Internet Discourse. The study of discourse and its aspects - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Internet Discourse. The study of discourse and its aspects

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The study of discourse has a rather long history, being one of the actively developing areas not only of linguistics, but also of related disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.

For the first time, the term "discourse" was introduced by the American linguist Z. Harris in 1952 in the article "Discourse Analysis" [1, p. 1-30]. In his words,"discourse analysis", it is "a method of analyzing related speech." The method is intended "to extend descriptive linguistics beyond a single sentence at a given time and to correlate culture and language" [2, p. 91].

It is worth saying that with the emergence of the Internet in the late 60s, not just a global information environment was formed, but a special virtual world in which its own network culture and network language was formed. Since the 1960s, the concept of discourse has become popular not only in linguistics, but also in most of the humanities. This was due to the so-called "linguistic turn", which was provoked by the spread of structuralist methodology and the emergence of structural linguistics.

The French school of discourse Analysis made a great contribution to the development of a structural-linguistic approach to the study of discourse. The direction of discourse analysis is represented by the work of Michel Pêcheux "Automatic analysis of discourse".

Pêcheux’s discourse - is a combination of linguistic and ideological structural approaches in the discourse analysis of specific texts.Michel Pêcheux, identifying the main strategies for answering questions, takes positions that are fundamentally opposed to a purely linguistic analysis of discourse,Pêcheux considers discourse as “one of the material aspects of ideology”.

According to Pêcheux, "each discursive formation supports some specific conditions of production" [3, p. 38], while the conditions of production should be understood as the material, social and cultural environment of the subjects of discourse.

For him, discourse is neither a passive "reflection" of non-discursive phenomena, nor a mere consequence of them, nor a mere attribute or guarantor of their stability. He argues that "the constitution of the effects of meaning occurs starting from the internal relations of paraphrasing", and "referential relations are implicated by these effects" [4, p. 17]. This means that, being conditioned by specific socio-cultural conditions, discourse generates the meaning of certain sign units: "the meaning of a certain textual sequence is materially comprehensible only when this sequence is considered with reference to a particular discursive formation" [4, p. 17].

Due to the fact that “Internet discourse” is a fairly rapidly developing area, then and now, many definitions of it have been put forward. After that, for a decade, many linguists tried to define this term, but all of them did not go beyond the description of traditional concepts of speech and text.

Professor T. Van Dijk of the University of Amsterdam considered discourse from the point of view of communication. He defines discourse as a concept concerning speech, oral and written, actual speech action, whereas text is a concept concerning the system of language, mainly an abstract, formal construction. Discourse - in the most general sense - is a written or verbal verbal product of a communicative action. At the same time, the use of the concept of "discourse" always refers to some specific objects in a specific situation and in a specific context [5, p.153].

A number of linguists (V. E. Chernyavskaya, P. F. Kompantseva, E. S. Kubryakova, etc.) reduce different understandings of discourse to two main interpretations: "a specific communicative event recorded in written texts and oral speech, carried out in a certain cognitive and typologically determined communicative space, a set of thematically related texts" [6, p.16].

There are many definitions and approaches to Internet - discourse. Based on what is written above, we can distinguish 2 main understandings of Internet discourse.

The first – when the discourse refers to fragments of reality with a temporal length of the logic of deployment (plot) and "constitute a complete essay based on the organization of senses (complete "work", for example, in the form of text) using the semantic code (dictionary etc.)" [9, p. 14].

The second – is when discourse is considered as a special type of communication.

Aspects and problems of Internet discourse

Signs of Internet discourse

- virtuality

- distance (use at a distance)

- usage through devices

- hypertextuality (for example: using links)

- emotionality (can be expressed verbally and non-verbally)

- a combination of discourses (recognized by genre, orientation)

- the specifics of communication (manifested in spelling, vocabulary, pictures, etc.)

Aspects of Internet discourse

- cognitive (for example: site organization)

- social

- interactive (interaction, be involved in the creation process)

- variability (reflection of different presentation of information)

Varieties of Internet discourse

- informative genre

- directive genre (advertising, online stores, commercial ads)

- communication genre (social networks, mail)

- - presentation (block, web page)

-aesthetic (artistic and creative sites)

Problems of Internet discourse

- it is difficult to control what is happening on the Internet

- receipt of false information

- anonymity

- addiction


Zellig S. Harris. Discourse Analysis. Linguistic Society of America.1952, pp. 1-30

Makarov M. L. Fundamentals of the theory of discourse. - Moscow: IDGC "Gnosis", 2003, 280 p.

Pecheux, M. Analyse automatique du discourse. – Paris: Dunod, 1969

Mozheyko, M. Automatic analysis of discourse // Postmodernism: Encyclopedia. - Minsk, 2001, p. 17

Van Dijk T. A., Kinch V. Strategies for understanding a coherent text. New in foreign linguistics. Cognitive aspects of language, Moscow: Progress, 1988, pp. 153-211.

Chernyavskaya V. E. Linguistics of the text: polycode, intertextuality, interdiscursivity: textbook. manual. - M.: Book house "Librocom", 2009. 73 p.

Ilyin M. V. Words and meanings: the experience of describing political concepts. - M., 1997.

Просмотров работы: 41