V. V. Vinogradov and his contribution in stylistics - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

V. V. Vinogradov and his contribution in stylistics

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Vladimir Vinogradov — the scientist with a world name. He owns more than 200 publications on contemporary Russian language, history of Russian literary language, vocabulary and lexicology, phraseology and history of the Russian linguistics, and General linguistics. V. V. Vinogradov made a huge contribution to the development of the Russian language, drawing on the linguistics materials of Potebnya, Shakhmatov, Shcherba.

In all areas of Russian linguistics, the name of the scientist V. V. Vinogradov is in the front row researchers of this branch of science.

The works by V. V. Vinogradov for the study of literary language writers differ in the depth of research, accuracy of observation and absolute knowledge of the Russian language in its historical development.

In addition, the scientist devoted much time to the study of literary language and style of the great Russian poet – Pushkin.

Analyzing art works of Pushkin, V. V. Vinogradov shows the synthesis of various language elements, combining means living Russian language, the result of which formed a national literary language, which combines the book and the speaking methods of speech.

In linguistics, particularly valuable work of Vinogradov's "milestones in the history of the Russian language", where Vinogradov demonstrated his erudition and clarity of linguistic analysis. Special attention was paid to the issue of formation of the Russian language, putting in its constant change and development.

The scientist has devoted many years to the study of the grammatical structure of Russian language, showing in this field of study deep understanding of grammatical structure. This gave him the opportunity to create a monograph on the morphology of the Russian language, which is characterized by completeness of the material collected, a clear distinction between the grammatical phenomena of illumination the nature of the grammatical structure of the language from different angles.

V. V. Vinogradov developed principles and ways of studying history vocabulary. As lexicology V. V. Vinogradov pays great attention to the analysis of phraseological means of the language.

V. V. Vinogradov creates the doctrine of phraseology as a special section of linguistics.

Established in the works of V. V. Vinogradov's three types of phraseological units: phraseological fusion, phraseological unity and phraseological combinations are the example of classification in the analysis and delimitation of phraseological expressions.

V. V. Vinogradov skillfully revealed in the doctrine of the peculiarity of the phraseology of the Russian language, its richness not only in vocabulary terms, but also in a variety of design models. They identified and listed the main features of each group of phraseological units.

The works of Vinogradov - not only in-depth study of canonical sections of the science of language. Scientist discovered new regularities of language mechanisms is based on the unique concepts. Monographs of the article Vinogradov became the basis for the development of new branches of linguistics, such as: history of the Russian literary language, the science of the language of literary works, idioms. These scientific disciplines owe their existence precisely Vinogradov.

The big attention is deserved by the works by V. V. Vinogradov on stylistics.

In the article "On the tasks of stylistics. Observation on the style of the "Life of St. Habakkuk"" V. V. Vinogradov argues that the main task of stylistics as an academic discipline is the study of individual styles. By defining the style of spoken and written language, he points out that the style of casual speech is the basis of poetic linguistic creativity.

The desire to illuminate the questions of language, Vinogradov leads to the search for a more precise definition of style and to a new understanding of style as a section of linguistics. However, according to the scientist, the principles and objectives of stylistics are unclear because of differentiation of stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.

V. V. Vinogradov distinguishes the style of art of common speech and individual style of the writer, however, points to their close relationship. Most fully his views on the issues of learning style and language V. V. Vinogradov presented at the meeting of the heads of the departments of Russian language and linguistics, where he highlighted the main problems of stylistics, has worked in recent years. For example, questions related to the problem of the relation of language writers and popular language, of the relation of language and style of the writer in the artwork and the problem of demarcation of borders of linguistic and literary style of the writer.

"Style, — writes V. V. Vinogradov, believes a better understanding of live progressive norms of modern speech, to detect in it the complex, interwoven, interaction and however, the struggle of the old and the new."

In modern linguistics there is no clear understanding of the term "style." According to V. V. Vinogradov, the problem of the definition of stylistics is primarily associated with the ambiguity of the word "style", leading to confusion of content related word concepts.

Streamlining of terminology in the field of stylistics facilitates scientific and educational communication. Therefore, the clarification of the issue of the subject, content and tasks of stylistics it is important to realize stylistic terminology and using it in the process of linguistic learning.

Vladimir Vinogradov thoroughly describes the principles of stylistics as a separate linguistic science, shows internal and external communication with related field of Philology. However, he does not give his work a common definition of "style".

In the style, according to Vinogradova, it is necessary to distinguish three different range of studies: stylistics of language as a structural stylistics, stylistics of speech, i.e. the science of the compositional types of speech, stylistics of fiction.

Despite the fact that different types of styles complement each other, each of them has its own object of study and subject of study. Vinogradov established the boundaries between the types of style, compares them and sets out demarcation criteria and categories.

According to the concept Vinogradov, you need to specify the exact boundaries between content and tasks of stylistics of language and stylistics of speech.

In his articles V. V. Vinogradov gives an accurate explanation of the patterns of language, analyzes and studies them on the basis of Marxist methodology. Of the many problems standing in the center of the research interests of V. V. Vinogradov in recent years, particular importance are three problems.

The first is a problem internal laws of language development.

Theoretical and historical coverage of this issue devoted a large article "the Concept of the internal laws of language development in the system of Marxist linguistics" (1952). The General ideas outlined in this article and sound scientific analysis of the specific material, accepted by Soviet linguists and became the property of Soviet science. Further development of this fundamental problem of Marxist linguistics is possible only on the basis of full consideration of the observations and conclusions of Vinogradov in this area.

The second is the problem of word formation in grammar.

In pre-revolutionary Russian and Soviet Russian historical linguistics word-formation has been studied obviously insufficiently. The merit of V. V. Vinogradov is that it for the first time science has raised the issue of fundamental importance for a true history of the Russian language, studying of the historical formation of the modern system of Russian word formation.

Most of the studies of V. V. Vinogradov in this field relates to the nominal and partly verbal word formation the period of formation and development of the national Russian language. The largest and most fundamentally important work of V. V. Vinogradov — his article "word-Formation in grammar and lexicology" (1952).

Finally, the third problem is the problem of syntax.

V. V. Vinogradov has enriched syntactic science new theory of the phrase.This theory formed the basis of the second part of the academic grammar of the Russian language and became widespread among Soviet linguists.

The scientific heritage of Vinogradov is huge - more than thousands of copyright sheets. All this is the result of an exceptional focus on the problems of language and style, the ability to hold in mind a huge number of ideas about the language at the same time.







Просмотров работы: 355