On some examples of the English mentality - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

On some examples of the English mentality

Соболева А.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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On some examples of the English mentality

1. - Commitment to tradition. The desire to preserve in its original form the features of life and behavior, rituals and habits, sometimes reducible to absurdity, distinguishes the English from most other nations.

2. - An Englishman is very vain. He is sure that everything is going better in his country than in others. Therefore, he looks at the foreigner arrogantly, with regret and often with complete contempt.

3. - It is believed that the inhabitants of England are calm in any situation.

4. - Queueing is the national passion of an otherwise dispassionate race. The English are rather shy about it, and deny that they adore it. On the Continent, if people are waiting at a bus-stop they loiter around in a seemingly vague fashion. When the bus arrives they make a dash for it; most of them leave by the bus and a lucky minority is taken away by an elegant black ambulance car. An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.

Many English families spend lovely evenings at home just by queueing up for a few hours, and the parents are very sad when the children leave them and queue up forgoing to bed.

5. - Snobbery of the British. One of the negative features of the British is their snobbery. The British feel superior to other nations, and this superiority does not consist in not having anyone above themselves, but in keeping someone below them.

6. - Tolerance of the nation. We must pay tribute to the British, they will never show their hostility in the face, for which they are often considered two-faced.

7. - English humor. To foreigners, English jokes seem flat, ridiculous, uninteresting and stupid. The British themselves are proud of their sense of humor and painfully react to such an assessment from others.

All these qualities define an original, unique and somewhat paradoxical world - a typical English character. Confusing the representative of this country with someone else is simply impossible.

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