XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Савина А.А. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет
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Dmitry Nikolaevich Shmelev was born on January 10, 1926 in a family of doctors in Moscow: his father, Nikolai Andreevich Shmelev, was a well-known TB specialist, a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Institute of Tuberculosis; his mother, Nadezhda Savvichna Shmeleva, is a pediatric neuropathologist. His parents were widely educated people from among the miraculously surviving "old" intelligentsia, and therefore they were able to give their children an excellent education.

After graduating from an external secondary school, he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. It is curious that he managed to enter one of the most "ideologically important" universities in the country without being a Komsomol member, unlike most peers. After the third year he was transferred to the philological faculty of Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov, and he was graduated from this university in 1951. At the end, he was accepted to graduate school, where he met his future wife, Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Bulygina. After graduate school, Shmelev worked for some time at the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Pedagogical Institute.

In 1955 he defended his thesis “The Meaning and Use of the Form of the Imperative in the Modern Russian Literary Language”.

Since 1967, he taught at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, in 1955-1958 - at the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1958- at the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1969 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Problems of the semantic analysis of vocabulary." At the same time, the "extralinguistic" interests of Shmelev also occupied an important part of his life: together with his linguistic friend Leonard Yurievich Maximov, he traveled all over the Russian North, knew perfectly well the architectural monuments of these places. He was fond of amateur photography, made excellent portraits and landscapes, and wrote poetry "for himself", which were published only in 1998.

In 1984 he was elected a corresponding member, in 1987 - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He worked at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute by V.I. Lenin. He collaborated with the magazines Russian language at school, Russian language at a national school, and Russian speech.

For more than 20 years, he headed the Department of Modern Russian Language of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

D.N. Shmelev is the author of more than a hundred scientific papers. monographs, articles, textbooks and methodological developments in the Russian language for higher educational institutions. He was a specialist in an extremely wide range and rare erudition. The main objects of his research attention were lexicology, semantics and syntax of the Russian language. His works “Word and Image”, “Syntactic Separation of Statements in Modern Russian Language”, “Russian Language in Its Functional Varieties” and others are distinguished by the depth and originality of the ideas expressed in them.

One of the first in Russian studies, Shmelev formulated the principles of semantic analysis of vocabulary, providing an adequate description of its systemic properties.

Theoretical provisions contained in the Shmelev’s work on lexicology and semantics, determined further studies of Russian scholars in these areas.

In his book, Essays on the Semasiology of the Russian Language, Shmelev presented his own vision of the object, tasks and methods of semasiology. By analyzing a specific language material, he showed the relationship of the lexical-semantic, grammatical and expressive-stylistic properties of the word, revealed the characteristic patterns of the formation of figurative meanings, and identified the integral and differential components of the lexical meaning.

A unique continuation of the Essays was the monograph Problems of Semantic Analysis of Vocabulary, where he substantiated the general theoretical provisions that make possible an interconnected and systematic description of the vocabulary of a language.

The monograph discusses the general concepts of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, differential signs, neutralization, position, etc. Based on these concepts, the issues of polysemy and homonymy, synonymy and antonymy, phraseology, etc.

As the founder of the Moscow school of functional and stylistic studies of the language, Shmelev developed a comprehensively substantiated and consistent classification of functional varieties of the modern Russian language. A series of his works devoted to the characterization of direct and indirect functions of syntactic constructions played an important role in the development of modern syntactic theory.

Under his scientific supervision and with direct participation, a number of collective studies on the modern Russian language were created: "The development of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language" (1965); "Socio-linguistic research" (1976); "Methods of nomination in modern Russian" (1982); "Urban vernacular" (1984); "Varieties of urban spoken language" (1988); "The Russian language in its functioning" (1993) and others.

Shmelev was known as a specialist in the history of the Russian language. He was the editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI-XVII centuries, and in the last years of his life he began work on the Historical Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language, a dictionary of a new type, which until now was not found in Russian lexicography.

Shmelev was a talented popularizer of the science of the Russian language; he repeatedly published his articles in the journals Russian Speech, Russian Language at School, and Russian Language at the National School.

The programs he created on the modern Russian language are recognized as basic for the philological faculties of our country, and the textbook "Modern Russian Language. Vocabulary". It is one of the best manuals for students of philological specialties.

Dmitry Nikolayevich Shmelev embodied the best features of the Russian intellectual: clarity of thought, deep culture, inner freedom, friendly attitude towards people. E.A. Zemskaya and L.P. Krysin, in an obituary dedicated to Shmelev, writes: "The loss is bitter and irreplaceable. But the books, ideas, and judgments of Dmitry Nikolaevich will please the attentive readers for a long time with their originality and depth ...".


Земская Е. А. Дмитрий Николаевич Шмелёв (1920—1993) // Известия РАН. Серия литературы и языка. 1994. Т. 53. № 1.

Просмотров работы: 2