Лубнина Я.М.
Научный руководитель: Стракатова О.Н., Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых Владимир, Россия
Lubnina Y.M.
Scientific advisor: Strakatova O.N., Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs Vladimir, Russia
The inclusion of suspended systems in the interior is a common technique that helps to hide communications, defects in rough ceilings, to reduce the height of the room if the area of the space is very large. Many types of hanging variations can present you with a difficult choice when it comes to the question which one to choose.
You will learn about suspended ceilings that are the systems for fastening panels and profiles, as well as about types of suspensions with a description of their properties.
Ceiling is the most difficult installation arrangement, as access to is difficult due to the height. Suspended ceiling systems allow installation to be carried out error-free, quickly and literally without waste - after finishing, only a few cuttings of profile and slabs will remain.
Ceiling is a part of the room that is not so noticeable at first glance. However, the peculiarities of its finishing can set the tone for the entire interior or create the necessary visual effect. That is why the choice of finishing material for the ceiling should be given no less attention than, for example, for walls or floors.
One of the most popular design options for this surface is ceiling panels. A wide variety of types, materials, mounting methods and a wide price range make it possible to choose the ideal option, both for a residential apartment and for an office or shop.
According to the shape of the panel, there are three types:
1. Slab panels. Typically pressed panel material, factory cut to size. The easiest to install and affordable option for the budget. As a rule, it has an unassuming appearance (20-30 mm profile shelves are visible) and noise-insulating properties.
2. Cassettes. These are panels in which the system of attachment to the frame is laid. The front surface finish is usually glossy, it can have a huge variety of decor, up to mirrors and engraving. At the same time, the joint of the panels is thin - 10-15 mm, and must be finished with special fittings.
3. Rake. This is the conventional name for a long panel with a width of 30 to 500 mm, which is attached to a special frame with latches. The base of the rail is metal, so the latches are bent out of the panel sheet.
By the type of the facing material, ceilings are divided into types:
Functional. Sound-absorbing panels - pressed, mineral-lamina
PVC, PE, PPR. (PVC is an environmentally friendly product representing a chemical compound of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine, which consists of about 43% ethylene (a by-product of oil refining) and 57% of combined chlorine obtained from stone and cooking salt.)
2. Decorative. Spectacular appearance without additional functions. The base is metal with finishing. Often requires careful maintenance.
3. Combined. Utility panels combining decor and heat and sound insulation. Basically, these are metal cassette systems with a polyurethane foam layer.
As for the connection method, a distinction is made between:
1. Associated with the frame. The panel has a fastening, which is often suitable only for the frame of the same company. This is how manufacturers protect their products.
2. Not related to the frame. The panel just lies on the shelves of the frame.
False ceiling elements:
This design consists of three main combined elements. They are interconnected by level markings and constructive compatibility. That is, for the selected size, the corresponding parts of other elements should be selected.
The most common false ceiling system is the company's products
Armstrong made in Great Britain (that is why any prefabricated style is simplistically used to call "armstrong").
These are the supporting elements of the entire system. There can be many options for the vertical fasteners - each company offering the system has its own fasteners. Since it bears all responsibility for the strength of the structure, it is literally a “visiting card” of the manufacturer:
1. Suspension on cables. Difficult to adjust and strengthen.
2. Rigid suspension. Does not compensate for vibrations, transmits vibrations.
3. Standard "butterfly". Armstrong system element is reliable, convenient, at an average price.
1. Suspension on cables. Difficult to adjust and strengthen.
2. Rigid suspension. Does not compensate for vibrations, transmits vibrations.
3. Standard "butterfly". Armstrong system element is reliable, convenient, at an average price.
4. Double "butterfly". Quick and easy adjustment, for light to medium weight.
5. Threaded suspension. Easy to adjust, reliable, withstands a lot of weight, but expensive in cost.
6. Adjustable rigid suspension. Same as "hard", only with adjustment.
In real practice, the share of "butterflies" accounts for 70-80% of the total installation. It is explained by the fact that suspended ceilings, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are installed in industrial, commercial and public buildings, which implies huge areas. Convenience and speed of installation come to the fore. The first and second varieties are made on site from scrap material, option 6 is part of the cassette system and is supplied with it. Threaded suspension - universal, used for heavy ceilings.
Guide rails
Their difference from other types of straight long profile is that they have retaining elements in their design. It can be:
1. Shelves. The most popular type for a single cell ceiling. The panel is simply placed on the shelves and also easily removed. Convenient dismantling is good for places with many communications - they are easy to maintain by removing the necessary panels.
2. Latch. Elements of the cassette system, in which the cells have counterparts of latches. The panel is inserted into the prepared frame and is also removable. Panel finish can be aPanel finish can be any - metal, fabric, mirror, etc. Such guides have additional latches at the ends, which allow them to be spliced in length and provide ideal (in the given conditions) joining.
