Innovations. - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


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Today, in order to function in an economic crisis, any organization needs to change. This fact is recognized by most managers. In the context of modern HR work, the ability to innovate is not a whim, but an urgent need that depends not on the industry, not on the size and age of the company, but on the management.

In my work, I would like to analyze personnel management, and in particular innovations in the field of personnel management. It is well known that the personnel is the most important part of the enterprise and represents one of the most valuable resources of innovative development. The key to the success of an organization is its staff with their own skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. Continuous development of personnel, the search for new approaches to their management are necessary attributes of the successful functioning of the organization.

A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all the conditions for the most complete return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential. Traditional personnel management services do not have the professionalism and organizational status to ensure optimal functioning of personnel in innovative systems. Therefore, the tasks of socio-psychological diagnostics of the team, analysis and regulation of group and interpersonal relations, conflict and stress management, taking into account professional characteristics and socio-psychological adaptation of employees, management of labor motivation, etc.were not solved at all by HR departments. In innovative teams, they are solved by an innovative Manager, while traditional controls make up the technology of human resource management.

1. Creating an innovative attitude in the organization

Innovation—innovation, innovation that has become the subject of development and implementation.

Innovations,first of all, it is an innovative approach to the staff itself. The staff is no longer seen as a gray mass, each employee is seen as an individual. This approach is required by the market. It cannot be said that the personnel services of all enterprises have already been able to rebuild and work in this way, but there are clear shifts in this direction. The vision of each employee as an individual gives an impetus to such areas in the work of HR managers as the development of an effective system of personnel certification, the development of a system of employee motivation, the management of an employee's business career, etc. The main thing is to create a special innovative atmosphere in the company, this is much talked about by foreign experts in the field of management, and now Russian managers have come to realize this problem. As a successful EXAMPLE of creating an innovative atmosphere in the company, we can cite the experience of Sony: its success is largely due to the fact that managers have the ability to cooperate. The company respects the opinion of different people, different opinions allow you to find the truth and develop the company. Employees strive to constantly make innovative proposals, which are strongly encouraged. In the company, on average, there are up to 10 innovation proposals per employee per year. On the last day of the working week, a beautiful young employee of the company (her hair and manicure are done by a stylist invited at the expense of the company) in festive clothes carries envelopes with awards for innovation proposals. Moreover, awards are also given to those employees whose ideas were rejected. This approach to encouraging innovative thinking of employees is an important part of the company's motivation system.

2. Content of innovation activities

Content of innovative activity of the enterprise. Innovation is the main means of ensuring the competitiveness of products and ensuring the sustainability of the success of the enterprise (Corporation) in the market as a whole. Because of this, the management of innovative activities is an integral part and one of the main directions of strategic management of the enterprise.

Strategy of the innovation enterprise focused on scientific and technical progress (NTP) to use its results to improve production efficiency and ensure the competitiveness of products and businesses as a whole. This is achieved by the detailed development of innovation goals based on the strategic programs (strategic plan) of the enterprise. The main attention in innovation management is paid to the development of a strategy and technical policy of innovations (innovation policy) and specific measures for their implementation. Innovation is called:

benefits unknown to the consumer (new products, services);

unknown method of production of products or services;

development of new materials and elements;

obtaining a new source of raw materials and energy;

organizational innovations (development of a new market, obtaining new forms of financing, etc.).

Under the innovation (innovation), it is customary to understand a specific object or event introduced into production based on the results of a scientific study or a discovery (invention) that is qualitatively different from the previous analog.

Innovation is characterized by a higher technological level, new consumer qualities of a product or service compared to the previous product. The concept of "innovation" is applied to all innovations, both in production and in organizational, financial, research, educational and other spheres of activity of the enterprise, as well as to improvements that provide cost savings or even create conditions for such savings. Innovations can be divided into two main types: technical and organizational.

Technical innovations include: new products, new technologies, or new services. Often, the success of an enterprise is determined by the joint effect obtained when introducing a new product, new technology and new services. Technical innovations can also be classified according to their knowledge intensity, the amount of capital expenditures, the payback period, and their impact on the development of a particular enterprise or industry. In this case, they can be classified as basic and applied innovations, innovations to improve products, technologies or services, and modification innovations. The most radical impact on the success of the enterprise and the economy as a whole are the basic innovations associated with the development of scientific and technological progress. The largest share in the practice of industrial enterprises are innovations to improve (improve) products and the smallest-modification innovations.

The main objective prerequisites (root causes) of the emergence of technical innovations are new technical capabilities and new needs, on which two well-known models of the innovation process are based. Statistics of the results of the analysis of the root causes of various innovations in different industries and in different countries indicate that the need plays a more important role than new technical capabilities in the development of innovative processes. At the same time, practice shows that in order to achieve success, it is necessary to take into account and timely use both root causes and the corresponding innovative models.

