XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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Brief biography

Soviet linguist, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR Boris Alexandrovich Larin was born on January 5, 1893 in Poltava. His father Alexander Nikiforovich was a teacher who soon became a priest, his mother was engaged in housekeeping. The boy began his studies at the Kamyanets-Podilsky gymnasium, after which he entered the Kiev collegium of Pavel Galagan - one of the best private secondary schools in Ukraine. The competition here was invariably great. In 1906, only twelve people were accepted, including eight scholarship holders, including Boris Larin. He was keen on philological disciplines, attended a literary society organized by the teacher of Russian literature Ilya Kozhin, who introduced students to independent research work. High school students participated in the preparation of literary and musical evenings, spoke to the public with essays.

In the summer of 1910 he entered the historical and philological faculty of the Imperial University in Kiev. Finishing the university (1914), B. A. Larin submitted to V. N. Peretts his term paper “About the Literary Activities of Anthony Podolsky”. The study relied on a solid bibliography, contained the author’s interpretation of the sources and reasoned arguments, which provided the author with a diploma of the first degree. Boris graduated from Kiev university and was left at the university to prepare for a professorship. Since 1916 he was on an internship at Petrograd University. He was influenced by Professor I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay and especially L. V. Shcherba. In 1931 he became a professor of Leningrad University.

Scientific activity

Larin founded at the Leningrad university a scientific lexicographic center - the Inter-Chair Dictionary Cabinet (MSK), in which work began on the creation of a number of dictionaries of a new type. B.A. Larin possessed an extraordinary talent as an organizer of vocabulary groups not only at Leningrad, but also at Kiev, Saratov and other universities; did a lot for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The scientist wrote original monographs on the recordings of foreigners as a source for the study of Russian colloquial speech of the past “Russian Grammar” by G.V. Ludolph (1696), a phrasebook compiled by the French and entitled “Dictionary of Muscovites” (1586) and Richard James's diary-dictionary (1618 –19 g.), Larin’s classic articles on the history of words (“family”, “kavardak”, “amber”, etc.) opened a new direction in Russian studies. List of scientific papers of B.A. Larin includes 152 articles; part of the work was prepared for publication by students of Larin after his death.

In Larin's constant desire to organize the fundamental bases of language materials and to educate scientific teams capable of solving the cardinal tasks of modern science on their basis, as well as in addressing dialects and lively speech, the influence of the views and scientific practice of Academician A.A. Shakhmatov was manifested. Since 1934 group of employees led by Larin began the intensive creation of a base for a historical dictionary - one and a half million file cabinets based on hundreds of sources of various genres of Old Russian writing. In 1936 the “Draft of the Old Russian Dictionary” was published: the dictionary was supposed to describe the vocabulary of the monuments from the 15th to the middle of the 18th century, which would give historical coverage to the basic composition of the words of the modern Russian language. B.A. Larin did a lot of Russian lexicography. He participated in the compilation of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D. N. Ushakov.

B. A. Larin is one of the first Soviet sociolinguists, the founder of social dialectology. The author of works on argo, the initiator of the study of the language of urban residents (vernacular, spoken language of the city's cultural residents, corporate jargon). He studied the influence of colloquial speech on the formation of the Russian literary language.

Boris paid much attention to phraseology in his work. And although in 1956 dozens of articles on general and particular questions of phraseological theory were known in Russian linguistics, B. A. Larin had reason to evaluate the state of the science of phraseology as follows: “Phraseology as a linguistic discipline is at the stage of “hidden development.” It interests many, they think about it, experiment, both old and young. In these experiments, it acquires tradition and characteristic features, but it has not yet taken shape, has not taken shape as a ripe fruit of preparatory works.”

For the first time B.A. Larin pointed out the need to take into account additional shades in the semantics of phraseological units in a speech at a meeting on phraseological issues (Leningrad, December 1961). A detailed interpretation of the differentiating features of the semantics of phraseological units is especially important for foreigners studying the Russian language. In the direct practical development of a language from childhood as the only form of communication, the differentiating attributes of semantics are assimilated in the process of repeated observation of use. Intonation and context specify the completeness of the content and expressive functions. These factors are usually absent when learning Russian as a second language. In this case, additional information contained in phraseologism (in comparison with the word synonymous with it) may be missed. And then the conditions of use will be unclear.

Specialist in Slavic studies (Slavic dialectology, Russian historical lexicology, Ukrainian language). In 1945, he organized work on the preparation of the “Dialectological Atlas of the Ukrainian Language”, led several dialectological expeditions and conferences in Russia and Ukraine. Initiator and leader of work on the “Pskov Regional Dictionary of Historical Data” (issue 1-17, 1967-2005). He also published works on the Lithuanian language and Sanskrit. He also acted as a translator of fiction from Lithuanian. After the death of B. A. Larin, his widow Natalya Yakovlevna handed over the scientist's library to the University of Leningrad; now the book collection is in the Inter-Cathedral Dictionary Cabinet of St. Petersburg State University.


In conclusion, it cannot be said that Boris Alexandrovich Larin was an outstanding scientist, in whose writings the widest range of philological knowledge is combined with the mastery of their synthetic application. The greater linguist, Larin is equally versed in issues of aesthetics of the language, where the tasks of the literary critic and linguist, in his opinion, are inseparable. The peculiarity of Larin as a researcher and teacher is that from the very beginning of his career he became equally close to the three large branches of philology in volume and labor: indology, lithuanism and Slavic studies (in all its facets and aspects). The main works of Larin are in Slavic dialectology, Russian and historical lexicology and lexicography, on Ukrainian and Lithuanian languages; at the same time, searches for the style of artistic speech, as well as the translation of works of verbal art, are no less important for him. Larin is the founder of the scientific school that recognizes the primacy of semantic content in the process of language development.

The main and fundamental works of Larina are considered: «Russian tales of the XV - XVI centuries» (1958), «Spoken language of Moscow Russia. The initial stage of the formation of the Russian national language» (1961), «Aesthetics of the word and language of the writer» (1974), «Lectures on the history of the Russian literary language» (1975), «History of the Russian language and general linguistics» 1977 etc.

List of references:

Ларин Б.А. История русского языка и общее языкознание. Очерки по фразеологии, - М., 1977

Лихачёв Д. С. О Борисе Александровиче Ларине, - М., 1977

[Электронный ресурс] «Ларин Борис Александрович»Аванесов Р. И. статья «Отечественные лингвисты XX века», 2002, [Электронный ресурс]

Просмотров работы: 16