In principle, the guide system is a rigid frame suspended for the fastener hooks. Moreover, in the case of a non-separable finish (for example, mirror-like), it is permissible to make it from ordinary UD and CD profiles and sheathe it with plasterboard.
Fill Panels
As can be seen from the previous descriptions, the type of panels follows from the requirements for the ceiling system. They are of three types.
Conventional quick release panels. They have a standard size (from 400x400 mm to 600x600 mm and a thickness of 10–20 mm), are mass-produced in factories. As a rule, the material is lightweight and relatively inexpensive. Has the usual unassuming appearance, is easy to process and replace.
1. The cheapest false ceiling option.
2. They even compensate for significant movements of the base (seismic resistance up to 3 points).
3. They have a standard size, which makes it easy to install large volumes.
4. Free access to communications in the sub-ceiling niche.
5. A variety of fixtures for the panel size.
1. Simple appearance (squares).
2. The wide shelves of the frame are visible.
Panels with hidden fasteners (cassettes). A latch is incorporated into the design of such panels, which makes them more complex and expensive products. The rigid fixing allows the panels to be washed in place.
1. A large assortment of external paneling.
2. Service without removal.
1. Non-removable structure (conditionally). Dismantling and access to communications is difficult.
2. Higher cost. Panels for pasting. They can be made independently from the selected material, or according to a unique design project. It can be just individual squares or figures made of mirrors, PVC, polyurethane foam, etc. In this case, the frame is made of gypsum plasterboard profile on adjustable suspensions and sheathed with plasterboard.
1. You can embody any artistic solution, including from non-standard elements.
2. No dependence on the location of the frame edges, they are not visible.
1. Non-separable design.
2. When the base vibrates, cracks at the joints are possible.
Plasterboard suspended ceilings
It is not entirely correct to call a ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard on a rigid frame suspended. The fact is that when creating a GKL frame, rigid fasteners of connections on P-suspensions are used, which is also connected to the walls.
Advantages of GKL suspended ceiling:
1. Minimum under-ceiling space - from 30 mm
2. Durable solid base, ideally suited for pasting (execution of unique interiors).
3. The cost of the frame is several times cheaper.
4. The ability to perform any curly volumetric elements.
Disadvantages of GKL suspended ceiling:
1. Non-separable system. The ceiling space is blocked for access.
2. Requires further finishing.
3. Less accurate suspension adjustment.
4. Fastening of the suspension by 2-3 points (according to the technology) against 1 point for suspensions of the Armstrong type.
5. Limited distance from slab to plane (maximum for suspension length up to 350 mm). Suspended ceilings can be lowered to any distance.
Stretch ceilings using vinyl film (PVC)
The main advantages of this type of ceiling are:
A flawlessly flat surface, even with imperfect ceiling tiles.
Traces of flooding will not appear on the surface - the waterproof material simply will not let water through. The design is able to withstand the pressure of one hundred kilograms of water per square.
Seamless fabric.
The width of the canvas reaches 5 m, therefore, in a room with standard dimensions, ceilings can be installed without a seam, which increases the strength 15 times compared to PVC film. If the PVC ceiling becomes inelastic at low temperatures, then fabric stretch ceilings do not respond to temperature changes. (Manufacturers guarantee normal condition in cold and frost conditions at 50 °).
Ceiling PVC panels
This type of finish is popular due to its qualities:
Affordable cost.
Features of the installation allow you to mask the irregularities of the base ceiling and hide the wiring wires.
Durability of use, ease of care.
Aesthetics, a wide range of colors.
To install the panels, you need to have the skills of marking. Cutting material requires careful, skillful handling. It is better to invite professionals to do this work.
The functionality of the demountable suspended ceilings.
A plane suspended at a certain height creates a niche between the floor slab and the finishing layer, the height of which can be calculated and set in advance. This gives an advantage in terms of the location of various highways and communications, which can be hidden in a niche under the ceiling.
A suspended ceiling is not only a decorative element. For example, thanks to the adjustable suspensions, it can be lowered to a predetermined height, thereby reducing the volume of the room and reducing heating costs. At the same time, the place above the department will not be lost - there will be communications routes. It is also difficult to overestimate the design possibilities of decorative finishing of premises, which the use of a suspended ceiling gives.
1. Afanasyeva T.V. Suspended ceiling // Wikipedia https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretch_ceiling
2.. Gracheva N.V. Styles // FB.ru:// https://domavlad.ru/potolok/natyazhnoj-v-vannoj-plyusy-i-minusy.html
3. Evgeev A.T. Functionality of ceilings // World of Knowledge: // https: //ru.wikipedia.%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%86
4. Trofimov V.T. Tips for the maintenance of ceilings // https://pod-potol.com/