Customs in Great Britain… - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Customs in Great Britain…

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Great Britain is an Island state in the north-west of continental Europe, one of the largest countriesin Europe, and it is also a nuclear power.

Anyone arriving in the Great Britain is required to go through passport control. In the appeal of the British customs officials to the passengers: «If we stop you and ask questions about your luggage, we look forward to your cooperation. We need your help to combat smuggling». Very often spot checks can be carried out to identify illegal drugs, weapons, pornographic products and substances harmful to human health and the environment. Therefore, be prepared that you may be invited for a more detailed inspection.

If you are carrying alcohol or tobacco with you, the British customs officer has the right to assume that they can be used for commercial purposes. So be prepared to answer some seemingly weird and interesting questions. For example, about the quantity and brands of imported alcohol and tobacco, why and why you bought them, how you paid, whether you bring these items openly or something hidden, how often do you travel at all, what is your usual alcohol consumption rate and cigarettes, as well as any other questions on this topic.

Also, if you are entering the Great Britain from an European Union (EU) member state, it can be said with almost one hundred percent certainty that you will be asked a number of questions if you are carrying more than 3200 cigarettes, 200 cigars, 400 cigarillos, 3 kg of tobacco, 110 liters beer, 90 liters of wine, 10 liters of strong alcohol or fortified wines, port wine, sherry, etc, that is, they exceeded the established norms for the import of such goods. It should be borne in mind that when entering from Eastern European countries, new members of the EU, lower norms for the import of tobacco products apply. For example, 200 cigarettes or 250 g of smoking tobacco, or 50 cigars, or 100 cigarillos can be exported from the Czech Republic. From Estonia - 200 cigarettes or 250 g of smoking tobacco. From Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia - 200 cigarettes.

All goods brought into the Great Britain must be for personal use or must be imported as souvenirs.

At the same time, the British customs officer will take into account all the circumstances and your explanations about why it is necessary to import such a quantity of alcohol and tobacco into the Great Britain. However, if he decides that it is still a commercial consignment, the goods will be confiscated, just like the vehicle in which you transported it. If you are subsequently caught selling imported alcohol or tobacco, you can face up to 7 years in prison for this.

An interesting fact is that the British are huge lovers of pets, but, for example, bringing a snake into the country is very problematic.

If you have a cat, dog or even a ferret, your beloved pet can visit the Great Britain without quarantine under the Pet Travel Scheme, provided that the animal arrives from a specific country and follows a specific route by sea, air or rail. All other animals must be quarantined for six months.

The Great Britain, like many other island states, places particular emphasis on veterinary and phytosanitary controls. Therefore, meat, milk and other products of animal origin, such as fish, eggs, honey, are prohibited to the Great Britain.

In the Great Britain, there are generally quite severe fines for violation of customs regulations. In order to avoid them, you should follow some clear rules.

Never take goods with you to pass on to anyone. Do not try to smuggle prohibited items.

If you are driving and other people are traveling with you, make sure that each of them knows what items are prohibited or restricted from entering the country. If such items are found in the car and this is already contraband, the car can be confiscated by the customs service.

All ports, and airports in the Great Britain have a three corridor system:

The «Green Corridor» is intended for passengers from countries outside the European Union, who have nothing to declare and do not carry prohibited or restricted items.

The «Red Corridor» must be taken by those passengers who are carrying items subject to declaration, goods for commercial use, tobacco products from the countries of the European Union in quantities exceeding the limits established for this particular country. It is also recommended to go to the «Red Corridor» for those who have any doubts about the items being transported.

And, finally, the «Blue Corridor» is intended for those arriving from the countries of the European Union in the absence of prohibited or restricted import of items and tobacco products in excess of the established norms.

If in any doubt, it is best to consult a British Customs Officer.

Sources of literature used

Polskaya N.M., Great Britain: Economic regions and cities. - M .:Thought, 2014. - 408 p.

Vorontsova N.A., International customs law. Documents and comments. M.: MGIMO-University. 2017. -179 p.

"World Customs Organization". Retrieved 2020.

Puzakova E.P., World economy and international economic relations. Series "Higher Education". - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008 . - 448 p.

Mikhailov N.N., Linguistic and regional studies in England: a textbook for students of philological faculties and faculties of foreign languages ​​of higher educational institutions / N.N. Mikhailov. 3rd ed., Erased. Moscow: Academy, 2010. - 20 p.


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