The term concept in linguistics - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

The term concept in linguistics

Dodonova Alina Alekseevna 1
1Vladimir State University named after the Stoletovs
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The term "concept" has entered the conceptual apparatus of cognitive science, semantics, linguoculturology. The period of approval of the term in science is necessarily associated with a certain blurring of boundaries, the arbitrariness of its use, mixing with terms that are close in meaning and/or language form [1].

Currently, there is no clear and precise definition of the term "concept", since it covers several areas at once: cognitive science, semantics and linguoculturology. This term is similar to other similar terms in language form. The main task is to give a precise and clear definition that would include all aspects of the term "concept".

There are many points of view on what a concept is.

The well-known linguist S. A. Askoldov defines it as a mental formation that replaces an indefinite set of objects of the same kind in the process of thought [2]. According to S. A. Askold, the concept can be a substitute for some aspects of the subject or real actions, such as the concept of "justice", and can also be a substitute for various kinds of at least very precise, but purely mental functions. These are, for example, mathematical concepts [3]. S. A. Askoldov focuses his attention on the fact that the substitutive role of concepts in the field of thought, in General, coincides in its purpose and meaning with various kinds of substitutive functions in the field of real life relations, and there are a lot of such substitutions in the life sphere [4]. The scientist talks a lot about the nature of cognitive concepts. Figuratively speaking, he says about the concept that these are the buds of the most complex inflorescences of mental concreteness [5]. It should also be mentioned about the concept of cognition. S. A. Askoldov argues that the concept of cognition is always related to some multiple objectivity-ideal or real [6]. He defines the word as an organic part of the concept [7].

Other scientists give different definitions.

Such well-known scientists as Z. D. Popova and I. A. Sternin define the concept as " a discrete mental formation that is the basic unit of the human thought code, has a relatively ordered internal structure, is the result of cognitive (cognitive) activity of the individual and society and carries complex, encyclopedic information about the reflected object or phenomenon, the interpretation of this information by public consciousness and the attitude of public consciousness to this

phenomenon or object" [8].R. M. Frumkina notes that the concept is the object of conceptual analysis, the meaning of which is "to trace the path of cognition of the meaning of the concept and write the result in a formalized semantic language" [9]. Conceptual analysis is research for which the concept is the object of analysis. The meaning of conceptual analysis is essentially knowledge of the concept, i.e. the concept is knowledge about an object from the world of reality. A. p. Babushkin in the monograph " Types of concepts in lexical and phraseological semantics

language " considers concepts as structures of knowledge representation. He understands the concept "as any discrete content unit of collective consciousness, reflecting the object of the real or ideal world, stored in the national memory of native speakers in the form of a recognized substrate. The concept is verbalized, denoted by a word, otherwise its existence is impossible" [10].

"Concept" and "concept" are not equal, as V. N. Telia notes in his works. She believes that " the change of the term "concept" to the term "concept"is not just a terminological replacement: a concept is always knowledge structured in a frame, which means that it reflects not just the

essential features of the object, but all those that are filled with knowledge about the essence in a given language team." "Concepts, stereotypes, standards, symbols, mythologems, etc. – signs of national and – more broadly-universal culture" [11].

His explanation of the terms "concept" and "concept" and gave Yu. s. Stepanov, who believes that the concept and notion of the terms of different Sciences; the concept is used mainly in logic and philosophy, and the term "concept" as a term in mathematical logic, in the last

time entrenched in the science of culture, in cultural studies .

Yu. s. Stepanov, while considering the concept as a fact of culture, identifies three components, or three "layers" concept:

1) the main, actual feature;

2) additional, or several additional, "passive" signs that are

already irrelevant, " historical»;

3) an internal form, usually not at all conscious, imprinted in an external, verbal form [13].

In modern research, the analysis of the concept of" concept " is conducted in two directions:

1. on the epistemology of the concept (from the point of view of the origin of the concept and its "location", as well as its relationship with reality and forms of its manifestation).

2. on the typology of concepts (from the point of view of a certain science (discipline), taking into account its conceptual apparatus and its needs in this term).

The concept is a mental unit, an element of consciousness. Human consciousness is the intermediary between the real world and language. The consciousness receives cultural information, it is filtered, processed, systematized: "Concepts form 'a kind of cultural layer mediating between man and the world' "[4].

According to V. V. Kolesov, "concept grain permasmile, semantic "fetus" word"; "Concept and therefore becoming a reality racemase, figuratively this word that really exists, just as there is language, the phoneme, the morpheme and the other, already identified by science "noumena" plan of content, for every culture is vital. A concept is something that is not subject to change in the semantics of a word sign, which, on the contrary, directs the thought of speakers of a given language, determining their choice and creating the potential possibilities of language-speech."

And unlike image, symbol, concept "concept is not expanded in any question, for it was he – and the starting point, and the completion of the process at a new level of semantic development in the language; it is the source of universal meaning that is available in multiple forms and values".

To describe the concept word in sociopolitical discourse, first of all, it is necessary to use complex lexicography based on the data of more than one dictionary, with the obligatory involvement of the latest dictionaries. As noted by A. G. Berdnikova, "dictionary of the description of lexical units

they refer to the language picture of the world, they describe the building blocks from which the language picture of the world, in fact, is formed. They reflect the linguistic mentality of native speakers of a particular natural language." But "explanatory dictionaries partly show the degree of representation of the concept in the minds of native speakers: what is the set, the hierarchy of semantic components that they consist of" [5].

The following structure is proposed By S. G. Vorkachev. It identifies the composition of the linguocultural concept three components: conceptual, reflecting his traits and definitionsfactory, shaped, fixing cognitive metaphors that support the concept in the linguistic consciousness, and znachimostnoy-defined location, which takes the name of a concept in lexical and grammatical system of a particular language, which will also include its etymological and associative characteristics .

According To V. I. Karasik, the concept consists of three components – conceptual, figurative and value . He believes that the cultural concept in the language consciousness is a multidimensional network of meanings that are expressed by lexical, phraseological, paremiological units, precedent texts, etiquette formulas, as well as speech-behavioral tactics that reflect repeated fragments of social life.

Meaning is, according To G. p. Shchedrovitsky, "the General correlation and connection of all phenomena related to the situation" [8]. It is always situational, conditioned by context, belongs to speech and is primary in relation to meaning, which, in turn, is non-contextual, non-situational, belongs to language, is derived from meaning, is socially institutionalized and formulated, in contrast to the meanings created by everyone and everyone, exclusively by compilers of dictionaries [10].

In "Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary" the term "concept" vocabulary independent article are not presented, but the value is disclosed in the article "Concept" and "concept" as a synonym marked with a number in parentheses: "the Concept (concept) is a phenomenon of the same order, what is the meaning of the word, but seen in a slightly different system of relations; the value in the language system, the concept – in the system of logical relations and forms, as studied in linguistics and in logic" [11].

Activity of the individual and society and carrying complex, encyclopedic information about the reflected object or phenomenon, about the interpretation of this information by the public consciousness and the attitude of public consciousness to this phenomenon or object.

This definition is very voluminous. Therefore, we will adhere to the point of view of S. A. Askold, who understands the concept as a mental formation that replaces an indefinite set of objects of the same kind in the process of thought.

So, summing up all of the above, we came to the following conclusions:

The terms "concept" and" concept " are not identical.

The term "concept" is used mainly in logic and philosophy.

The concept is a unit of collective consciousness that sends to the highest spiritual values, has a linguistic expression and is marked by ethno-cultural specifics.


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Просмотров работы: 319