CHARLES BALLY - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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Charles Bally is a Swiss linguist. He was born in Geneva on February 4, 1865. He studied in Geneva and Berlin, where in 1889 he defended his doctorate in ancient Philology. Charles Bally is a professor at the University of Geneva, specialist in General and comparative historical linguistics, French and German. He worked with F. de Saussure, was greatly influenced by his ideas and played an outstanding role in their popularization.

In the history of European linguistics of the XX century, Charles has a place of honor. Along with another Swiss the linguist Albert Sachet published in 1916, based on the notes of lectures, "Course of General linguistics" by F. Saussure – a book that soon became widely known and was translated into many languages. But the name Bally became good it is known to specialists as early as 1909, when he published his two-volume French style, and in 1913 he published a General linguistic essay under the title "Language and life". These two studies, along with more recent work, are now published in Russian ("General linguistics and questions of the French language"), make up the main works of Swiss linguist's. Let's talk more conveniently about this book.

Bally's most famous linguistic work, General linguistics and questions of the French language (Linguistique général et la linguistique française), was first published in 1932. In 1944, a revised edition appeared, translated in 1955 into Russian. The book combines research on General linguistics with work that identifies specific features of the French language (largely based on its comparison with German); a synchronous approach to the language is combined with the identification of trends in its development. Bally shows that at any given time, every language (in particular, French) is the product of a temporary balance between tradition and trends that push the language in a certain direction.

In French, Bally identified historical trends toward analyticism, toward the order" chief member + dependent member", and toward" compression " – the use of simple, unmotivated signs. In German, the trend towards analyticism is not so pronounced, and two other trends are opposite to French: the "dependent + main" order prevails and the use of complex signs with a transparent structure, in particular complex words, is characteristic.

He always considered himself a consistent student of F. Saussure. And this is generally true, though, insisting on in some positions of the teacher and cutting off others, Bally not only developed the doctrine of Saussure, but also modified it somewhat.

Bally believed that he had isolated the modern si theme of the French language and studied it "in itself and for itself". In reality, it turned out otherwise: through the entire book of Bally there is a teaching about "language trends". It turned out that for understanding the modern language is absolutely necessary to know what historical trends of language cause a particular modern language phenomenon. Thus arose in Bally's work the doctrine of the tendency to "progressive world order", the doctrine of the tendency to "concentration of language signs", the doctrine of the tendency to "static character of expression" (the tendency is found even in statics itself!).

According to Bally, it is the live spoken folk speech that should be the main object of any static study of the language. The researcher attaches less importance to written monuments than to the neck. Resorting to an image later used by other authors. Ball and compares the vernacular language with a wide and powerful river, the ice cover of which is represented to him by writing, while the river itself — by people's speech.

The Swiss linguist intended to show the broad scope of emotional-affective tendencies of speech – in phonetics, in grammar, in vocabulary, in the rhythmic-melodic drawing of a sentence. Bally closely studied the various features of words and expressions that exist in different language styles. One and the same expression – as it may seem to a superficial observer – is not at all the same if, passing a logically unified concept, it is clothed in a different language form, and the difference of this latter is perceived primarily in the emotional-affective plan: C'en est fait de moi "I perished" in the "high" style of speech, je suis perdu in the same meaning, but in ordinary colloquial language, and then, respectively, increasing the emotional coloring and "reducing" the styles of speech: je suis flambe (familiarly), je suis fichu (even more familiarly), je suis foutu (argot combination).

Bally's book is an uneven work. It does not cover everything clearly and convincingly. A number of Bally's theoretical propositions are unacceptable to us. And yet the analysis of language material in this monograph is given, although sometimes controversial, but very acute and interesting. The ability to comprehensively, deeply and subtly investigate specific linguistic phenomena, to link seemingly disparate linguistic facts into a single and coherent whole, to notice such "language movements" that less gifted authors pass by indifferently— all these qualities are inherent in the work of an outstanding Swiss linguist. The work of Charles Bally occupies one of the most prominent places among foreign studies on theoretical grammar of the last two decades (Written in a very peculiar way, Bally's book presented many difficulties for translators and editors: a very large number of new and not accepted in other linguistic works of terms, unusual comparisons and unexpected digressions-all this complicated the work).





4. Ш. Балли «Общая лингвистика и вопросы французского языка». М., 1955.

5. Е.О. Опарина Ш. Балли // Европейские лингвисты XX в.: Сб. обзоров. М., 2001.

Просмотров работы: 150