The expansion of economic cooperation at the state level, the need and relevance of studying the specific features of communication of specialists in different fields, the emergence of new techniques that allow a future specialist to carry out professional communication with foreign partners, corresponds to the nature and conditions of their work. Professionally oriented education is considered as one of the priority areas for improving vocational training in non-linguistic universities. The transformation of the system of training specialists in higher education is to ensure that foreign language training is actively included in the formation of students' skills to solve problems determined by the requirements of the modern labor market on the basis of general and special professional competence, as well as a motivational-oriented component of the personality structure of a student and university graduate. In the new socio-economic conditions, the most significant (from the point of view of the employer) becomes ensuring the satisfaction of the following basic requirements:
• formed motivation for professional activity, social and professional self-awareness, desire for professional and personal self-development;
• knowledge of the specialty and related areas;
• ability to individual and team work in conditions of personal responsibility, developed strategic competence, critical assessment of oneself and others;
• the desire to master new professional technologies, including information;
• formed communicative competence, including knowledge of foreign languages. Obviously, these requirements lead to the development of innovative approaches to linguistic training in the vocational education system based on the concept of the complexity of the formation of professional and social competencies [1]. I.A. Zimnya distinguishes three groups of basic social competencies:
• competencies related to interpersonal interaction in the social and industrial spheres;
• competencies related to the person as a person, subject of activity, member of society;
• competencies that characterize a person as a subject of different types, types and forms of activity [2].
With regard to the subject area “Foreign Language”, all these aspects of socio-professional competencies can be developed by means of content units and elements of technology for professional foreign language training. Recently, more and more attention of researchers has been attracted by the problems associated with the development of teaching materials in a foreign language for the professional training of university students of non-linguistic specialties in order to prepare them for active participation in the country's economic life. In this regard, a number of problems emerge, namely, the study of the specific features of professional communication in various fields and the development of special techniques that allow a future specialist to carry out professional communication adequately to the conditions and nature of his work. Incomplete provision of systematic informational material on specialties makes it difficult to train specialists who meet modern requirements. Currently, there are a variety of ways and methods of mastering foreign languages, which causes difficulties in the selection of teaching methods and technologies for the implementation of effective learning activities. The use of professionally directed textual teaching materials in a foreign language for the formation of the required reading and speaking skills requires the creation of systematic training materials on professional and sociocultural topics with a focus on the development of communication skills in a foreign language. The teachers have at their disposal enough sources of foreign, domestic and reference literature in a foreign language, however, there are practically no authentic textbooks and manuals based on professionally oriented intensively communicative teaching of foreign languages, taking into account the native language. Recent studies show that paradigmatic changes in approaches to teaching foreign languages are taking place - a gradual shift from anthropocentrism based on humanistic ideals to sociocentrism based on new forms of social structure. Previously existing linguodidactic paradigms (comparative, comparative, systemic-structural, communicative-pragmatic and anthropocentric) do not meet new challenges and public expectations, and therefore the sociocentric paradigm and competency-based approach, which is the main one in its context, come to the fore [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of all sides of the educational process and all its elements. This fully applies to the design of the content and technology of foreign language training at a university.
1. Kuznetsov A.N. The competence potential of the discipline (based on the material of the “Foreign Language” educational sector): monograph. –M.: MSEI HPE MSAU named after. V.P. Goryachkina, 2014 .-61 p., 112 p.
2. Zimnya I.A. Formation and assessment of the formation of social competencies among university students in the development of a new generation of MEP HPE. - M.: Research Center for the Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 2010 - 40 p.