ОРГАНИЧЕСКАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Фирсова К.С. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Аннотация: Достичь единства и гармонии с природой помогает такой вид архитектуры как органическая (бионическая) архитектура. Характерной чертой этого направления является органичное вписывание здания в природный ландшафт.

Abstract: Organic (bionic) architecture helps to achieve unity and harmony with nature. Characteristic feature of this architectural style is the organic blending of a building into the natural landscape.

Ключевые слова: неразрывность с природой, слияние, размытие границ, архитектура, природа, окружающая среда, ландшафт, интерьер.

Keywords: inseparability with nature, fusion, blurring of boundaries, architecture, nature, environment, landscape, interior.

Despite the development of technology and the emergence of new styles, a man inexorably strives to achieve unity with nature. The design of bionic architecture is achieved by merging and smoothly flowing of architecture into the environment. It is important not only to fit a building or structure into the natural landscape so that it looks colorful and harmonious, but also to establish an inseparable connection of architecture with nature. Harmony is harmonizing of heterogeneous and even opposing elements.

Nature is an integral part of human life. To live in harmony with it means to live in harmony with yourself and the environment. Nature is rich in its manifestation of forms and human beings borrow elements, features, lines to use them in their projects, landscape and interior. Nature allows human beings to take advantage of its rich natural resources. Nature is like a closed system that has been established for millions of years, where everything has its place and serves a definite purpose.

Organic architecture emerged in the 1890s as opposed to functionalism. Louis Sullivan was the first architect who mentioned it, but it was his follower Frank Lloyd Wright who formulated the basic tenets of organic architecture and made this style popular.

Picture 1. Frank Lloyd Wright

This type of architecture is characterized by buildings, the shape of which should be derived from the specific purpose and unique environmental conditions in which they are constructed. There is no tradition of deliberately separating buildings from the surrounding landscape.

The house is presented as a natural extension of the landscape through biomorphism (imitation of natural forms) and integration directly into the object. Canonical for organic architecture is F.L. Wright's "House over a Waterfall", built in 1936-1939.

Picture 2. House above a waterfall, Pennsylvania

Like the "House over a Waterfall", the house of Norwegian architects Lund Hagem is built directly into a natural object - a rock that replaces one of the walls. The project consists of using a natural protected area surrounded by large rocks and dense vegetation [1].

Picture 3. Rock house, Norway

The Shell residence is built in such a way that it looks like an elongated oval structure made of concrete and glass "hugging" wood. But at the same time, the building is away from the main plants, so that those who will live here do not disturb nature and at the same time can enjoy its proximity[2].

Picture 4. "Seashell", Japan

Buildings of this style are characterized not only by free forms that are far from geometry. Houses should be living organisms capable of developing according to the laws of their own existence, based on symbiosis with specific areas of nature[3]. The Bionic House, for example, has a green roof.

Picture 5. Bionic House, Moscow Region

One of the main and distinctive features of designing a modern house in an organic style is the flow of spaces. The harmony between internal and external space (interior with the environment) is most often achieved through glazing.

Organic architecture is determined by its climatic characteristics, so modern architects find it necessary not only to erase the boundary between the house and the landscape, but also to use the natural environment in an original way to continue the interior.

The uniqueness of the Hotel Valentinerhof consists in the almost complete absence of visual boundaries between the inner space of the pool and the surrounding Alps [1].

Picture 6. Hotel Valentinerhof, Italy

Picture 7. Interior Bionic House - sink, Moscow Region

Picture 8. Interior Bionic House - sink, Moscow Region

Thus, only considering nature and architecture as a whole we can achieve synergy from their interaction and create not just a house, but a harmonious and comfortable living environment [4].Organic architecture makes it possible to perceive life in all its diversity and to keep perception and appreciation fresh.

Список используемой литературы:

1.[Электронный ресурс] – Дата обращения (13. 11.20)

2.[Электронный ресурс] – Дата обращения (13.11. 20)

3.[Электронный ресурс] – Дата обращения (17.11. 20)

4.[Электронный ресурс] – Дата обращения (17.11. 20)

Просмотров работы: 2