National character through the prism of the English language - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

National character through the prism of the English language

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Language is one of the most important means of determining the identity of a person, in addition, it is the most important attribute of a person. At the same time, man is the central figure in the picture of the world that language paints.

Any language has a set of lexical-semantic, grammatical, and pragmatic means for making judgments about each of the sides of a person, including his character.

A language outside of culture is an artificial language. Culture outside of language is just some of the arts, such as music, but here we mean language in the narrow sense of the word, and not in terms of semiotics, where each art form has its own language. Language transforms a crowd into an ethnic group, a nation.

Let's now talk about the national character of the language

National character is a complex set of qualities, in which the shortcomings are only extensions of the advantages and vice versa.

the most reliable and scientifically acceptable evidence of the existence of a national character is the national language. It not only displays, but also forms the character of its carrier.

The national character is formed at the earliest stage of the formation of modern nations, so it is the part of consciousness that is least subject to change or changes most slowly.

The national character is a manifestation of all the contradictions that are present in our culture and history.

The national character is formed over many centuries and represents the deepest layers of consciousness and the unconscious in man.

One of the most serious works about the national character is the work of Ter-Minasova, according to which the source of the idea of the national character is international anecdotes, folklore, and classical fiction. It is by these elements that one can get an idea of the national character of a particular people.

Nationality is a special form of national identification in which people view themselves as constantly interconnected because they speak the same language or dialect of a common language. They inhabit a certain territory, enjoy its ecosystem, have common traditions and customs, including the memory of the historical past, and have a common national character.

Nationality satisfies, in varying degrees of intensity, the needs for security, for love, for self-affirmation. Therefore, it is a very deep, basic feeling that often determines a person's mentality. And the mentality of a person lies at the heart of the national character.

From this we can conclude that the formation of civil political culture in Russia can be hindered not only by the peculiarities of the Russian national character.


1. Maslova V. A. Modern trends in linguistics. Moscow: Akademiya, 2008. 120 p.

2. Actual problems of modern linguistics: Textbook / / Comp. L. N. Churilina. M.: Flint: Nauka, 2016.


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