АРТ-ОБЪЕКТ В ДИЗАЙНЕ ИНТЕРЬЕРА - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Конина И.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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The theme of the work is the creation of an art object for the design of an art Studio. The purpose of this work is to create an original art object for the interior, which will take on a significant role of accent and create the atmosphere of the room. Modern construction and art materials will be used to create the panels. Interior design is a branch of design that focuses on the interior of premises in order to ensure the convenience and aesthetically pleasing interaction of the environment with the person. Interior design combines artistic and industrial design. The designer performs optimization of work in the room, improves navigation in large rooms, develops the design of specialized rooms according to the requirements of customers. The designer manages the entire interior design process, starting with the layout of the room, lighting, ventilation systems, acoustics, wall decoration; and ending with the placement of furniture. An art object is an object of art, a thing that represents not only material, but also artistic value. Designing a building is an interesting task, since you can "fit" decorative panels into almost any interior style. They are made of stones, natural components, plaster or other materials. But, in any case, they become almost the most important element of the decor in the room and sometimes radically transform its appearance. When designing this art object, you should take into account the style and interior of the place for which it will be created. It is worth developing. It is based on certain associations and compositional integration into a single whole.

1. Research and collection of initial information of the design project with art interior panels

Artistic panels play a significant role in interior design. The panel on the wall can give the room a completely new look, as well as solve many design problems. Firstly, like paintings, they fill the space with life, give the interior the effect of uniqueness, are the hallmark of the home and its owners. Secondly, there is no need to carry out all the work directly at the facility. A decorative panel can be made in a workshop and mounted on the wall in a short period of time at any convenient moment, especially if the room is already living or working. Thirdly, on the subject, this is a wide range of works in various styles, including photographs, which is very much in demand in modern interiors. Fourthly, if the image is printed on a prepared textured basis, it is cheaper for those who want to save money. And not only in money, but also in time, especially when it comes to business projects, for example, the design and decor of a cafe. Fifthly, this is the ability to preview a sketch of the future interior decor, to correct and refine it. The word "panel" is of French origin (from French - panneau), this is the name for a part of a wall or ceiling framed with stucco, ornamentation and decorated with a pictorial or sculptural image, and in addition, a picture or a bas-relief made on a part of a wall or ceiling. Ceramics manufacturers have adopted this technique and annually present to consumers interesting ceramic panels with ornamental or subject compositions, made in different styles, and most importantly, designed for every taste and financial capacity. Decorative wall panels can be made of fabric, leather, wood, plaster, decorative plaster, porcelain stoneware, clay and other materials. Such decor is able to update a boring interior without any drastic alterations. The room will immediately sparkle with different colors, and an extraordinary drawing will become its main element. Various plots, complex ornaments, interesting drawings are often subject to a certain style, in which the entire complex of the room is made. So, a mosaic panel in the interior can visually change the space. Such drawings and whole artistic compositions are often used when decorating bathrooms and kitchens. Mosaic can be combined with almost all types of materials, various architectural styles, and its rich palette of colors and textures makes mosaic decorations popular. Such panels are made of glass, ceramics, natural stone, porcelain stoneware, wood, and more recently leather, fur, metal. Subject panels with complex geometric patterns, portraits, landscapes, images of antique statues are relevant. Mosaic (mosaic panel) is one of the most ancient types of fine art; samples that are 4 thousand years old have come down to us. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, in Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Sumerian state, monumental compositions were created using various materials - from clay and natural pebbles, to semiprecious and precious stones, and later - smalt. The pieces of furniture and clothing of the pharaohs were decorated with mosaics, with the development of materials, mosaic inserts were made in palaces and temples. Mosaic has always been primarily a decoration, colorful and always unique. Few could afford to have mosaics in their home interiors. Panels in the Greek and Roman styles are in great demand, but you can also embody any other idea: from paintings by great painters to a photograph of your beloved dog. So an art panel can become a highlight of any interior; it does not require a long distance in order to fully appreciate its beauty. The panel can be made as a central element of the design of the room, placing it on the entire wall, ceiling or floor, as well as for focusing attention on other decorative elements. Handmade is very much appreciated in the modern world. For those who love everything original and unusual, the panel will become an irreplaceable detail in the interior of the apartment. After all, the variety of materials from which it can be made is simply amazing. So what extraordinary decorative panels are made of? There are some fresh and good ideas. In the manufacture of panels, you can use seashells, cereals, grains, clay, pasta and other materials. To give them an unforgettable look, they usually use various paints, sparkles, and also complement the panel with multi-colored pebbles or glass. Such an element of decor simply cannot fail to attract attention.In a modern interior, paintings with a textured surface applied to the walls look spectacular and interesting. When performing such work, decorative plaster is used, with which you can create an exclusive decoration of the room. The panel is a versatile solution for decorating any room. The plots of such a design particle can be very diverse. You just need to show a little imagination. After all, as a result, you can turn an ordinary room into an unforgettable and original corner of art! Now the designer has access to all the variety of modern materials. The designer himself must be able to determine: with the help of what materials and artistic techniques he will achieve the embodiment of his artistic idea.

