XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Лобач Н.С. 1, Середов Д.А. 1, Мартынова Е.А. 1
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Language is an integral part of culture, knowledge of which involves not only the study of geographical, historical, economic and other components, but also the desire to penetrate the way of thinking of representatives of the ethnic community. It is possible by studying the national language, which should include not only the development of a certain amount of vocabulary in order to quickly find equivalent expressions for solving communication problems, but also an attempt to see the world around us through the prism of the national culture of native speakers, to understand its semantics. Knowledge of the features of the culture of the ethnic community, including moral priorities, the system of associative thinking, which are reflected in the specific manifestation of the national character, is impossible without studying the linguistic world view [1, p. 78].

It is advisable to highlight the linguistic world view inherent in representatives of various types of professional activity, for example, lawyers, medical professionals or military personnel. Knowledge and skills acquired by an individual in the process of mastering a certain type of activity contribute to the emergence of a professional linguistic world view [2, p. 27]. In the context of this study, we are interested in the linguistic world view of the armed forces representatives. The phraseology describing the realities of the military sphere reflects the national and cultural peculiarity, the historical past of the native-speaking people, and the moral guidelines of the ethnic group.

Let's give as an example the military idiom die in the last ditch – "fight to the last cartridge, stand to the death, fight to the last drop of blood, to the last breath". The phraseological unit emphasizes the importance of such qualities of a military man as courage, bravery, and the desire to fulfill their duty to the Motherland even under the threat of death, thereby defending their honor and the honor of their country.

Cultural attitudes of courage and bravery are contrasted with cowardice and indecision, which are reflected in the following English military phraseological units: dodge the column - to evade work, to simulate; desert one's colors – to quit the job; beat a retreat – to retreat hastily, to escape, to back down. These idioms can evoke negative emotions in a native speaker, as they serve to describe sordid acts committed by a person in the conditions of military service.

Most of the military phraseological units are directly related to a person and various spheres of his life, which is also explained by the desire inherent in man to endow inanimate objects of the external world with their own features.

Phraseological units of military subjects often have a shade of positive or negative evaluation, which can be expressed explicitly. It implies the presence of an evaluation word in the composition of the phraseological units, for example, the expression an awkward squad – a platoon of recruits. The implication is understood as meaning guessed by the speaker, but not verbally expressed: big brass – generals, generals, high-ranking military, high authorities; heavy metal – a dangerous enemy; old moustache – a veteran.

Stable phrases of the military sphere are used in the language to describe and evaluate such qualities of the human person that are of great importance in the conditions of military service, such as courage, willpower, camaraderie, and determination. Along with them there are also phraseological units, possessing a pejorative connotation, which expresses deceit, cowardice, indecision, stupidity.

One of the main positive qualities inherent in a real warrior is willpower, which is represented by a large number of phraseological units that expresses this stereotype in the culture of English-speaking peoples: fight one's battles over again – to stand up for yourself, to cope with difficulties yourself.

The ability of a person in any conditions and under any circumstances to achieve their goals, firmly fulfill their duty to the Motherland and courageously endure all the hardships and deprivations of military service at all times were the dominant army culture. These qualities are reflected in the following phraseological units: show fight – to be ready to fight, to be militant, not to give up; to continue fighting; stand to one's guns – not to give up positions, to hold firm, firmly, to stand your ground, to withstand the character; stand fire – withstand criticism, resist difficulties; to withstand enemy fire; draw fire from smb – become a target of attacks.

Another important component of a positive image of a soldier is the devotion to the tradition of military partnership. Relationships in the military team, which affect its cohesion and combat capability, served as the foundation for the emergence of the following phraseological units: fling (throw) oneself into the breach – to help out of trouble, to come to the rescue; fight smb.'s battles – fight for someone's cause, stand up for someone; strike a blow for smb. (smth.) – to act in defense of someone (something).

Determination is considered an important positive trait attributed to the image of a soldier. The ability of a person to take responsibility for decisions independently and in a timely manner, to work hard to achieve success in the business led to the formation of the following phraseological units: carry the day – to win a battle, battle, keep winning; give battle – to fight back; the man on horseback – a military dictator; take charge – to take control, take command; hold (keep) the field – not to give up positions, dominate, prevail; draw (unsheathe) one's sword – start a war, take up arms; fly to arms – hastily prepare for war, take up arms.

The professionalism of the soldier is of great importance in the difficult conditions of military services. It is manifested in the ability to perform duties in various circumstances. As an example of phraseological units of military subjects that characterize the professional skills and abilities of a soldier, we can give the following: an old campaigner – a seasoned soldier, an old servant; old man – the owner, chief; big gun – an important person; a brass hat – a senior officer.

Among the military phraseological units of the English language, there are also ones that have a negative meaning, forming in the mind of the individual the image of a cowardly indecisive soldier: lower (strike) one's colors – to give up, admit yourself defeated; mark time – to stand still, to do nothing; beat a retreat – hastily retreat, flee, go back.

The negative trait of soldier's personality also include hypocrisy, a tendency to lie, and the ability to betray: dodge the column – to evade work, from performing their duties, to simulate; turn one's coat – to go to the enemy's side, change their beliefs and views; desert one's colors – to quit the job started, defect from the army.

The study of phraseological units of military subjects allows us to understand the essence of the linguistic world view of military personnel, describe the system of moral and ethical norms and moral priorities that determine the consciousness of members of the military team, and highlight the main positive and negative properties inherent in the image of a typical representative of the military subculture.


1. Kornilov O. A. Linguistic world view as derivatives of national mentalities. 2nd ed., ISPR. and additional M.: Chero, 2003. 349 p.

2. Romanov A. S. Language means of explication of ethnic stereotypes in the picture of the world of American servicemen: Diss. ... K. Philol. n., M., 2015. 215 p.

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