Nowadays choosing career pathways among students is becoming more and more important. Many factors can influence a student’s decision. The factors that affect students in choosing their profession include family, vocation, salary and past experiences. Higher education is just a formal education which leads individuals to their respective professions. But most importantly it’s the person’s characteristics, skills and abilities. In addition to these factors, gender can also affect what field a student may choose.
The acmeogram making is the main method of the acmeographic approach. It is a system of requirements, conditions and factors contributing to the progressive development of professional skill and personality of a specialist. Acmeogram making is widely accepted as an effective method of breaking the gap between education and work. Career guidance program like this is intended to help students understand their own potential and develop it. The process of making a choice is complex and unique for each person depending on its characteristics and potential. Being professional is about having strong skills and competence in your chosen field. [2] There is a certain obvious expectation that you would have the experience and qualification to deliver your product or service.
The acmeological method is a set of techniques, methods of action that allow to effectively solve acmeological problems and tasks. But sometimes they are also called acmeographic, since they were developed within the acmeographic approach. The first of these is acmeographic descriptions. Making an acmeogram will allow the future specialist to identify their own ways of moving to higher levels of professionalism. [1]
Choosing a career path is a huge part of a young man or woman’s life. The major students choose will affect how they will live the rest of their life. A lot of students go through college having no idea of their future occupation. Before students can make a decision they need to experience what their supposed profession is like and what it involves. [3]
Although the acmeogram is always individual, its development should be carried out according to a standardized methodological scheme:
- conducting acmeographic research (testing, expert assessments, observations, interviews, polls, a thorough description of the characterological characteristics and moral qualities of a person;
- drawing up an acmeographic description (data from direct measurements and scores);
- according to the results of the survey, identification:
factors hindering this growth
changes in the motivation sphere
the dynamics of personal development and what promotes and hinders it
individual recommendations for personal and professional growth
technologies that are advisable to apply for this.
The acmeogram allows us to study a person's biography and, based on the data, not only improve mastering knowledge and skills, but find patterns in the development of a successful person as well.
For the further analysis let us consider an example of a student’s acmeogram:
№1 December 22nd, 2020
Full name: Dronov Anton Igorevich
Gender: male
Age: 19
Education: Vladimir State University, major "Linguistics" (bachelor degree).
Specialty: Customer Service Agent
1. Abilities and potential: Critical thinking; self-motivation; working well in a team; good memory; tendency for learning languages; the ability to analyze a problem and find solutions; a tendency to think logically.
2. Individuality: High self-assessment of abilities; the dominant values are persistence, confidence and ambition; a sufficient level of creativity; the driving factor is the expectation for a good evaluation of work.
3. Moral qualities and characteristics: Responsibility can be distinguished among moral qualities; perseverance and motivation; the ability to continue doing something despitedifficulties; honesty.
4. Professional characteristics: High proficiency in the field of foreign languages. Experience in translation with the knowledge of English (and also, in the future, German) language at a high level, with existing abilities. Getting higher education allows you to get the necessary knowledge and form a deep understanding of the subject for successful professional activity. Skills include translation of news feeds, text analysis and cross-cultural advice.
5. Invariants of professionalism: Responding to people promptly and following through on promises; strong-will qualities and the ability to take responsibility; good level of self-control; ability to make and execute decisions;
General conclusion. The set of personal and professional qualities allow the compiler of the acmeogram to successfully develop his strengths and potential. Professional skills and abilities make it possible to work effectively as a translator or customer service agent. Moral qualities and individual characteristics show reliability, responsibility and contribution to personal growth. The qualities that can be improved include creative approach to work, the level of proficiency and the performance quality.
In general, our research shows that the implementation of psychological and acmeological support of professional activity allows people to more effectively solve practical tasks that reflect the interests of a specific person. The set of personal and professional qualities allows a student to successfully assess his potential and get a detailed analysis of his professional personality. Professional skills and abilities make it possible to effectively find a suitable job. At the same time, the employer can assess the abilities of such an employee and consider suitable vacancies for him. To summarize, acmeogram making is a significant method for improvement of the efficiency and quality of future specialists.
List of references:
Derkach A. A., Kuzmina N. V. Akmeologiya: puti dostizheniya vershin professionalizma. 1993. 98 p.
Carol S. Dweck. 2007. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. 320 p.
Beggs, J.M, J.H. Bantham,and S. Taylor. 2008. Distinguishing the factors influencing college students’ choice of major. 381 p.