XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Ряйккенен А.Э. 1, Мазлум Д.М. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Ряйккенен А.Э., Мазлум Д.М.

Научный руководитель: Стракатова О.Н., Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых Владимир, Россия


Ryaykkenen A.E., Mazlum D.M.

Scientific advisor: Strakatova O.N., Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs Vladimir, Russia

Avant-garde (as a direction of modernism) is the general term of the advanced, leading trends in the art of the early XX century. They are characterized by the search for the new forms and means of artistic presentation, the complete rejection of traditions and the absolutization of innovation. Avant-garde artists create non-objective plastic, rhythmic, colorful compositions, accompanied by a huge number of texts explaining their concept of creativity.

Modernism and avant-gardism are linked by a common utopian goal of rejecting realism and transforming consciousness through art. But avant-gardists are characterized by more radical ideas of restructuring not only consciousness, but also society with the help of art.

Modernism was aimed at an artistic revolution, changes within creative traditions, without denying them, while the avant-garde radically opposed all previous customs.

In contrast to modernism, avant-gardism is not a clearly defined and formed system of philosophical and artistic conditions, the main qualities that guide it are: instability of borders, eclecticism of theories, lack of conservatism.

Instead of the modernist theory of the work as a complete whole system, which logically expresses the aesthetic meaning, avant-gardism introduces the idea of a free text intended for interpretation and improvisation, the reader's participation in creating a story that is not fully known.

The intensive period of development of avant-gardism 1905-1930 is closely connected with modernism, its features are reflected in such major modernist trends as: post-impressionism, expressionism, Fauvism, cubism, futurism, abstractionism, Dadaism, surrealism, Suprematism, neoplasticism, constructivism.

Avant-gardism as a historical phenomenon is a major and severe product of the crisis of bourgeois culture of the early twentieth century, it comes from a subjectivist, anarchist worldview.

Avant-garde trends are based on a sharp radical attitude to artistic creativity, unlimited aspects of classical aesthetics, using unusual, new ways of representation, filled with symbolism of creative images.

The meaning of the vanguard is inherently unorganized: it unites schools and art movements that sometimes represent completely different ideologies. This contradiction of avant-garde tendencies, due to the different destinies of the authors, their aesthetic and social positions, led to its aesthetic duality, artistic eclecticism. A common feature of avant-garde movements is the Manifesto-an open and unwavering protest against social norms and orders.

Representatives of avant-gardism believe that in order to transform the world by means of art, to form a new consciousness of humanity, it needs complete freedom from outdated conventions, they first of all turn to instinct as the original natural feeling, not overshadowed by social prohibitions. Avant-gardists skillfully curtail the perception of the conscious and develop the unconscious in the creative and receptive processes.

However, avant-gardism, in truth, to some extent contributed to the strengthening of totalitarian authorities, its ideological inconsistency with totalitarianism was an obvious phenomenon, which led to the destruction of avant-garde culture, its schools, and the arrest and murder of prominent artists.

As for the main directions, we can differentiate:

Post-impressionism is a trend that emerged at the end of the 19th century, due to the decline in the popularity of impressionism and is a natural continuation of the development of this trend. The main distinguishing feature of the post-Impressionists was that they moved away from transmitting an instant-sensuous picture of the world around them and tried to convey to the viewer the deep philosophical meaning of being and space.

Expressionism-expressionist artists expressed disagreement with the surrounding reality, showed pessimism, reaching mysticism. In the creative works of these artists, such moods often manifested themselves in sharp grotesque forms.

Fauvism-current in French painting of the early XX century. Fauvist artists strongly denied the painting techniques of the XIX century. They were united by the desire for emotional spontaneity of open color and sharpness of rhythm. Generalization of volumes, space, and drawing is typical.

Cubism is characterized by the predominance of straight lines, sharp edges, and cube-like shapes. The images are deformed, rough shapes, and there is no perspective or chiaroscuro.

Futurism is a literary and artistic direction in Italy at the beginning of the XX century. In art, this is the representation of movement through repeated elements.

Abstract art is a type of non-objective art based on a composition of lines, dots, and color spots.

Dadaism-the basis of the direction-is absurd. It arose as a protest of creative youth against the world war and the culture that led to it. The denial of all values, the removal of art beyond the serious.

Surrealism is characterized by a predilection for everything whimsical, irrational, and not conforming to generally accepted standards. The main concept of surrealism, surreality-a combination of dream and reality.

Suprematism is the expression of reality in simple forms that underlie all other forms of the physical world.

Neoplasticism is characterized by the desire for" universal harmony", expressed in strictly balanced combinations of large rectangular shapes, clearly separated by perpendicular lines of black color of the main spectrum.

Constructivism-the main features of rigor, laconism and geometric shapes. Constructivism has spread in various areas of artistic creativity.

Avant-gardism has given the world such great artists As V. Kandinsky, P. Picasso, K. Malevich, M. Chagall, P. Mondrian, S. Dali and many others whose work helps us to look at the world with a new look.

List of used literature:

1. Avanguard of the XX century and its influence on architecture and design. – Mode of access: http://deshistory2018.blogspot.com/2018/03/xx.html

2. The avant-garde. The difference between avant-gardism and modernism. – Mode of access: https://www.litdic.ru/avangardizm/.

3. The avant-garde. - Access mode: https://litpr.ru/avangardizm/.

4. Avangard. – Mode of access: https://gtmarket.ru/concepts/7163.

5. Styles and trends in art: modernism, modernism, avant-gardism. – Mode of access: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/svettlana_z/post354776064.

Просмотров работы: 154