XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Карпов И.М. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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BIM is shortened for the building information modelling. It is a “digital representation” of a building’s physical and functional properties made to efficiently design, plan and manage structures and buildings. BIM allows to explore and manipulate virtual 3d models and makes it easier to understand materials, gaps between spaces and the relations of the systems. Therefore, the process can build, view and test a structure at any given moment in 3D without relying on the old paper and pencil modeling with a drastically different, tinier scale of a construction planning. Each stage of construction benefits from getting involved in BIM utilization. When compared to the other tools on the market today, it is very effective.

It’s a growing in popularity software used by engineers and architects. It’s relatively new in the construction industry, but some countries, including UK for instance, have made the utilization of BIM a standard for modeling publicly funded projects in 2016. Germany is mandating the use of BIM technologies in all transportation projects this year. Other countries are also on their way to making BIM a standard for constructions. There are a lot of various project works that can be done with the utilization of it. More complex AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection) provide tools for creating high-quality, high-performing building designs with an incredibly high amount of details more effectively and efficiently.

The BIM software

There is a big variety of different software solutions:

Autodesk Revit, Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Civil 3D, Autodesk Navisworks, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks Architech, SketchUp.

Instantaneous project’s edits

The concept of the intelligent model-based process allows professionals to create 3D models that have functional and physical characteristics that give a graphical representation of what the building looks like. Professionals can collaborate on models, so that everyone can see a project’s edits instantaneously. BIM objects are models that can interact with other models in a project by automatically updating geometry and store data in all corresponding data blocks. That includes: four elevation views (those are north, south, east and west by default); sheet views (floor plans, site plans, ceiling plans); sections, detail view and etc.

Better understanding of visuals

The information in the model can help to make changes in the building’s design before it’s built. The software has plenty of options for tweaking the image render. Photorealistic images of the 3D model are good for better visualization, allowing to convey design intent of the building. It’s considered a quiet prominent part because retaining model intelligence from concept to construction is a relief for both engineers and architects.

BIM execution plan

Planning in the construction phase

1) Costumer’s desires, Requirements for constructions, Nature conditions, Information about building equipment, materials and constructions.

2) 3D modeling, collaboration for quality checks; calculations of time, cost and tons of other small things; tendering.


Documentation, design solutions, ordering equipment, prediction of building’s quality.


4) BIM 3D blueprints are also used for the maintenance of the construction for future renovation, deconstruction, metadata or asset tracking for assigning unique identification numbers to every item that needs to get tracked.

From paper to reality

BIM provides indisputable advantages for better prediction of the project’s expenditure; making the schedule being closer to the reality’s pace by improving it and avoiding obstacles by making fewer errors. (CAE) Computer-aided engineering software, also known as engineering simulations is becoming a part of the construction industry. Contamination, thermal comfort, smoke spread prediction, wind loads on buildings, pedestrian comfort in urban areas are getting integrated more and more through cloud computing. And it can help to better understand the future of the utilization of the project.

Future of BIM

With modern software features, Autodesk develops all-new ways of working together by introducing cloud technologies, which allow construction teams to work all over the world on the same models via Internet providing exceeding efficiency; adding software support for mobile devices; AR (augmented reality)/VR (virtual reality) and position trackers. BIM and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) data will soon integrate into one model, helping everyone making crucial decisions based on precise geographic location. The more the BIM process is commercially available, the more it integrates in our world. Promising better collaborative experience for using, designing and building the spaces we live in and work at.

BIM as a tool for research and experiments

BIM has another very interesting ways of utilization. It is a sandbox for conducting and experimenting with almost all issues related to planning, designing, energy consumption, environmental friendliness and other aspects of construction activities. For these purposes, an abstract construction gets created to imitate a situation for the study.

Misconceptions about BIM

BIM is not a specific software. This is a new technology. Autodesk Revit, ArchiCAD and other BIM software is just the tool for its implementation.

BIM is not perfect. Hence it is created by human hands and gets improved by the exact same creatures the software and people will continue to have flaws. The errors may occur while inputting data, in the process of creating a BIM software or even because of a PC’s hardware or software faults.

BIM is not an AI. For instance, the information collected in the model can be wrong, if numbers don’t match, only a human can eliminate inconsistencies. Design logic can’t be mathematically described yet.

BIM cannot replace a human. Moreover, the BIM technology won’t exist without one. It requires professionalism, a better, comprehensive understanding of the creative process of building design and greater responsibility at work. With all that being said, BIM makes people work more productive, freeing from the routine and protecting from making crucial mistakes.

Просмотров работы: 7