ИВАН СТЕПАНОВИЧ КОНЕВ - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Свиридова А.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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Аннотация: В статье рассматривается жизнь человека, внёсшего непосильный вклад как в историю нашей страны, так и в победу во Второй Мировой войне. Особоевниманиеуделяетсяеголичностнымкачествам.

Abstract: The article examines the life of a man who made an impossible contribution to the history of our country and to the victory in World War II. Special attention is paid to his personal qualities.

Ключевые слова: Вторая Мировая война, Конев, Жуков, жизненный путь.

Keywords: World War II, Konev, Zhukov, life journey.

Ivan Stepanovich (1897 – 1973) Konev was a Marshal of the Soviet Union, a famous military leader who commanded a number of fronts during the great Patriotic war. He was twice awarded with the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Ivan Stepanovich Konev brilliantly organized and conducted a number of important operations; he participated in the battle of Moscow, the battle of Kursk, and the assault on Berlin. Konev also participated in the liberation of Prague. The conduct of military operations brought Konev fame as an expert of the encircling.

Ivan Stepanovich was born in Vologda region in a peasant family. After finishing school with a certificate of commendation in the village of Yakovlevskaya Gora, he entered, and in 1912 successfully finished Nikolo-Pushemsky zemsky four-class school in the neighboring village of Shchetkino. Ivan started working on his father's farm at the age of 12. [1]

Konev was drafted into the army in 1916 during the First World War. He had the rank of non-commissioned artillery officer when he fought at the South -Western front. A competent and physically strong young soldier immediately attracted the attention of commanders, who selected him for the artillery training team. After the disbandment of the tsarist army, he returned to his homeland. Konev voluntarily joined the Red Army, where he fought against the army of A.V. Kolchak at the Eastern front. In March 1921, he fought against the mutinous sailors of Kronstadt. Following the instructions of his commander, K. E. Voroshilov, he took advanced courses for the higher commanding staff in 1924. He had been commanding a regiment for five years and a division for a total of seven years, then a corps, then an army, then a front. He started as a soldier. Konev passed all the military stages that existed at that time.

Ivan Stepanovich Konev was known as a great expert in tactics, had the ability to see the new in military science, he rejected formulaic approaches. He was active, energetic, straightforward, did not like to waste time. He spent his free hours reading books. Konev said that Suvorov's words "Hard to learn - easy to fight" was not just a phrase for him, but the basis of life for many years, the basis of activity. [2]

In the spring of 1941, Konev began forming the 19th army. At the beginning of the great Patriotic war, the main forces of the 19th army entered the combat in July 1941 in the Vitebsk region. Then Konev's army distinguished itself in the battle of Smolensk.

On September 11, 1941 Konev was ordered to be promoted to the rank of a colonel-general, and on September 12, he was appointed commander of the Western front. In October 1941, Konev's troops were defeated at Vyazma, for which the commander was demoted in the rank. Konev almost got court-martialed, but G. K. Zhukov managed to protect him before I. V. Stalin. [3]

Relations between the two Soviet commanders — Konev and Zhukov - were very difficult. The story of the two marshals included saving lives, betrayal, remorse, and intransigence. In 1946, when Zhukov had already fallen out of Stalin’s favor, Konev was the first to stand up for the Marshal. Seven years later, two of the commanders sent Lavrenty Beria to the execution. However, the friendship of the marshals came up to the end because of internal party intrigues. When the party leadership decided to remove Zhukov, Konev did not support him. 50 years later, it became known about Konev's attempts to make peace with Zhukov, but the Marshal did not forgive the betrayal. At the end of his life, Konev admitted that removing Zhukov had been the order of the leadership and very much regretted his action.[4]

Thanks to the highest military skill of Marshal Konev and his ability to apply a variety of flexible methods of action, Cracow - the ancient capital of Poland - was saved from destruction in 1945. During the liberation of Cracow, Marshal Konev decided to use his favorite technique - the "Golden bridge". Thanks to this tactic, the fascists were surrounded. It was one of the most famous battles of Ivan Stepanovich Konev.

In 1945-1946, Konev was the commander in chief of the Central group of troops and the high Commissioner for Austria. After that, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Army (1946-1950).

Since the second half of the 60s-early 70s, Konev had been working on books of memories. Until 1973, he was a Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Until the very last days of his life, which ended on May 21, 1973, Ivan Stepanovich carried out a lot of work on Patriotic education of young people.

Marshal Konev defeated the fascists, escaped a court martial, and lost his most loyal friend. He is still considered a man who made a huge contribution to the victory of our country in the Second World War.

Список используемой литературы:

Баскаков В.Е. Маршал Конев. М., 1992.

Конев И.С. Записки командующего фронтом. М., 1972.

Лубченков Ю.Н. Сто великих полководцев второй мировой. (раздел «Командующие фронтами»: Конев И.С.). М., 2012.


Просмотров работы: 27