XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Стыденко А.С. 1, Бакленева С.А. 1
1Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» Воронеж, Россия
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Taking into account the rapid updating of information, modern higher education is focused on the transfer of fundamental knowledge to students that guarantees the continuity of generations, on the one hand, and, on the other hand – on the formation and development of self-education skills as a guarantee of successful self-realization as a competent specialist in their future professional activities. In the context of digitalization of education, the range of information sources has significantly expanded: printed educational publications are "digitized" and are available in electronic libraries; on-line courses offer electronic textbooks as an effective means of self-education; up-to-date information on the results of conferences, forums, etc. is available to specialists of any profile.

However, at present, the chaotic, poorly controlled development of information networks and technologies is a real threat to the development of a culture of media consumption. Media space at the present stage, on the one hand, provides opportunities for rapid access to current databases, on the other-the risk of "saturation" of students with useless, sometimes destructive information. In this regard, the role of media competence is expressed in the opportunities that the specialist receives through the competent use of the information field of the media space: radio, television, press, Internet, etc.

The relevance of the problem of media competence is dictated by the requirements Of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development Of Education for 2018-2025", according to which the focus is on strengthening the position of Russian higher education on the world stage. One of the priority tasks for the specified period of the program implementation is the development of the project "Modern digital educational environment of the Russian Federation" through the program "Development of an integrated system for providing highly qualified personnel for organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation" based on the introduction of an adaptive system for targeted practice-oriented development of students ' competencies within the framework of network and cluster interaction 3. In other words, the state sees the need to provide all citizens of the Russian Federation with the possibility of continuing education, regardless of the territorial location of the student or specialist who needs additional information. For this purpose, the Russian digital educational space is being implemented in phases. At the same time, the State supports the development of distance learning, including through on-line courses, digitization of textbooks and manuals, access to electronic libraries, etc. In addition, in order to develop the self-identity of citizens of the Russian Federation (through the implementation of measures to improve the conditions for the expansion of the Russian language), it is planned to interact with member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States and foreign States. One of the main tasks of the process of integration of Russia into the world educational space is timely monitoring of the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, which is possible if the academic mobility of a modern specialist, including a military one, is developed.

Thus, the need to become a specialist in the educational space in modern information conditions leads to the category of primary importance of the task of developing the media competence of students of higher education institutions.

The rapid development of media resources, which is accompanied by a large volume of information, requires a new approach from society to the formation and development of information literacy among young people. The results of these studies 4, in recent decades, increasing the number of applicants of Russian universities (including universities of the Defense Ministry), are unable: to work with conflicting and believable information contained in the texts of complex structure; give a critical evaluation of the information offered; work with the concepts, the opposite; systematize information from different texts on similar topics; draw on personal experience and attract knowledge from related fields. The authors of the study write about the difficulties that arise in the process of completing tasks that involve generalizing what they read or vice versa - the need to speculate based on the proposed details; the complexity was caused by tasks that involve recreating the author's idea, his point of view, and the skill of distinguishing facts and assumptions in most students is completely absent [5, p.22-23].

One of the reasons for this situation, researchers see a change in media priorities: replacing printed sources (books, press) with media texts in electronic format.

Numerous sociological studies point to the following reading-related trend among today's youth:

"free "reading is replaced by "pragmatic" reading, i.e. reading that is mandatory in the educational program prevails;

preference for entertainment periodicals;

refuse to read for the "soul" of the works of domestic and foreign writers in favor of literature that adjusts to "easy reading" [19, p. 73-74].

The situation of changing printed sources by media texts (mainly screen, audio-visual, etc.) actualizes the issue of improving the competence of students and, in particular, the culture in relation to the information received from them.

From the point of view of philosophy, information is one of the components of being, along with energy and matter 6. Cybernetics treats information as a data bank, while anthropology interprets information as a collection of information interpreted by living (biological) and cultural (social, human) systems, based on their level of development and ability to implement interpretation. Options for interpreting information are limited only by the level of development of human culture, which allows the individual to be selective, thus showing subjectivity.

