КИТАЙ В ГЕОПОЛИТИКЕ США И РОССИИ - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Исмаилова Джахан Шукуруллаевна 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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The current global geopolitical situation has altered appreciably in recent years with the emergence and strengthening of China. Due to its successfully developing economy, with the position of a leader in such organizations as the SCO, BRICS, group “20”, China is strengthening its influence on the world stage. It makes the United States discern China as a rival in the geopolitical arena. Thus, in recent decades, the global geopolitical confrontation between China and America has become the main content of world politics [1].

To understand certain actions of China in world politics, it is necessary to understand: what is the specificity of China’s geopolitics, how it differs from Western geopolitics. By the way, there are several differences.

Firstly, let us turn to the history of ancient China, and recall the geopolitics - practitioners of antiquity Zhang Yi Su Qing, who worked to unite China. Based on this, we can say that in China geopolitics was formed by political practice, and directly served the political needs of the state.

Secondly, speaking about China’s geographic policy, it is clearly seen that the PRC proceeds exclusively from the internal security of its borders, without interfering in the internal politics of countries and regions that are far from its borders, within which a direct threat to the country should not form [2]. China, in its geopolitical ideas, has always had a position of peaceful coexistence with bordering countries, in contrast to the geopolitics of the West. Western geopolitics often discerns its neighbors as enemies and competes with them. In this regard, the philosophy of China and the Westernphilosophy are very different. While the Chinese philosophy adheres to the strategy of “ideas of humanism” and the “golden mean” of Confucius, the idea of a balance of power remains in Western philosophy.

Thirdly, based on the historical, cultural and philosophical foundations of China, the geopolitical position includes diplomatic strategy. This statement proves new concepts of China, such as China’s “concept of peaceful development and cooperation”, which will make it easier for China to create a peaceful environment, “harmonious peace” and “harmonious neighborhood” [3].

The main role in this geopolitical line is played by Russia, which has retained strong influence over the former republics of the Soviet Union. Modern China does not want to fight with anyone, and is pursuing a “soft policy” in relation to other powers. Thus, without competing, it has incentive to become an ally. On the example of China’s relations with Russia, one can notice that the relations between them are quite friendly, since both Russia and China benefit from favorable economic and political relations.

The current situation that has made China compete with the West is directly related to Chinese identity. China is under pressure from the West in almost all areas of the life of its state - politics, society, the spiritual life of the people. Nowadays struggle between China and the United States, personifying the West, is of a fundamental, ideological nature, since it touches on the main issues of Chinese identity: the system of values and the general model of the country’s development, and is conducted in the sphere of public consciousness [4].

The United States fears that China will become a leader on the world stage, gradually overtaking them. At the moment, the PRC is growing rapidly, and takes the second place in terms of economic development. It remains only to wait if the US fears will really become a reality, or is it just guesswork. Considering the domestic economy of the United States at this period, it is in the stage of crisis. And the main problem in the world, in my opinion, is the currency of the United States, which competes with the currency of China - the yuan. Since the US dollar is now the international unit of account, it is gradually being replaced by the Chinese national currency. But, it is practically impossible to completely replace the system that has developed over many years in the world economy. Theoretically, if the crisis in America continues and the dollar exchange rate fluctuates, the yuan may replace the dollar with the development of China in the international arena. A new leader will emerge on the world stage in this direction, and it is the PRC.

To trace the competition between China and the United States, let us turn to two scientists from China and the United States. Let’s examine how they assess the relationship between these countries.

Wang Honggang, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Contemporary International Relations, assesses the situation in the world: “After the global financial crisis, China began to revise its assessment the United States role in world politics. China has come to the unequivocal conclusion that the United States is no longer the indisputable arbiter in world affairs. Other western countries are also losing their influence. Emerging powers such as Russia, China, India and Brazil are playing an increasingly important role at the global level. In world politics, a significant change in the balance of power is taking place, but international institutions remain unchangeable up to this day. This is due to the fact that Western countries dominate in international organizations, and the rising ones are very poorly represented, so global governance becomes imbalanced and ineffective. This situation requires its resolution by “the main global regulators - the USA and China”” [5]

American experts reflect anxiously on China’s economic strategy: “This is the global context in which China proposed to link the entire Eurasian landmass with a roadnet, railways, pipelines, telecommunications lines, ports, airports and industrial development zones. If China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is implemented, a gigantic space for economic and intercultural exchange will appear, barriers for international cooperation will be reduced in a zone that unites 65 countries, where 70 percent of the world’s population lives and produces more than 40 percent of world GDP. These countries account for more than half of the world’s current economic growth. The estimated cost of projects already on paper is at least 11 times more than the cost of the Marshall Plan” [6].

