ГИБКАЯ КЕРАМИКА - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Старцева А.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Старцева А. С.

Научный руководитель: Стракатова О.Н., Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых Владимир, Россия


Startseva A. S.

Scientific advisor: Strakatova O.N., Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs Vladimir, Russia

The range of materials and products intended for construction numbers tens and hundreds of thousands items. They can serve different purposes, in other words, have different purposes.

Finishing materials are used in construction to create coatings on the surfaces of building structures and structures in order to:

- protect against harmful environmental influences;

- improve hygienic conditions in residential, public and industrial premises;

- give surfaces aesthetic expressiveness.

All variety of modern finishing materials can be divided into types according to several classification criteria: the origin of raw materials, condition, purpose and operating conditions.

According to the origin of raw materials, finishing materials can be divided into natural and artificial.

Despite the large number of existing finishing materials, construction science and manufacturers of modern materials present new ones with unique properties and characteristics. The new finishing material - flexible ceramics - belongs to such materials.

Ceramic tiles are the oldest finishing materials. Over time, new processes, manufacturing technologies were developed and, accordingly, new finishing materials appeared, being more advanced, with improved properties. Such a new and unique finishing coating for walls and floors is a flexible ceramic tile made of modern-generation composite material, the production technology of which was developed by Cornell University (USA).

Flexible ceramic tiles are an almost universal finishing material due to their high performance characteristics. Flexible ceramic tiles are used to decorate the internal and external surfaces of buildings: houses, cottages, civil housing and office buildings. Flexible ceramic tiles are ideal for laying on concrete, brick, aerated concrete, drywall and various heat insulators with a dense structure. In outdoor decoration, these are primarily facades, corners of buildings, window slopes, plinths. The right base / plinth finish blends in harmoniously with any exterior.

Thanks to its flexibility, the tiles can be glued onto circular columns or other elements with complex shapes. When performing repairs, you can glue the tiles on the old coating, without wasting time dismantling. The interior of the kitchen becomes no less spectacular when using tiles in the area of ​​the apron or decorating one wall as a decor. It is appropriate to use finishing in bathrooms, bathrooms, on balconies.

Flexible ceramic is a composite material. Flexibility is the main advantage of this decorative material. The mesh base allows the plates to bend in any way, despite the fact that it has all the basic properties of ceramic. Therefore, they can be used to decorate surfaces of the most complex configurations.

A completely new coating made with a backing is made up of microscopic silicon particles. Particles deposited on a flexible base represent a reinforcing mesh with a binder - polymer resin. In the production of flexible tiles these properties are acquired after passing the process of high-temperature heat treatment in special chambers. During the firing process, the structure of the ceramic changes and becomes porous. "Pores" with a diameter of 20 nanometers allow the material to "breathe". This property is used in the manufacture of membranes for industrial filters.

The next stage of processing when creating a new, flexible ceramic tile is to decorate the surface, that is, to give a pattern or imitation of a coating that is fixed to the surface with a transparent protective layer. It protects ceramics from mold, mildew, ultraviolet radiation and aggressive chemicals.

The large tile format (560x280 mm) makes it possible to clad large areas of the facade in one work shift. The factory produces flexible ceramics in rolls with a length of 25 meters and a width of 0.7 meters. The sheet has a thickness of 4mm, the weight of 1 m2 of the sheet is 4-5kg.

The appearance of the ceramic coating is very diverse. The colors and textures are very different. Imitations of natural stone, limestone, brickwork, etc. are produced. Often, it is produced in 3 types: with an imitation of a savage stone, a brick and an uneven stone. The choice of shades is also quite wide, usually there are 15 of them.

Since the tiles are made from environmentally friendly materials, they do not harm human health. Vapor permeability allows moisture inside the room to be discharged outside, through the walls of the facade, in contrast to clinker thermal panels and SIP - panels, when applied, the "thermos effect" occurs. This quality does not allow moisture to accumulate in the walls, eliminating the formation of a greenhouse effect. The surface of flexible tiles can be decorated in various ways, the top layer of the material is a protective transparent coating. Due to this, the material is not afraid of high humidity, exposure to aggressive substances, solar ultraviolet light. The guaranteed service life of flexible ceramics is 20 years, during this time it does not change its properties.

Flexible ceramic tiles can be glued to insulation when insulating building facades. For gluing, cement glue is used for ceramic tiles, for outdoor use. When using this method of insulation, the facade not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but the costs of its production are comparable to the use of plasters. In contrast to plaster, the resulting coating better tolerates the loads from the movement of the building. Resistance to fading is higher than that of facade paints on plastered surfaces.

The process of installing tiles resembles putting up wallpaper. The roll is cut into individual elements with ordinary scissors or a breadboard knife. Cement-based glue is used as a fixing compound. The working mixture is prepared taking into account the recommendations indicated on the package in small portions. The mixture hardens quickly, you may not have time to work it out, so the masters recommend diluting the glue in portions.

In daily care, the surface is washed with water, you can also add hand washing liquid or washing powder to the water. Do not clean the surface with abrasive cleaning agents.

Flexible ceramics, due to their unsurpassed properties, are widely used in construction for external and internal finishing of structures of any type. Suitable for finishing rooms with high humidity - pools, fountains, facades, verandas.

The main advantage of this decorative material is its flexibility. The material is lightweight, which greatly facilitates its installation and reduces the weight of the finished structure. Therefore, flexible ceramics can be used to veneer even fairly old buildings and to be used in the restoration process. When carrying out renovation works, flexible ceramics can be installed on the old facade coating without dismantling it.


1. Flexible ceramics: a new material for finishing the facade of a private house - https://pofasadam.ru/

2. Flexible ceramic tiles in the interior - https://beridver.ru/

3. Installation of flexible ceramics - https://nastroike.com/

4. Facing materials in construction - https://www.kirpich.ru/article/

5. Advantages and disadvantages https://www.forumhouse.ru/ journal / articles/

6. Building materials and products. Tutorial. Under the general editorship of associate professor, candidate of technical sciences I.K.Domanskaya. Authors: V.S. Rudnov, E.V. Vladimirova I.K. Domanskaya, E.S. Gerasimov.

Просмотров работы: 128