Organizational innovations tend to pay off faster than technical innovations and are therefore also important. For the success of the enterprise. These include: innovations in the organization of production, new marketing methods, financial innovations, new management methods, structural innovations, innovations related to changes in competition, market characteristics and segmentation, and other innovations.

The innovation process covers the cycle from the origin of the idea to its practical implementation and includes:

1) exploratory scientific research aimed at finding new processes, systems and devices, new types of processing and methods of manufacturing equipment objects, new forms and methods of production organization;

2) scientific research and development of new products, new technology and new forms and methods of production organization, including experimental design and technological developments;

3) creation and carrying out necessary tests of experimental and head industrial samples of new equipment, devices of machines.

3. The essence of innovation management

The essence of innovation management is the management of innovative activities of the enterprise using the principles of functions and methods of management, aimed at achieving its (the enterprise) common goals.

The objectives of innovation management are:

1. Development and implementation of new products or services.

2. Modernization and improvement of manufactured products.

3. Improvement and development of production of traditional types of products and services for the enterprise.

4. Creating conditions for ensuring more efficient operation and increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The formation of specific goals of innovation management is reflected in the scientific and technical policy of the enterprise.

Scientific and technical policy is subordinated to the achievement of the main goal of the enterprise: the most complete satisfaction of consumer requirements for the quantity and quality of products with the lowest possible costs for its development and production.

When developing a scientific and technical policy, the goals of innovation management should reflect the features of innovation activity in a particular enterprise. First, they are formulated taking into account the reason that caused the innovation, including: a survival response that requires innovation, or providing a long-term development strategy for the enterprise that requires proactive measures to achieve success. Secondly, they are determined by the subject and scope of innovations. Innovations can be new products, services, new areas of application of the product or implementation of services in the market, new technology, organization, management, etc. Third, the goals of innovation take into account the required depth of the innovation process, including the development of high technologies with the state support of " sponsors and other sources of capital, modernization of production under the influence of competition, rationalization and reconstruction to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, and fourth, these goals reflect the depth of integration of the innovation process, which is determined by the availability of the results of specialized sources (deep integration); using industry research institutes, design and special design bureaus (medium integration); independent research and development of the enterprise (small integration).

Taking into account the formulated features of innovation activity, the content of innovation management includes:

The development of plans and programs of innovative activity.

Review (analysis and evaluation) of new product development projects.

Coordination of the activities of the company's divisions in the field of innovation and implementation of a unified innovation policy.

Monitoring the development of new products and their introduction into production.

Interaction with marketing activities in the formation of the main directions of scientific, technical and production activities to ensure the competitiveness of products and the efficiency of the enterprise, taking into account the requirements of consumers, competition in the industry and market conditions.

Justification and provision of innovative activity programs of the enterprise with financial resources, material resources and qualified personnel.

Creation of temporary target groups for complex solution of innovative problems: from the definition (selection) of an idea to the organization of mass production of new products.

A feature of the current stage of development and ensuring the effectiveness of innovation is the creation of unified research, development and production complexes in corporations and large firms. Since the 80s, there has been a clear trend of reorientation of the focus of scientific, technical and production and sales activities in the formation and implementation of innovation policies of large enterprises and corporations. This is reflected in the desire to increase the share of high-tech products in the range of products, which gives the company additional opportunities to expand related technical services (engineering, consulting, leasing and Others), as well as to reduce the cost of production of traditional products.

4. Motivation of staff

With the development of scientific and technological progress, it becomes more and more difficult to control a person from the outside. The result of activity increasingly begins to depend on the will and capabilities of the employee, determined by qualifications. Under these conditions, each person must determine their own behavior.

In this case, motivation and qualification become the main, Central problem of personnel management, and the creation of conditions for a more complete identification of its labor potential becomes key to the viability of firms.

As for those engaged in scientific activities, the issues of motivation for them play a much greater role than for other employees.

In addition, the work of employees engaged in scientific activities is difficult to normalize, and the process of control over these employees becomes more complicated. So, for example, visual observation of these workers ( which makes sense in the case of workers engaged in some unskilled manual labor, for example), monitoring the beginning and end of work, etc., practically loses its meaning.

When it comes to motivation, it is assumed to distinguish two groups of factors (two-factor theory of motivation by Frederick Herzberg.):

hygienic (external to work), which relieve dissatisfaction with work;

motivation factors (internal, inherent in the work).

The first group of factors usually includes such as normal working conditions, sufficient wages, a respectful attitude of the boss, etc. These factors do not automatically determine positive motivation.

The second group of factors suggests that each individual can work motivationally when he sees a goal and considers it possible to achieve it.

A sharp change in the economic situation in our country, the emergence of market relations influenced the change in the system of values. Thus, the emergence of new and wider opportunities leads to an increase in the role of money. This, obviously, could not but affect the set of motivational attitudes of scientists, when material needs come to the fore, and professional interests take secondary places.

