XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Volkova Sophia Alekseevna 1
1Vladimir State University
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We can not study the phenomenon of allusion without knowledge of its types and their major differences so let us dwell upon various approaches to the classification of allusion.

This topic was the matter of consideration for many scholars. Speaking about structural classification of allusion one of the most profound was created by scholar Evseev. According to Evseev, allusive process can be executed in two ways: nomination and citation . There are essential differences between this two types of allusion:

In nominative allusion the relation between the representative and the denotatum of allusion is symbolic while in quotation allusion it is iconic;

In nominative allusion the denotatum can be various while in quotation allusion the denotatum can only be the text and objects connected with the text under consideration metonymically.

So he devided allusions into quotation and nominative according to the language and text levels, assuming their representative in the metatext as a basis of the classification.

Evseev differentiates twelve levels on which allusion may occur:

Phonetic leve

Morphemic level

Lexical level

Level of word combinations

Level of the sentence

Level of the text

Level of images

Level of means and devices

Compositional level

Level of the idea

Thematic level

Other scholars state classifications that being no so profound differ from Evseev's a lot. Vast spear is the classification of allusions into simple and extended. There is also a classification of allusion according its position in the text:

Title allusion

Medial allusion

Ending allusion

O.H. Mamaeva points out the classification of allusion on the basis of their relation with one or another category of cultural facts:

Allusions on information which constitute the main stock of facts for the social culture of certain society

Allusions on one-day facts, events and phenomena of mass culture.

Semantic-stylistic classification of allusions is based on methods of meaning actualization of allusion in the context. This classification also takes under consideration different means of amplification associative relations between the source of allusion and the context. According to Mamaeva there are the following ways of meaning actualization of allusions:

Actualization on the basis of comparison of accentuated features of allusive fact with the features of certain character, event or situation in the text

Actualization on the basis of displacement of allusive information and object-logical meaning within a word, phrase or sentence.

Analyzing different approaches to allusion classification we must also mention the semantic approach. According to this classification allusions can be:



Dominant allusions are characterized by the fact that in correlation between allusion and context different directions appear. There are two types of such directions: allusion > context; context > allusion.

Speaking about the first variant we can characterize it as the direction of allusion to the content of the expression. In this case either the title of the text or some of its chapters (i.e. the introduction of the text) contains allusion which embodies the essence of the whole text becoming its semantic symbol.

The second variant (context > allusion) is characterized by the appearance of allusion from the outline of the whole text.

The second type of allusion according to the semantic classification is called the localized allusion, or allusion with the limited action. In contrast to dominant allusions they do not define the major topic of the whole poetic text but just contribute to its development acting only in certain limited part of the text. These allusions, in their turn, can be split into the following types:

Allusions with the use of proper names (antroponyms, toponyms), or nominative; quotations.

Another important differentiation of types of allusion was suggested by above mentioned scholar Evseev. In his work he points out that we should differentiate the notions allusion and reminiscence. Evseev explains that it’s better to examine the notion reminiscence as an essential part of the notion allusion. ”Reminiscence as the allusion itself can appear not only in the poetic text but also in other different kinds of art such as music, painting etc. The contrast between allusion and reminiscence is in presence/absence of such feature as premeditation.

So reminiscence is a reference unplanned by the author, spontaneous allusion which totally depends on memory and associations of the recipient.


1. Евсеев А.С. Основы теории аллюзии: (на материале рус. яз.) - Автореф. ... канд. филол. наук. - М., 1990. - 15 с.

2. Мамаева А.Г. Аллюзия и формы ее выражения в английской художественной литературе // Сб. научных трудов МГПИИЯ М. Тореза. - М. 1976. - Вып. 98 - С. 113-129.

3. Galperin I. Stylistics. M.: Higher School, 1977: P. 139-146, 155-156, 167-173, 220-221, 231-232, 236-246, 250-252.

4. Тухарелли М.Д. О стилистическом приеме аллюзии // Реалистические формы изображения действительности. - Тбилиси: Изд-во ТбГУ, - 1986 - С. 110 - 116.

5. Тухарели М.Д. Функции аллюзии в литературном произведении // Литературное произведение и литературный процесс в аспекте исторической поэтики. - Кемерово, 1988.

Просмотров работы: 30