XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Адаменко О.С. 1, Шаломова Е.В. 1
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With the proliferation of computers and wearable electronics, spending time on the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It provides us with information, communication, and play space. But this kind of technological innovation always leads to social problems, including a new form of addictive behavior – virtual addiction. Online games, instant messengers, video chats, social networks-all this adversely affects both the personality of an Internet-dependent person, limiting his activity in society, and his health, in rare cases leading to a fatal outcome.

Internet addiction is considered a negative direction of personality change and negatively affects all areas of its development at a young age: physical, psychological, social, emotional-volitional, spiritual and moral. Russian science is not rich in research in the field of self-assessment features of Internet-dependent young men, and this once again underlines the importance and relevance of the chosen research topic. Based on these questions, we conducted a study of the features of self-assessment of Internet-dependent young men.

For testing, we used the "methodology for studying the self-assessment of the personality of S. A.". Budassi" and "Express diagnostics of the level of self-esteem Fetiskina N. P., Kozlova V. V., Manuilova G. M.". as a result, the following data were obtained:

According to the results of the "methodology for self-assessment of the personality Of S. A. Budassi", 39% of the subjects have a low level of self-esteem. This means that they usually set lower goals than they can achieve. Such individuals tend to exaggerate the significance of their failures, are insecure, passive, and anxious. The percentage of young men with an average self-esteem index is almost half as low – 21%, which indicates equal recognition of their advantages and disadvantages, as well as confidence that allows a person to correctly regulate the level of claims and correctly assess their capabilities. It should be noted that 40% of young men who took part in the study are characterized by high self-esteem, which indicates an exaggerated assessment of their merits, they have a high level of claims that does not correspond to their real capabilities. Such people are characterized by vanity, self-centeredness and arrogance.

As a result of passing the "Express diagnostics of the level of self-esteem Fetiskina N. P., Kozlova V. V., Manuilova G. M." 35% of the subjects have an underestimated level of self-esteem. This may indicate excessive shyness, frequent comparison of oneself with other individuals in success, feelings of constraint and discomfort in a new social circle.

The standard level of realistic assessment of their capabilities is 27% of the young men tested, which indicates a sound attitude to their abilities, recognition of their shortcomings, and competent self-criticism. Young men with a high level of self-esteem – 38%. They are characterized by an overestimation of their capabilities, strength, significance, as well as arrogance and the desire for personal gain in relationships with people, an inferiority complex.

The next stage of the study is the identification of Internet-dependent young men using the "Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS, S. – H. Chen, 2003) in the adaptation Of V. L. Malygin, K. A. Feklisov" and " Internet Addiction Test (IAT) Kimberly young (Kimberly S. Young) in the adaptation of V. A. Los-kutova". As a result of testing on the "Internet addiction scale". "It turned out that 41% of the subjects are prone to inter-net-dependent behavior, this suggests that they may experience discomfort when interrupting an Internet session for an indefinite period, they increase the amount of time spent online. 28% already have a formed and stable Internet addiction: that is, the inability to overcome the desire to go online, to control the duration of stay on the "world wide web", which leads to lack of sleep, violations in the diet and hygiene. The General rhythm of life is lost. Intrapersonal and physiological problems appear. 31% are characterized by a minimal risk of addiction.

The Kimberly young Internet addiction test revealed the following trend: 46% have problems related to excessive Internet addiction, which indicates a growing number of young men who are subject to Internet addiction. It should be noted that 33% of the tested young men are already Internet-dependent, which indicates their inability to conduct subjective control over the use of the Internet; disadaptation, which affects interpersonal relationships, health, work, emotional and mental state, as well as financial status. And only 21% are considered ordinary Internet users who are not affected by it.

Of the students with addiction, 84% have low self-esteem, 7% have high self – esteem, and 9% have normal self-esteem. Of the total percentage of young men who have a tendency to Internet addiction, 61% have low self-esteem, 26% - inflated, 13% - adequate.

Thus, it can be argued that a number of personality traits inherent in low self-esteem are prerequisites for the emergence of Internet-dependent behavior, the formation of addiction in adolescence.


1. Voiskunsky A. E. Internet Research in psychology // Internet and Russian society / Ed. by I. Semenov. - M.: Gandalf, 2002b, p. 235-250.

2. Babanin L. N., Voiskunsky A. E., Smyslova O. V. Psychological research mediated by the use of the Internet // Experiment and quasi-experiment in psychology: Textbook / Ed. by T. V. Roots-lova. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2004, p. 214-233.

3. Babaeva Yu. D., Voiskunsky A. E. Psychological consequences of Informatization // Psychological journal, vol. 9, no. 1, 1998, pp. 89-100.

Просмотров работы: 7