2. Design and composition solution and graphic development of the design project

When developing the idea for an art panel, mythological characters from the books of the writer Ed Lovecraft and characters from the Viking epic were taken as a basis. This panel is based on the stylization of the living in natural forms and mechanical. A character from Lovecraft's book represents the dark, mystical side of human nature. The Viking symbolizes courage, bravery, the transition stage from unity with nature to distance from it. The third character demonstrates the complete mechanization of man, his complete detachment from nature. These metamorphoses should be of interest to visitors to the art Studio because the mystical and epochal side of human existence always attracts people's attention. The General concept of the design project is to create a decorative panel. which will fit into the overall style of the room. An art Studio is a complex game space that includes an etude class, an exhibition hall, a music room, and an art Studio. Each of the cabinets performs a specific function and meets specific requirements. Getting to classes in the art Studio, the visitor seems to be immersed in a creative atmosphere, feeling free and liberated. Before proceeding to work on the panel, it was necessary to develop sketches. They can be performed in graphic or pictorial techniques. For graphic techniques used: pencil, gley rods, ink, pen, marker. For painting techniques, you can use: watercolor, gouache, or a combination of watercolor and pastel techniques, watercolor and gley pen, gouache and felt-tip pen, etc. Also, sketches can be made in the technique of "paper plastic", "collage" or "application" using various textures and textures. Great importance during the execution of the draft project was given to the construction of the correct composition. A properly constructed composition ensures the unity of form and content, enhances the emotional impact and affects the visual perception of the interior. Composition (from Latin compositio) - means the composition, connection and combination of various parts into a single whole in accordance with an idea. When developing the idea of a panel for an art Studio, you should take into account the nature of the room, its purpose, the climate of the room: humidity, temperature, lighting, etc. Based on the conclusions obtained during the research, it was decided to use plywood as the basis for decorative panels. It is very convenient to use and is suitable not only for sketches, but also for serious work in which the ease and mobility of the finished product is important. Based on the characteristics of this canvas, a polyacrylic primer was selected for leveling the base. To create the drawing were used: water-dispersion snow-white paint; to give realism and texture to the image on the art panel, the application technique was applied. In this technique, the details of the characters of the panel are made. The reverse side and ends of the plywood are covered with a layer of black paint.

3. Characteristics of creative work

A sketch is a preliminary sketch that fixes the concept of a work of art or its individual parts. The sketch outlines the compositional construction, spatial plans, the main color ratios of the future work.

Working process:

Selection of work analogues.

Development of graphic and pictorial sketches.

Preparation of material for work.

Full-size panel production.

A sheet of plywood was taken as the basis for the future panel. Initially, it was necessary to clean it from burrs and irregularities with sandpaper. After leveling all large irregularities, the surface should be degreased; for this, acetone was applied. After degreasing the surface, two coats of polyacrylic primer were applied. After the primer was dry, a sketch was applied. To create the picture, a white water-dispersion paint was chosen with the addition of tinting paste of different colors. The decorative elements of the applique made of metallized foil and a rubber mask were used. At the end of the work, the back and ends of the plywood were covered with black paint.


To decorate a home or an office in a beautiful and modern way takes your imagination. A wall panel can become an extraordinary and unique particle in the interior of a room. But for "hitting the target" you need to think about exactly where to place it. Indeed, in accordance with the purpose of the premises, their decor differs. The initial stage of my qualification work was the study of the object, the choice of themes for interior decoration and the collection of the necessary information. The object of study is a decorative panel. Painting plays an important role in organizing the interior space of a room and serves not only as decoration, but also changes the visual perception, enriches the interior space and forms a unique style. Decorative panels are a popular decorative element in modern interiors. The panel, made in accordance with the interests of a person, will make any interior individual and stylish. Having familiarized yourself with informational and visual sources, you can better understand the organic relationship and mutual influence of various techniques and means on the formation of a modern interior. To create a certain image, one should pay attention to the synthesis of architectural forms, decorative motives, elements of ethnic culture. Because the topic of this course work is the creation of a decorative panel for an art studio, then the result must correspond to this characteristic. Art Studio is a complex play space that includes a sketch class, an exhibition hall, a music lounge and an art studio. Each of the offices has a specific function and meets specific requirements. Getting to classes in the art studio, the visitor seems to be immersed in a creative atmosphere, feeling free and liberated. Everything in the design of an art studio should be creative. The knowledge gained in the process of studying this topic was applied and embodied in the manufacture of an artistic panel. In the process of studying the technique of decorative painting and making decorative panels, knowledge in this area was replenished, which will be used in further training and professional activity.

Просмотров работы: 59