Computational Linguistics - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Computational Linguistics

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In the 20s of the last century, an autonomous scientific discipline of applied linguistics appeared, which is engaged in the development of methods for solving practical problems related to the use of language. Applied linguistics was born after the need for a rigorous scientific solution of linguistic problems using precise formal methods was realized.

General methods for solving problems of applied linguistics are developed by theoretical linguistics, as well as mathematical linguistics. Therefore, modern applied linguistics includes many questions of computational linguistics.

Most linguists consider computer linguistics to be a branch of applied linguistics in which linguistic problems are solved using a computer.

Computational linguistics as a special direction took shape in the 60s of the last century. This is a broad area of use of computer programs, computer technologies of organization and data processing in order to create functional models [1]. The Russian term «компьютернаялингвистика» is a calque from the English word «computational linguistics».

B. Y. Gorodetsky writes: «The term «computational linguistics» sets a general orientation on the use of computers for solving a variety of scientific and practical problems related to language, without limiting the ways of solving these problems».

According to A. N. Baranov, most of the concepts of computational linguistics tools are homonymous: they are simultaneously found in the study of the human cognitive system and as ways of representing these entities in some metalanguages. The very problem of operating knowledge — its representation, storage, search, processing, use in computer programs-is a problem of both cognitive and computational linguistics.computers for solving various scientific and practical problems associated with language, not limiting the solutions to those challenges»

The range of tasks includes: linguistic modeling, algorithmization, linguistic support of scientific and technical information systems, creation of text generation systems, creation of computer language learning systems, machine translation, development of various types of machine (automated) dictionaries, development of information transmission systems via the Internet, etc.

The central problem of computational linguistics is modeling the process of understanding meaning, that is, from texts in a formal language to texts in a natural language. [2]

Computational linguistics is a branch of applied linguistics that focuses on the use of computer tools — programs, computer technologies for organizing and processing data - to model the functioning of a language in certain conditions, situations, problem areas, etc. In fact, it is only in the latter case that we are talking about applied linguistics in the strict sense, since computer modeling of a language can also be considered as a sphere of application of computer science and programming theory to solving problems of language science. In practice, however, computational linguistics includes almost everything related to the use of computers in linguistics.

The flow of publications in this area is very large. In addition to thematic collections, the journal "Computational Linguistics" is published quarterly in the United States. The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), which has regional structures (in particular, the European branch), carries out much organizational and scientific work. International Conference on Computational Linguistics — COLING is held every two years. The relevant issues are usually widely presented at various conferences on artificial intelligence.

Computational linguistics as a special applied discipline is distinguished primarily by the tool — that is, by the use of computer tools for processing language data. There are general principles of computer modeling of thinking that are somehow implemented in any computer model. They are based on the theory of knowledge, originally developed in the field of artificial intelligence, and later became one of the branches of cognitive science.

The most important conceptual categories of computational linguistics are:

"frames" (conceptual, or, as they say, conceptual structures for the declarative representation of knowledge about a typified thematically unified situation),

"scenarios" (conceptual structures for the procedural representation of knowledge about a stereotyped situation or stereotyped behavior),

"plans" (knowledge structures that fix ideas about possible actions leading to the achievement of a certain goal)

The difference between traditional methods of natural language processing and computational linguistics is that the former focuses on modeling everything that linguistics studies in general, while the latter focuses on building mathematical models that can describe natural languages [6].

Perhaps the most obvious way to use machines in linguistics is machine translation, which is used every day by a large number of people today.

However, machines can be used not only to translate text, but also to process it. Recognizing and synthesizing speech, analyzing and generating texts are the main tasks of this area.

Another achievement of computational linguistics, which is used by a large number of people, including linguists themselves, are electronic dictionaries and online dictionaries.

Computational linguistics is an important area of modern science not only because it deepens AI research, but also because any advance in this field helps us in understanding the evolutionary process of human language development and thinking.

Currently, the use of modern means of computer technology has clear advantages for the study and study of languages.


Baranov A.N. Introduction to applied linguistics. [Vvedenie v prikladnuju lingvistiku]. Moscow: editorial URSS, 2001. p. 360.

Belonogov, G.G., Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i perspektivnye informatsionnye tekhnologii (Computational Linguistics and Advanced Information Technology), Moscow: Russkii Mir, 2004. p. 248

Bolshakov, I.A., Gelbukh A. Computational Linguistics. Models, Resources, Applications. Mexico, IPN, 2004.

Maslova, V.A. Modern linguistic approaches. KSR. Methodical recommendation / V.A. Maslova. 2003. p. 37

Piotrowski, R.G. Inzzenernaja lingvistika i teorija jazyka [Language engineering and theory of language]. L.: Nauka, 1979. p.113

Shemakin The beginnings of computational linguistics. Moscow: MGOU, Rosvuznauka, 1992. p. 114

Просмотров работы: 4