NEWSPAPER STYLE IN STYLISTICS - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means, which serves a definite aim in communication. Each style is recognized as an independent whole. The peculiar choice of language means is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the function the style performs.

As a matter of fact there exist a number of classifications of functional styles, but the most common one was introduces by I.R. Galperin. It includes the belles-letters style, the publicistic style, the newspaper style, the scientific prose style, and the style of official documents.

English newspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader. It goes without saying that the bulk of the vocabulary used in newspaper style is neutral and commonly literary. But apart from this, newspaper style has its specific vocabulary features.

Its basic genres, which can be classed as follows:

1. Newspaper Style.

2. Headlines Articles.

3. Brief News, Items, Advertisements and Announcements.

4. The Editorial.

Function of newspaper style:

1. Provides information without comment or appeal.

2. Delivers ‘hot news’.

3. Addresses general public.

Newspaper style was the last of all the styles of written literary English to be recognized as a specific form of writing standing apart from other forms.

English newspaper writing dates from the 17th century. At the close of the 16th century short news pamphlets began to appear. Any such publication either presented news from only one source or dealt with one specific subject. Note the titles of some of the earliest news pamphlets: "Newe newes, containing a short rehearsal of Stukely's and Morice's Rebellion" (1579), "Newes from Spain and Holland" (1593), "Wonderful and strange newes out of Suffolke and Essex, where it rayned wheat ,the space of six or seven miles" (1583). News pamphlets appeared only from time to time and cannot be classed as newspapers, though they were unquestionably the immediate forerunners of the British press.

The first English daily newspaper – the Daily Courant – was brought out on March 11, 1702. The paper carried news, largely foreign, and no comment, the latter being against the principles of the publisher, as was stated in the first issue of his paper. Thus the early English newspaper was principally a vehicle of information. Commentary as a regular feature found its way into the newspapers later. But as far back as the middle of the 18th century the British newspaper was very much like what it is today, carrying on its pages news, both foreign and domestic, advertisements, announcements and articles containing comments.

The most concise form of newspaper informational is the headline. The headlines of news items, apart from giving information about the subject-matter, also carry a considerable amount of appraisal (the size and arrangement of the headline, the use of emotionally colored words and elements of emotive syntax), thus indicating the interpretation of the facts in the news item that follows.

1. Brief news items. The function of a brief news item is to inform the reader. It states only facts without giving comments. Newspaper style has its specific vocabulary features and is characterized by an extensive use of:

special political and economic terms;

non-term political vocabulary;

newspaper cliché;



The following grammatical peculiarities of brief news items are of paramount importance, and may be regarded as grammatical parameters of newspaper style:

complex sentences with a developed system of clauses;

verbal constructions;

syntactical complexes;

attributive noun groups;

specific word order.

2. The headline. The headline is the title given to a news item of a newspaper article. The main function of the headline is to inform the reader briefly of what the news that follows is about.

Syntactically headlines are very short sentences or phrases of a variety of patterns:

full declarative sentences;

interrogative sentences;

nominative sentences;

elliptical sentences;

sentences with articles omitted;

phrases with verbals;

questions in the forms of statements;

complex sentences;

headlines including direct speech.

3. Advertisements and announcements. The function of advertisement and announcement is to inform the reader. There are two basic types of advertisements and announcements in the modern English newspaper: classified and non-classified (separate). In classified advertisements and announcements various kinds of information are arranged according to subject-matter into sections, each bearing an appropriate name. As for the separate advertisements and announcements, the variety of language form and subject-matter is so great that hardly any essential features common to all be pointed out.

4. The editorial. Editorials are an intermediate phenomenon bearing the stamp of both the newspaper style and the publistic style. The function of the editorial is to influence the reader by giving an interpretation of certain facts. Emotional coloring in editorial articles is also achieved with the help of various stylistic devices (especially metaphors and epithets), both lexical and syntactical, the use of which is largely traditional.

Newspaper is a very important thing in our life. Reading of newspapers has become a habit for most of us. A good newspaper is useful for everyone. They have a greater value for all, especially in a democracy. They keep us well informed. They increase our general knowledge. They tell us what is happening around us. They are the world’s mirrors. Newspaper style has its specific features, which distinguish it from other styles. And that is why newspaper style is studied as a separated type of functional style in English stylistic.


1. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка // М.: Высшая школа, 1981.

2. Знаменская Т.А. Стилистика английского языка // Основы курса. Учебное пособие. М.: 2016.



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