РОЛЬ МОНАРХИИ В АНГЛИИ - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Кучма О.А. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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Аннотация: В статье рассматривается положение монарха в Великобритании, а также роль монархии в истории страны. Исследуется степень влияния самобытности, традиций, духовного и культурного развития на сохранение института монархии в Англии. Определяетсярольивлиятельностькоролевскогодомавнутристраны

Abstract: The article examines the position of the monarch in Great Britain and also the role of the monarchy in the country's history. The article examines the degree of the influence of identity, traditions, spiritual and cultural development on the preservation of the institution of monarchy in England. The role and influence of the Royal house within the country is determined.

Ключевые слова: роль монархии, Великобритания, правление королевы Елизаветы Ⅱ, трансформация монархии.

Keywords: the role of monarchy, Great Britain, the reign of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, the transformation of monarchy.

Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. The current Queen is the head of the state, but as a constitutional monarch, she does not actually rule the country. At the same time, she performs many important ceremonial and formal tasks assigned to her by the government. [3] She is also the head of the justice system, the armed forces and the Church of England. The Queen is devoid of political or Executive power, yet she plays a huge role for her nation and is an integral part of the country's life, giving a sense of continuity and stability.

The Queen is one for all her subjects. According to the Constitution, she performs only nominal (symbolic) functions, being rather a ceremonial figure. [1].  But at the same time, she is a symbol of Britain, because the main symbol of the monarchy, traditions and continuity is, first of all, the monarch himself. The Queen is deprived of legislative, Executive, and even although she is formally the head of all these instances, she and the members of the Royal family have no equal rights in the social sphere - they are the ones who carry out the full range of public functions, being the links between the state and people. The power of the British monarch is shown not in politics, but in the amount of love and respect for his subjects that he has been able to win.

The institution of the monarchy for the English is faith, tradition, history, national dignity, pride, symbol and stability. [2] In the middle ages, the cry "In the name of the King!" meant the mandatory execution of any decision. Now times are different, but the name of the monarch is still associated with all the best in the country. For the     citizens of the United Kingdom, it is natural, since they are subjects of their monarch, regardless of whether they like or dislike the current sovereign. This reality is deeply embedded in their lives. Due to the fact that the institution of monarchy has existed for many centuries, the monarchy itself has already become a tradition.

Despite the ongoing process of narrowing the functions of the monarch in the UK to ceremonial and representative, she still retains a number of important (special) prerogatives that allow her to influence the processes taking place in the country, especially during periods of      constitutional and internal party crises emergence. Despite the traditional political neutrality of the monarch, her word at moments when the fate of the country is being decided, such as in the case of the referendum on Scottish independence, seems very weighty, able to calm passions and influence people's opinions.

At present, the monarch's share of responsibility for everything that happens in the country is higher than that of any other civil servant. Therefore, no matter how nominal or formal the existence of a sovereign may be, without her there will not be Britain itself in the form in which it has been used to see for more than 12 centuries. Apparently, despite her advanced age, Elizabeth will not follow the example of other European monarchs and will not abdicate.

The media is the main tool for popularizing the monarchy and maintaining its image. News about the Queen and members of the Royal family appear daily in a variety of social networks, the headlines of British Newspapers necessarily include fresh reports on the activities of the Windsor dynasty, documentaries and feature films are made about them; significant dates for the Royal house are celebrated throughout the country, people come from all over the world to watch a wedding or funeral, and the symbols of the monarch surround the British almost everywhere - the Royal monograms on all state institutions, the image of the monarch on banknotes, etc. Thus, the British are not allowed to forget for a moment that they are subjects of the British crown. As a formal institution, which, according to critics, is actually responsible only for the image of their country, the monarchy at the beginning of the XXI century gets a noticeable popularity and scope.

In addition, the strength of the monarchy in the UK is that it is closely intertwined with religion, since the British monarch is also the head of the Anglican Church. [2] This religious component is very important, since this function allows the British monarch to maintain the status of God's protege and almost a Holy person. In other European monarchies, Royal families have long been ordinary people, whose interest is identical to that of Hollywood stars. The British monarchy managed to maintain its status as a sacred institution.

The power of the Queen is not expressed in politics, but in the respect of her subjects, which she was able to win, and this is hard work. As Margaret Thatcher pointed out, "the monarchy, namely, the hereditary monarchy, is a perfectly functioning mechanism that demonstrates a commitment to duty and leadership. This clear example to follow is always before your eyes, it is above politics, and people feel a sense of affection and love for it. The monarchy is a symbol of patriotism, giving the nation a sense of stability and security... But this is not only a symbol of unity —people have a sense of personal respect and admiration for the monarch as a person." [4]

So, the British monarchy occupies a special place among European monarchies. Being one of the most ancient and stable, it is distinguished by its identity, having managed to preserve its historical appearance, the pomp of ceremonies, as well as the former Empire transformed into a Commonwealth, emphasizing its greatness and power. This historical connection with the former Empire, as well as the island geographical feature, makes the British monarchy unique. In addition, the UK is the only monarchy in the world that has nuclear weapons.

Список используемой литературы:

Пронкин, С. В. Государственное управление зарубежных стран / С. В. Пронкин, О. Е. Петрунина. М. : КДУ, 2011. 496 с. [Электронный ресурс],–http://library21.ru/ru/ru?LNG=&Z21ID=&I21DBN=SFMGU&P21DBN=SFMGU&S21STN=1&S21REF=&S21FMT=&C21COM=S&S21CNR=20&S21P01=0&S21P02=1&S21P03=A=&S21STR=%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD,%20%D0%A1.%20%D0%92.

Капитонова, Н. К. Великобритания в конце XX — начале XXI века: от консерваторов к лейбористам: учеб. пособие / Н. К. Капитонова. М.: МГИМО(У), 2003. 128 с.[Электронный ресурс], – https://rusneb.ru/catalog/000199_000009_002435598/

Материал из Википедии, Британская монархия [Электронный ресурс], – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%85%D0%B8%D1%8F

Margaret Thatcher, Speech at the Salute to the Task Force lunch, 1982//Thatcher Archive. [Электронный  ресурс], – http://www.margaretthatcher.org/speeches/displaydocument.asp?doc

Просмотров работы: 100