Culture of Russian officer as a priority direction of modern higher military education - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

Culture of Russian officer as a priority direction of modern higher military education

Болгарцев А. П. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» Воронеж, Россия
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According to the Concept of the Russian Federation long-term economic and social development, approved by the government on the 17th of November in 2008, № 1662-p, the education development strategic goal is considered to be creating a new image of the Russian Federation as the leading world power of the 21st century, which is to be based on strong economics and ascending from commodity-heavy to innovative technological society oriented development.

Multilevel education modernization including higher military education is supposed to be a determining factor of the Russian Federation development and economic potential broadening. Supplying the Army and the Navy with highly qualified specialists is claimed to become a principal direction of higher military education reform. Under these conditions requirements imposed on modern officer corps professionalism are becoming higher.

Analysis of pedagogical field literature devoted to the issues in higher military education allows to summarize the main directions of its modernization:

1) concerning organizing:

- meeting current government demand;

- providing state stable system of military непрерывноеобразование for officers of all ages;

- enhancement of supplementary military professional education, tactical and strategic training, professional extension courses and occupational retraining;

2) concerning military higher education content:

- competency-based approach according to which officers are supposed to be able to employ the skill and knowledge effectively;

3) concerning military science:

- integration of military science and military education;

- rebirth of military science and enhancement of its efficiency, scientific school developing and military scientific centers, analyzing combat and military-political experience, applying national politics and economics development strategy, globalization problem elaboration;

4) concerning upbringing:

- cultural traditions revival and conservation in the Army, cultivating of Russian traditional values which national pride is based on;

- returning occupational status to such concepts as “military duty”, “conscience”, “honesty”, “pride of affiliation to the Army”, “responsibility”; military upbringing oriented;

- promotion of humanism in subordinating between officers, holding junior officers in respect;

- development of talent, professional skills, creative abilities; arrangement of conditions which are necessary for career promotion in compliance with personal achievements;

- forming creative personality of an officer with ability to set and perform professional tasks constructively and in non-standard ways;

- arrangement of conditions for intellectual growth and creative thinking which prove to be necessary in unpredictable volatile situations requiring objectivity and improvisation.

- developing ethic and aesthetic officers characteristics.

«In the context of social and economic transformations in the state, purposeful work on military service prestige enhancing, education and personal development of the military and importance of the RF Armed Forces performance is increasing multiply» [1, с. 32-36];

As we can see, modern educators and officers should aim their efforts at developing of high level of military culture.

Military culture of Russian officers should be understood as «a social and cultural phenomenon which appears in a genetic, a worldview and a behavioral aspects. Military culture characterizes a certain way of officer professional engagement which is believed to be an assembly of values, regulations, traits and paradigms, saved within many years of gained military experience, on which officers readiness to complete tasks of tactical efficiency support of Army units and of armed defence of state interests» [8, c. 5].

On the one hand the history proved that military culture had always characterized significantly Russian society. Military culture as culture of military officer – representative of elite stratum – influenced shaping of civil elite stratum, setting certain values and ethics rules on all society levels. Many respected community representatives sought their inspiration from those values [5].

On the other hand further development of professional officer culture is determined by the fact that modern officer duties include carrying out tasks from various fields such as military organization, military technical, psychology and pedagogical, administrative ones. To complete the tasks mentioned above officers need expertise, knowledge and skills which were not necessary some years ago.

What is more even the best economic, scientific and educational performance would never be able to eliminate the consequences of morality, conscience and spirituality absence in the Army.


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