Linguistic concept and ideas of G.O. Vinokur - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

Linguistic concept and ideas of G.O. Vinokur

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Grigory Vinokur is an outstanding Soviet and literary author, author of more than 100 scientific works on Russian literature, the history of the Russian language, poetry, and the theory of word formation. The style of poetic literary language.

Vinokur was a philologist in the highest, humanitarian sense of the word. He understands philology as an encyclopedia of culture and embodies this ideal principle in his practical activities.

The scientist never shared the science of language and the science of literature: he not only successfully applied linguistic methods in poetry, but also knew how to see the facts of language in a cultural and typological perspective.

G. O. Vinokur as a scientist was brought up in a very colorful environment of the Moscow intelligentsia " the futurist" movement of V. V. Mayakovsky and "Lef" and the traditional school of Moscow University with its ideas.

He participated in new projects: the Moscow linguistic circle, the Moscow dialectological Commission, where the young generation of researchers was the driving force of Philology that made this breakthrough. And the names of many participants in the discussions of those years (B. V. Tomashevsky, R. O. Yakobson, P. G. Bogatyrev, N. F. Yakovlev, N. I. Zhinkin, A. A. Reformatsky, etc.).

The Moscow linguistic circle for many of them and, of course, for G.O. Vinokur became a school of scientific life and search for its own path and world view.

The breadth of the research range was combined at Vinokur with its extreme mobility. He started as a comparativist: his classes at the Moscow University were concentrated mainly in the field of comparative-historical study of Slavic and Baltic languages. At the same time he took part in the work of the Moscow Linguistic Circle, was his deputy, and later became chairman.

He had many diverse interests: word formation and morphology, lexicology and lexicography, language culture and stylistics, dialectology and stage pronunciation, literary language history and historical grammar, natural science and writers 'language, literature history and criticism, biography and texology, general linguistics and aesthetics are an incomplete list of scientific disciplines to which Vinokur contributed.

The 1920s is an extremely interesting and important stage in the formation of the research activities of G.O. Vinokur.

This period of philological growth of the scientist is already expressed in the conceptual understanding of crisis phenomena of science of the 20th century and the search for new methodological approaches to solving problems of linguistics.

It is noteworthy that G.O. Vinokur always searches for a point of support of modern philology and finds it in the following: The crisis experienced recently by scientific linguistics as a result should bring linguistics closer to philology, for which the word is nothing other than culture in its specific expression; This should give linguistics the opportunity to raise questions of language not only as questions of cultural history, but also as questions of "cultural life."

In the course of these studies, it becomes possible to "applied linguistics," which constitutes a kind of "linguistic technology," based on scientific knowledge.

During these years his focus was on poetry and literary criticism, but already in the mid-20s they were sidelined first by issues of language culture and then by the theory of biography and texology: a new period of creativity began, closely related to the activities of the State Academy of Art Sciences. Since the late 20s Vinokur worked as a lexicographer, one of the most active authors of the Tolkov Dictionary of the Russian language.

Gregory Vinokur made great efforts to create the "Dictionary of the Pushkin Language." He fined information for the dictionary for many years, based on early research of the literary language Khlebnikov, as well as on the materials of the dictionary of the Russian language edited by D.N. Ushakov, in which he actively participated.

One of the famous linguistic works of G. Vinokur is the article "Notes on Russian word formation," which was written in 1946. In this work the general linguistic problem of word formation was revealed, as well as the analysis of words with unique foundations was given. In addition, the article "On the Tasks of Language History," where Vinokur called the historical approach of language learning a priority and a necessary one, caused much discussion.

Also interesting is Vinokur 's article on parts of speech in Russian, where the general principles of division of vocabulary by parts of speech are considered and morphological classification of parts of speech for Russian language, which differed from previous ones, is built.

In the second half of the 1930s there was a radical change in Vinokur 's interests, which was caused by pedagogical work in higher school - towards the historical style of the Russian language.

By the end of his life Vinokur returned to linguistic poetry: in a short time he created several brilliant articles - among them, "Grief from the mind" as a monument to Russian art speech, "Khelnikov: (Outside time and space)," Concept of poetry language. "

The evolution of the scientist has not received a logical conclusion: a great many plans, extensive files and sketches are all that we have left of most of the designs of recent years. Their novelty and vision can be judged by the article "I and you in the lyrics of Baratynsky," interrupted in the middle, - it is first published in the present edition.

Vinokur was one of the creators of the history of Russian literary language as a special discipline. He worked extensively on stylistics and speech culture, analyzing, among other things, the theoretical foundations of stylistics as a special linguistic discipline.

One book that reveals the main problems of defining stylistics is "Patterns of stylistic use of language units." The paper examines the essence of stylistic oppositions in language, contains rich language material illustrating theoretical positions. The book closely intertwines the linguistic analysis itself and the study of various conditions for the realization of stylistic resources of the Russian language, the history of stylistics problems and modern research in this field.

The main purpose of writing the book is to give the reader the opportunity to consider the subject and object of stylistics from different sides, as well as to compare with the related general linguistic sciences.

During his short life Vinokur left a large and diverse legacy.

The compilers were faced with the question whether to give the reader at least a general idea of the different aspects of the scientist 's creativity or, on the contrary, to prepare, if possible, a complete and commented collection of works in one area.

Theoretical poetry, language of literature, natural science - in this circle almost all works collected in most books are concentrated.

The forced limitation of a perspective allowed followers and Vinokur's pupils to present his materials in the most different variations: chronological (20th and 40th), thematic (Griboyedov, Pushkin, Baratynsky, Khlebnikov and futurists), genre (program articles, theoretical and historical researches, reviews, reviews, essay).

Vinokur laid the theoretical foundations of spelling as an independent section of linguistics, published fundamental works on Russian word formation. He created a teaching about productive and unproductive, regular and irregular models of word formation, about variants of foundations, developed a methodology for determining derivative and non-derivative foundations and much more.

In his book "Russian. A Historical Essay "(1945) fundamentally highlights the problem of distinguishing styles of language and fiction.

Vinokur 's works are brilliant samples of philological scientific creativity. They are studied with great interest by modern generations of linguists and literary scholars. As a result of the research of the scientist such special philological disciplines as normative stylistics, historical stylistics, history of literary language, culture of speech, etc.


Г.О. Винокур / Русский язык. Исторический очерк / 1945Винокур,_Григорий_Осипович

Просмотров работы: 70