Development of modern communication. - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

Development of modern communication.

Миртовский И.Д. 1
1«Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых» (ВлГУ)
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In such a science as linguistics, the main aspect of research is the study of various literary languages, their imperceptible change over a certain period of time. Decades later, it became clear that literary languages ​​are transformed under the influence of people's everyday life, they are transformed and become extraterritorial, that is, the origins of these new languages ​​are simply forgotten. Numerous jargons, Argo languages, modern slangs, urban folklore influence the previously familiar literary languages. Also, various historical events have left their mark on the formation of the modern urban language. For example, after the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people developed a strong sense of love for the United States of America. This was expressed in many things: in the desire to dress like the Americans, in the love of American music and, to a large extent, in the use of Anglicisms, that is, the transfer of American words into Russian as a result of linguistic contacts. In the modern world, English-language borrowings have a strong influence on the Russian language. More and more Englishisms can be found in everyday speech, more and more people use English words and cannot do without them. In many ways, the emergence of new words for the Russian language is due to Internet communication, mass media, as well as the prevalence of mass culture over folk and elite. For the modern language on the Internet, various modifications are often characteristic, for example, abbreviations, incorrect spelling of words, the use of so-called macaronisms. The growth rates of cities are accelerating, the influence of the media and the Internet on people is increasing. But such a rapid development of the modern language does not mean at all that we cease to understand literary languages. People can still sit down and read any work of Russian classics without any problems and fully understand them. Languages ​​must and will develop over time, because the pace of life is accelerating, new words appear, more and more inventions, new discoveries appear and they all require their own names, new adjectives or new verbs appear, without which modern life no longer seems to be.

You can try to make such a thought experiment: for example, if you send an ordinary person born in the 21st century to the middle of the last century, bypassing all the historical processes that have occurred over the past 70 years, you will get a very entertaining result. Undoubtedly, this person will have difficulties in understanding the speech of people of the last century, just as those people will not be able to fully understand the words of our contemporary. A similar situation can occur in a person when reading the works of poets of the Silver Age or newspapers printed a century ago. This is due to the fact that the language changes very much every year and for us such transformations are almost imperceptible, but if we plunge into the past, it becomes clear that the language does not stand still, but is in constant development. Since the last century, a lot of historical events have happened, from such events one can single out, for example, the revolution, the Great Patriotic War or perestroika. The modern era is characterized by increased attention to the language: the state of the Russian language is often discussed in everyday speech, various newspaper articles are created, the problems of the state of the language are raised in magazines, forums are created on the Internet where all kinds of problems are covered and discussed. Thus, we can say with confidence that the development of the language is a very important topic in the modern world.

The language in the modern world is influenced by many different trends. The main thing is the mass media. A person is always surrounded by a lot of information that comes to him from various sources, for example, television, newspapers, and so on. Also one of the largest sources of information is the Internet. The Internet plays a very important role in the life of a modern person. The Internet is a multifunctional platform in which a person implements various types of activities: educational, gaming, labor. Each of these activities is characterized by a certain form of communication, peculiar only to it. For example, work activity is characterized by a large number of working jargon. A person working in one area will not be able to understand what people from another area are talking about.

To a greater extent, the development of language takes place in the gaming sphere. With the help of the Internet, it becomes possible to engage in gaming activities together not only with people from one city, but also from other cities and countries. Thanks to the Internet, intercultural communication becomes more accessible for everyone, and as you know, with such communication, mutual borrowing of words occurs. It is precisely in play activity that Anglicisms are used most often.

Educational activities also serve to develop modern communication. There is a very large number of all kinds of scientific forums on the Internet, where people can discuss any questions or problems, where they can pick up the information they need, or share their own knowledge in various spheres of life. First of all, the development of the modern language directly depends on the mass media.

There are several factors that influence the development of languages:

First, it has to do with the movement of people across continents. This is due to migration and past colonization. For example, native English speakers today are likely to find it more convenient to use the Spanish word "loco" to describe someone who is "crazy."

Secondly, the development of the native language is due to the communication of native speakers of one language with those who speak other languages. Due to such contacts, there is a partial merging of languages ​​or dialects, because people who live in different geographical places definitely speak their own way. For example, the word “courting” has become “dating”.

New dictionaries are being created, including the names of various new inventions, such as the names of vehicles, sports, cultural or recreational purposes, industrial equipment. For example, in the late 19th century, the term "wireless" became today's "radio".

Such influences still profoundly change the language. People who hear new words, expressions or new pronunciations often integrate them into their everyday speech, which ultimately affects language changes.

References :

Larin BA On the linguistic study of the language of the city // Russian speech. A., 1928, pp. 175-189.

Larin BA On the linguistic characteristics of the city: (several prerequisites) Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute of A.I. Herzen. L., 1928, pp. 189-199.

Shcherba, Literary Language and the Ways of Its Development (in relation to the Russian language), 1957, pp. 137-138.

Maksim Krongauz La Revue Russe, Paris, 23.2003, pp. 55-64.

David crystal. 2011. Internet Linguistics: A Student Guide. University of California, Irvine, USA, P. 137-146

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