The United States is trying to deterrent China so that it does not increase its influence over other resource-rich countries. According to the American political scientist Edward Luttwak, the best way of the PRC deterrence is the US alliance with Russia. Thus, China would be surrounded by its rival. But if the PRC entered into an alliance with the Russian Federation, China would become invulnerable. “Thus, if the world is divided into China and its adversaries, Moscow will be in the role of a decisive strategic player, and its authorities will get their hands on leverage that they will surely use,” - Luttwak said [7].

In this regard, Western analysts are thinking about the possibility of creating an alliance under the leadership of the United States, which could include Japan, India, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore. Moreover, the decisive role in this alliance can also be assigned to Russia [8].

China makes all countries equal to each other, without separating from each other, without comparing with each other. The PRC looks far ahead in policy relation with other countries, trying to maintain only friendly relations with them, proving that it is not necessary to be a leader in the international arena in order to maintain stability. To achieve stability it is necessary to consider all countries equitable.

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jilping speaks of building up cooperation in the name of peace and security in the regions under modern international relations. And this is possible only through a normal track with good neighborliness and on the basis of good faith cooperation. In recent years, such relations have been observed between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China.

The leaders of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China consistently implement the policy of peace and good-neighborliness and advocate the strengthening of constructive dialogue on a regional and global scale, striving to contribute in every way to building up fruitful cooperation that meets the interests of universal well-being and progress.

With the position of “soft power” China is conducting non-military relations, and is establishing relations with other states on the principle of the so-called “Take people without a fight”. In the case of international relations, China builds and provides itself with the means of diplomacy. The PRC considers all countries equitable, thereby establishing relations, not excluding a single country. With regard to the United States and China, China responds in a mirror-like manner to the sanctions. In the policy of China, the teachings of Confucius are exclusively traced, and to some extent the religion of China is Taoism. The main idea of Taoism is to keep calm. Confucius rejected the war. According to Confucius it is necessary to act with means of diplomacy, and it is observed in the foreign policy of the PRC. Taoism says: “An intelligent commander is never belligerent. A skilled warrior is never angry. Who knows how to defeat the enemy does not attack” [9].

Drawing conclusions, I would like to emphasize that the main problem points in China’s foreign policy are relations with the United States. The United States and China suddenly consider each other not as political partners, but as competitors, thereby waging trade wars between themselves since 2018. Countries cannot come to mutual agreement. Due to conflicts over the economy, both countries are collapsing in the domestic economy, and believe that by continuing this war, one of the countries will lose. But, at the same time, being in a crisis situation, the United States, nevertheless, does not want to have friendly relations with the PRC. But do not forget that the main path in international relations is peaceful coherence among themselves.

Summing up my reflections, I want to say that China plays an important role in Russian - American relations. With its rapid growth, the PRC wants to have Russia as its ally, and the United States takes this as a threat. The USA fears that, if China makes up the alliance with Russia, they will act as a united front against America. But, following the concept of “soft power”, China is not going to be at enmity with America, because the main direction of Chinese foreign policy is “the concept of peaceful development and cooperation”, which prioritizes peaceful coexistence.

And finally, answering the question: “Is China contributing to the improvement of relations between Russia and the United States or not?”, I can answer that depending on the position of the Russian Federation in relation to China depends on how America will conduct further foreign policy. Indeed, at the moment Russia acts as a certain buffer in relations between the United States and China.

Список использованной литературы

1. А.Г. Ушаков. В мире китайской мудрости. М.: «Мартин», 2006.С.448. ISBN 5-8475-0391-1.

2. Блохин К.В. В поисках стратегических приоритетов.// Национальная оборона. №9 сентябрь 2020. Режим доступа: https://oborona.ru/includes/periodics/geopolitics/2017/0123/140720436/detail.shtml.

3. Влияние концепции глобализации на внешнеполитическую стратегию Китая – другой взгляд на политику реформ и открытости.// Глобальные перемены и внешнеполитическая стратегия Китая. Пекин, 2009. С. 3-16.

4. Евгений Грачиков. Ктай в мировой политике. 05.04.2013г. Режим доступа: https://www.geopolitica.ru/article/kitay-v-mirovoy-politike.

Просмотров работы: 8