It is also noted abroad that the material needs of scientists play an important role among other needs.

So, for example, the management of the Italian firm “Olivetti " emphasizes that for management “it is a deadly mistake to assume that creative people do not worry about wages.”

Therefore, in high-tech firms, various systems of positions and titles for scientific and technical personnel are being developed. Firms in Western Europe are increasingly using the American experience in distinguishing scientific and scientific-administrative functions of employees in the field of R & d. In this regard, specific schemes for career development of personnel with appropriate salary systems are used.

The art of management plays an important role in the effectiveness of the organization. Usually, taking into account the factors that determine positive motivation leads to an increase in labor productivity. However, performance factors are not always associated with job satisfaction. Sometimes people are satisfied with their work because they are not very busy or practically do not work.

Modern theories of motivation are divided into two categories: substantive and procedural.

Meaningful ones are based on the fact that there are internal motivations that make a person act.

In procedural theories of motivation, the behavior of an individual is determined not only by needs, but is also a function of his perception and expectations associated with a given situation, and the possible consequences of the type of behavior chosen by them.

5. Personnel planning

The role of personnel planning increases in connection with the development of scientific and technological progress, which is due to the lengthening of the terms of training specialists, an increase in the share of qualified employees, etc.

From the above it follows that in scientific institutions the role of personnel planning is higher than in any other enterprises, firms.

Mistakes in personnel planning can lead to a lack of necessary employees in a certain place, and can also lead to social costs for the entire society.

In many ways, the effectiveness of research teams depends on the correct involvement of personnel. Planning to attract personnel allows you to answer the question “ " How can you meet the actual need for personnel with a future perspective?”

At the same time, it is necessary to consider both the internal (collective of the operating enterprise) and the external labor market in relation to the enterprise.

In General, internal recruitment should be considered the best, as the belief that you can get a promotion at your own enterprise is strengthened.

The entire system of personnel work related to the involvement of personnel should be carried out with a certain advance in relation to scientific and technical work, since what is done in the field of personnel work today, tomorrow will affect the level of research or project work.

A very important role is played by the selection and training of a reserve of scientific and engineering personnel for promotion. This should take into account such factors as retirement, turnover, layoffs due to the end of the employment contract, the expansion of the scope of the organization's activities.

The reserve should be a group of employees of promising age (40-45 years) who have established themselves as capable managers and specialists. This group of employees becomes the main source of replenishment of senior personnel in the event of vacancies.

The forms of reserve training can be different. So these persons can replace managers during their illness, vacation, business trip; they can be appointed to intermediate positions; they can undergo internships in other organizations; they can study at various courses, etc.

The formation and preparation of the reserve for nomination should be accompanied by the creation of the necessary moral and psychological climate in the team.

External recruitment tools include: publication of advertisements in Newspapers, magazines, etc., conclusion of contracts with higher educational institutions, organization of students ' work during practice.

Certification of specialists is of great importance from the point of view of improving the efficiency of work.

Under the certification of an employee, we understand the definition of his qualifications, level of knowledge or a review of his abilities, business and other qualities.

The materials of the certification reflect comments to the certified person, give recommendations for eliminating shortcomings, and, if necessary, recommendations to the management about the promotion of the employee, material incentives or inconsistency of his position.

Usually, certification commissions consider the following documents: characteristics of the re-elected, lists of published scientific papers and scientific reports, patents; acts of implemented completed research; information from the personnel Department about incentives and disciplinary shortcomings.


1. Vesnin V. R. "Management in questions and answers": textbook. - M.: TK velbi, publishing house Prospect, 2006.

2. gerchikova I. N. "Management": textbook for Universities – - 4th ed., reprint. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2006.

3. Fundamentals of innovation management. Theory and practice:

4.Textbook / L. S. Barutin, etc.; edited by A. K. Kazantsev, L. E.

5.The Mindeli. 2-e Izd. Rev. Moscow: ZAO "publishing house "Ekonomika", 2004.


What are innovations in HR work at the moment?

What is called an innovation?

What applies to technical innovations?

What applies to organizational innovation?

What does the innovation process include?

How Sony company encourages its employees?

What are the goals of innovation management?

What are the goals of innovation management in developing science and technology policy?

What does the content of innovation management include?

What two groups of factors are distinguished in the theory of motivation?

What belongs to the external motivation group?

What belongs to the group of internal motivation?

Why are various systems of positions and titles for scientific and technical personnel being developed?

What 2 categories are divided into modern theories of motivation?

What is the basis of meaningful modern theories of motivation?

What is the basis of modern procedural theories of motivation?

what should the reserve of scientific and engineering personnel?

What are the forms of reserve preparation?

What applies to means external set?

What is meant by employee certification?

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