential of the student is a combination of physical and spiritual properties of the student to achieve certain results in the given conditions and the ability to self-improve in the activity.
The synergistic potential of the student includes: the state of health, aptitudes and abilities, stamina, performance, depth, volume and diversity of special and General knowledge and skills, contributing to ability to form the specific content and complexity, the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree of assimilation of the norms of the attitude to education, values, needs, interests and requests in education and self-education, based on the hierarchy of their needs. The synergetic potential of the student is the starting point that determines his further behavior for the purpose of self-actualization in the social and professional spheres.
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