State Customs Service of China - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

State Customs Service of China

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 (GACChinese海关pinyinHǎiguān Zǒngshǔ) is a ministry-level administrative agency within the government of the People's Republic of China. It is responsible for the collection of value added tax (VAT), customs dutiesexcise duties, and other indirect taxes such as air passenger dutyclimate change levyinsurance premium taxlandfill tax and aggregates levy. It is also responsible for managing the import and export of goods and services into Mainland China.

The emblem was designed by a customs officer named Chen Tiebao (陈铁) in 1951. The emblem consists of a golden key and the Caduceus of Hermes, crossing with each other. It was officially adopted on 1 October 1953. The emblem was not used from 1966 to 1985, as it was considered "too capitalist".

The main customs administration (also includes subordinate units: the Customs administration of Guangdong, the Department of the Customs administration in Tianjin, the Department of the Customs administration in Shanghai);

- 41 regional regional customs offices;

- 313 customs offices.

The administration of the Chinese customs service is subject to a rigid vertical structure. The General customs administration is the highest administrative body of the Chinese customs and has a Ministry level in the Chinese Government.

The main customs administration consists of 15 departments, 10 institutes, 1 accredited and 3 international representative offices. The Chief customs administration is headed by Minister Mu Xisheng.

The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), the headquarters of China Customs, is a key border agency of the nation. Following the government restructuring in 2018, China Customs now boasts 100,000 staff throughout the country with responsibilities of traditional customs, as well as border health checks, inspection and quarantine for imported and exported animals, plants, and their products, imported and exported food safety, and commodity inspection.

GACC oversees 42 customs districts which operate through a total of 678 customs houses nationwide. GACC has its Guangdong office located in Guangzhou for regional coordination.


GACC exercises the following responsibilities:

port management coordination

customs control


trade statistics compilation

customs valuation and duty collectio performs health checks at points of entry

takes sanitary and phytosanitary measures to safeguard our land and our people

protects imported and exported food safety

inspects imported and exported consumer products and bulk commodities.


To protect national safety and security, we...

intensify customs control via collaborating with competent authorities in trading partners

apply smart technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data and machine learning

build a risk management mechanism for centralized intelligence collection, analysis and intervention decision-making

fight against commercial fraud, IPR infringement, tax evasion, illicit trade in solid waste, drug and wildlife trafficking, cross-border spreading of pests and contagious diseases.

To facilitate trade, we...

streamline customs procedures

implement Single Window

digitalize and share certificates and documents among all ports throughout the country

cooperate with our counterparts in trading partners to share information and recognize test results

participate in trade negotiations led by the Ministry of Commerce of China

Sources of literature:

General Administation of customs people's Republic of China (

General Administration of Customs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( (


Просмотров работы: 22