Собор Парижской Богоматери - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Собор Парижской Богоматери

Раева К.А. 1, Неклюдова П.М. 2
1Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
2Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Научный руководитель – Ищенко А.А., к.и.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков профессиональной коммуникации, Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых

Gothic art arose in France, but soon began its wide development and distribution throughout Western Europe. Notre-Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) is a masterpiece of world Gothic art. It has many characteristic features of this style. This cathedral is one of the main sights of Paris. It attracts tourists not only by its unique architecture. Notre-Dame is full of mysteries, amazing legends and interesting stories.

The construction of the cathedral began in 1163 during the reign of King Louis VII and was completed in 182 years. The building has the shape of elongated cross which is traditional for Catholic cathedrals. The western faсade deserves special attention. It is one of the most recognizable architectural images. Visually, the facade is divided into three parts vertically and horizontally. There are three monumental portals in the lower part, each of which has its own name. This is the portal of the Last Judgment (in the center), the portal of Mother of God (on the left) and the portal of St. Anne (on the right). The names match the plot, which is depicted in the sculptural compositions on the arches of the portals.

One of the features of the cathedral is that it has no internal walls. They are replaced by columns connected by arches, and the rooms are separated from each other by stained-glass windows.

Like the other Gothic churches, Notre-Dame de Paris doesn’t have a wall painting, and the only sources of color in a monotonous gray interior are numerous stained-glass windows inserted in the bindings of tall lancet windows. Sunlight, penetrating through them, fills the temple with a whole rainbow of colors. This play of light softens the monotony of construction and gives the interior of the cathedral a magical luxury and mystery. There are 110 stained glass windows in the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The basis of the rose is a symmetrical binding of carved stone. It consists of a сentral сorolla and intricate petals separated by lintels. In the symbolism of Gothic structures, the rose window represented the cycle of events and the cycle of time.

The western rose above the main portal is the oldest stained glass window of the cathedral. Its diameter is 9.6 m. on the inner side. The western window is partially covered by the cathedral organ.

The subject of the glass paintings above the main entrance is dedicated to the human nature of the Christ. In the center there is the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms. It is surrounded by a central circle of petals with images of the royal lily. The next medallions in order show the biblical prophets, 12 zodiac signs and 12 vices. The outer circle of petals contains 12 virtues and 12 seasons – a favorite subject of medieval masters. The diameter of the rose window above the southern entrance is 12.9 m, and if you count the entire rectangular area of glazing, its height reaches 19 m.

The theme of the southern rose is the New Testament, with 84 stained glass panels united by a сentral сorolla. In the middle there is the Christ with a sword in his mouth, but the subsequent petals were mixed together during numerous restorations and somewhat lost their original meaning.

The northern rose, facing the shadowy facade of the cathedral, is better preserved than the others. Its size coincides with the size of the southern rose, and the stories are dedicated to the Old Testament and the long wait for the Savior. The сentral сorolla depicts the mother of God with the infant; other characters include Jewish kings, patriarchs and high priests.

To decorate the external columns and pillars many unique author's sculptures were placed outside. Some of them serve as additional supports. They are world-famous gargoyles and chimeras, designed to drain water. Initially, the sculptures were painted, but over time, the paint from statues, and other decorative elements completely disappeared under the influence of external factors.

The most famous Notre Dame chimera is Strix, a winged nocturnal demon, according to legend fed on the blood of newborn babies. The sculpture became famous thanks to the paintings with views of Paris by the French artist Charles Merion.

In Notre Dame de Paris, the great emperors were solemnly crowned, kings and queens made alliances. Warriors received a blessing in this cathedral. The wealthy people of Paris considered this place the most reliable storehouse for valuables and handed over their treasures to the cathedral.

The legendary trial of Joan of Arc took place in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. On July 7, 1456, in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris the judges read a verdict that stated that every point of the accusation against Joan of Arc was refuted by witnesses.

After the French revolution, Notre-Dame was severely damaged, including statues and bells. In the 19th century it was in poor condition and became a religious storage place.
In 1831, Victor Hugo's famous work “Notre-Dame de Paris” brought glory to the long-forgotten Church. Calls to save the Cathedral led to a massive renovation.

In April 15, 2019, a terrible tragedy occurred. In the famous temple, a fire began and quickly destroyed the old wooden roof. The gothic spire collapsed. The consequences of the fire were terrible. The wooden frame of the 12th century was completely burned out. Fortunately, both the cathedral towers and the stone arch remained unharmed. The temple vault, which contained priceless Christian relics, was severely damaged. It was possible to save the crown of Jesus Christ. Part of the interior was damaged too. However, the ancient organ, medieval stained glass windows remained intact. The French President said that the historic symbol of the country would be restored. Reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris started again.

List of references:


2) URL: https://paris10.ru/vitrazhi-notr-dam-de-pari

3) URL: https://frenchparis.ru/sobor-notr-dam-de-pari/

4) URL: https://archisto.info/z-evropa-goticheskaya-arh-franciya-cerkvi-2.html


The monumental portals (western facade) The Western rose (1220 - 1230)

Gothic spire of cathedral (96 meters high) France’s largest organ

Chimera Strix The western facade (1200 – 1250)

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