Representing complex multi-component concept, the information appears in the opposed systems: "the object of cognition – the object of the knower", "an object managed object Manager", "object learning object learning". In other words, if we are talking about learning, cognition, and management, then information is "meaning"; if we are talking about the means of spreading this meaning, then information is "data". Information, being a certain type of energy, should not develop spontaneously, because in this version, negative distortion of information is possible, which will have a destructive effect on the cultural space.

The systematization of the currently available definitions of media education 1, 6, 8 allowed us to interpret this perception as a process of personal activity, focused on its development and self-development through media resources (mass communication). It is important that for educational purposes, the process of interaction between the student and the media should take place for the development of critical thinking, evaluation, interpretation and analysis of media texts, development of communicative and creative abilities, and training in various types and forms of self-expression.

According to the resolution of the European Parliament of 16 December 2008 on media literacy in the world of digital technologies, media competence is understood as the ability to use media without assistance for personal purposes, as well as to critically evaluate and understand various aspects of media, regardless of the context, to transmit and distribute media texts.

Despite the fact that information flows (Internet resources, online training courses, e-books, textbooks, libraries, movies, etc.) are actively integrated into the modern educational space, to date, there is no systematic practice of teaching cadets to "resist", i.e. to be critical of information. In the Federal educational standards, one of the requirements for the development of the program by graduates is the ability to "independently determine and implement the priorities of their own activities and ways to improve it on the basis of self-assessment and education throughout life to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities 8. In addition, the graduate of a military University must have such universal competencies as system and critical thinking, communication, and intercultural interaction, which implies a high level of media competence development. In this regard, it is advisable to carry out systematic control and purposeful development of students ' culture of consumption, transmission and production of information. The introduction of programs focused on the development of media competence will help to maintain a balance between the increasing pressure from the media and the social values that underlie the identity of cultural communities in General and the individual in particular. Since it is through the dialogue of cultures that one of the main tasks of the state program of the Russian Federation "development of education for 2018-2025" (development of self-identity of Russian citizens through the implementation of measures to improve the conditions for the expansion of the Russian language) is envisaged, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that in the conditions of modern information technologies, it is "media world" that has a significant impact on the construction of identity, reflecting our "culture, and culture primarily functions through media materials". In this regard, media culture can be considered a measure of the ability to handle the media. Media culture is a set of intellectual and material values relative to the media space, transmitted over time as a certain way of transmitting and reproducing information taking into account real conditions. In relation to the audience, the concept of "media culture" can mean a level system of human personality development: the ability to perceive, analyze, systematize, reproduce, critically evaluate, transmit, and create media text.

Based on the definitions available in the scientific literature, in the framework of this study, media competence is understood as the integrative ability of cadets, based on a set of knowledge, skills and motives, to independently use media tools for self-education, understanding and critically evaluating the content of media texts, as well as their willingness to create, accept and transmit them, taking into account the cultural aspect.

The relationship between media competence and competence of engineering specialists is described in the study by I. D. Belonovskaya. In her work, she writes that engineering competence, as an integrative professional and personal quality of a specialist, can only be formed in the age of information technology if media competence is developed. The main characteristic of engineering competence is the readiness of a specialist to make decisions in standard and non-standard situations, based on knowledge and experience, to solve current problems, realizing the social significance of the chosen profession and personal responsibility for the results of his professional activity, striving for self-improvement and self-actualization of himself as a military specialist 2 At the same time, in the educational process of a military University, media competence contributes to the formation of professional competencies.

The penetration of information technologies into all spheres of human activity does not guarantee an improvement in the quality of life of mankind as a whole. The media space offers only tools that must be used correctly, primarily for self-education and self-development. Rational use of media opportunities will allow students to develop their information technology literacy. In addition, media education, subject to state support (development of information and communication technologies), helps students integrate into the global media culture and build an independent trajectory of their further development, taking into account their motives, interests, and needs. The ability to analyze professionally relevant information, to criticize the proposed judgments, to argue their point of view, based on facts and their own experience, actualizes the personal meanings of cadets; it helps students to understand the practical, social and personal significance of the educational material; it helps to develop skills of self-control, self-assessment, self-correction, which is the basis for further continuous self-education and self-actualization in the chosen profession.


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