Technological processes in mechanical engineering - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Technological processes in mechanical engineering

Самохвалов А.А. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет
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Mechanical engineering is one of the most important industries in the industrial complex of our country. Technical progress in mechanical engineering is characterized not only by the improvement of the design of machines, but also by the continuous improvement of their production technology. It is important to produce any machine or part in a high-quality, economical and timely manner with minimal costs of living and materialized labor.

The development of new advanced technological processing processes contributes to the design of more modern machines and mechanisms, and reduce their cost. The task of improving the quality of machines and, first of all, their accuracy is urgent. In mechanical engineering, precision is particularly important for improving the operational quality of machines. Ensuring the specified accuracy at the lowest cost is the main task in the development of technological processes.

Technology largely determines the state and development of production. Its level depends on labor productivity, the efficiency of spending material and energy resources, the quality of products and other indicators.

The design of the technological process is the most important stage of the technological preparation of production, which affects the entire life cycle of the product and can become decisive when making a decision on the production of a particular product.

When designing technological processes, trends in technology improvement are taken into account. The most important technology trends in mechanical engineering are: use of cutting tools from new tool materials, the extension of the scope of equipment with numerical control, using methods of resource saving, and improving dimensional and geometric accuracy achieved during machining.

In modern market conditions, the competitiveness of manufactured products, including machine-building products, is crucial when selling them to consumers. One of the ways to increase the competitiveness of mechanical engineering products is to reduce metal consumption, reduce waste and metal losses due to the rational use of blanks, economical methods of forming and machining. It is also important to choose the method of obtaining blanks that correspond to the production conditions of a particular machine-building enterprise. A rationally selected workpiece allows you to reduce the allowances and, as a result, the volume of subsequent cutting processing, labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products.

Innovative technological solutions will reduce the amount of equipment, mechanize and automate the part processing process, which will reduce the cost of the part, the time for its processing, increase productivity, processing accuracy and surface quality of the part.

It should be noted that if the item is no longer in demand on the market, thanks to the use of highly technological equipment it is possible to promptly start the production of entirely different products at no additional cost.



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Просмотров работы: 212