XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Индюков В.Ю. 1
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Nomination as a whole and word – formation in particular represent conscious process quantation the validity in which gnosiological and axiological aspects are merged together. Learning the world, the person estimates it on the basis of the certain criteria, “the fact of selectivity of word – formation is explained by this circumstance” [2].

Z.D.Popova and I.A.Sternin suggest investigating phraseological concepts, which is concepts, expressed not by lexemes, but combinations of lexemes, by means of the analysis of contexts of their use. It is necessary to consider value of the given phraseological combination settled, used enough well – known in Russian language. An English phraseological unit white crow, and also its synonym rare bird or known expression from Latin rara avis do not contain the negative characteristic; if in Russianворонаor ҡарғаin Bashkir language designate deviation from the standard norm, a stereotype of behaviour in a society English phraseological combination serves for a designation of the rare fact, it can get the negative characteristic only in a corresponding context. Concept, represented in language by phraseological combinationворона is rather important for Russian consciousness as it is an essential part of Russian attitude. The structure of this concept, received as a result of the analysis of the uses of phraseological combinationворона in speech, is represented in a following way.

The first level (prototypical): a direct image of a bird – white crows are rare in the nature (неоценоч.).

The second level: contrasting with an environment by objective, sensual – perceived attributes.

The third level: differing from others by social, professional attributes, objectively alien in the given community.

The fourth level: differing in ability to adapt to surrounding people, in ability to behave like everybody does.

The fifth level: acting differently, not by common opinion, behaviour of the majority, sharply differing the opinion, principles of associates [1; 112 - 114].

The fact, that almost all cases of the portable use of given phraseological combination appear to be disapprovingly – estimated attracts attention. It testifies that at all the levels of the concept in consciousness of people there is a different degree of disapproving attitude to object of reflection – to the person not similar to the environment that is consequence of the general guarded attitude of Russian mentality to allocated people. They are considered as challenging to other people and, probably, the principle of cathedrality – a basic category of mentality of Russian people. The given phenomenon has found the reflection also in mentality of Bashkir people as Bashkirs and Russian have been living in proximity for centuries. That has led to an interesting fact: in the Bashkir language we can also find phraseological units of the similar maintenance. Z.D.Popova, I.A.Sternin emphasize that Russian (Bashkir) mentality positively perceives such qualities which mean humility, absence of aspiration to be allocated, etc. Compare:

тишеводы, нижетравы/ to be (as) meek as a lamb;

мухинеобидит/ smb. would not harm (hurt) a fly [3; 378].

Reflecting on ways of formation of phraseological value, it is necessary to speak about processes of generation of sense of a set phrase as microtext and ways of its decoding (understanding). In R.K.Khairullina works it is investigated ethnocultural liableness of the phraseological meaning. “The System of the images fixed in national phraseology and reflecting mentality of people – native speaker is connected with material, social and spiritual culture of a linguistic community. <…> Means of an embodiment of national – cultural specificity in a set phrase is its figurative basis (including cultural marked realities), and way of the instruction on this specificity – interpretation of the figurative basis in «cultural – national space» sign in given linguistic community [1; 225]. During interpretation of meaning of phraseological unit is both important linguistic, and the encyclopedic knowledge, standing up for the certain conceptual area and transferred by means of a phraseological unit.

Last decades the tendency of exarticulation and the description of concrete sections in the field of phraseology were precisely outlined, for example the substantive expressions designating various attributes of the person – men or women. As marks E.M.Wolf, estimated designations of attributes of the person are rather various, and words, in itself deprived estimated value, get it, if the object to which this attribute is imputed, is a man [5].

Substantive turns with value of the person are divided into following lexical sets: emotions of the person (the person from the big letter, a star of the first size,etc.); properties and qualities of the person (a free bird, etc.); a social origin (blue blood, a black bone); the marital status (the grass widow, the old maiden): related attitudes (distant relative, a flesh and blood), a social status (the important bird, a shaggy hand, a zero without a stick), external physical qualities (lanky person), etc.

Having generated as unit of the dictionary, phraseological turn joins the lexical system of language and gradually gets all properties of this system: the asymmetry expressed in an opportunity of the polysemy, development of meanings, paradigms, etc. The certain image always lays in a basis of a polysemy of a phraseological unit. More often it is not connected with the portable use of words – components of a phraseological combination. The image is – association which arises at speaking and at listening, literal understanding of the certain statement or its part, for example, a ladybird, a squeezed orange. The most important condition defining meaning of a phraseological unit is verbal environment (context). Phraseological units enter into complex attitudes with a context: in one cases value of a phraseological combination depends on all the complex of words, in others – one defining word is enough. So, a word – combination the ladybird grows out a transfer of meaning. The name of the insect which is considered harmless and nobody stirring, has received new meaning of silent, harmless, not able to stand up for itself person.

Anthrocentricity of the public attitudes fixed in language, are shown in asymmetry of gender aspects of the English phraseological combinations describing the man and the woman. It is necessary to notice, that the majority comparatative phraseological sets, used in the description of both genders, gradually leave the active use, for example, such as as gentle as and lamb, as strong as a horse [4; 205], etc. Disproportion in representing male and female phraseological units in English language also have to be remarked: quantity of the idioms describing men is much more.

The semantic and asymmetrical accents transferring various qualities of men and women. The majority of phraseological combinations represent negative female qualities: garrulity, peevishness, fussiness, avidity: old cat, common scold, woman’s reason, gold – digger, etc. рус. змеяподколодная. These word – combinations, certainly, are cultural marked, but not national specific, as representation about similar female stereotypes practically do not differ from universal representation about concept Woman.

In Russian the beauty of a person is difficult for transferring in any complete image. Usually to state an aesthetic estimation of the man (woman) metaphorical combinations are used. So, handsome man can have aquiline nose, lion’s mane, sable brow, and a beautiful woman – the pearl teeth, swan neck and coral lips.

Positive phraseological combinations accent such man’s qualities, as boldness, resoluteness, reliability: a man of nerve, master of situation; negative qualities, basically, are reduced to predilection for gamblings and amusements: clean broke, lazy beggar, etc. besides “man’s” phraseological units are characterized by greater thematic variety. J.Hughes marks in this occasion, that though the names of women having negative connotation, prevail, however «deterioration of value» does not occur, but universal localization occurs «the anti – female tendency connected with public and biological position of the woman as sexual object which is expressed in jealousy, suspicion, man’s disapproval, etc.» [2; 398 – 418]. Similar stereotypic representations, possibly, are refected in the majority of languages if to consider the tendency of cultures to convergence on the western sample.


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Просмотров работы: 21