English mentality - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

English mentality

Юрова А.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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English mentality.


English mentality is the combination features typical of different ethnic groups in Great Britain. For example, the Celts, the Saxons, the Angles and others. All these groups made some changes in English culture and manners.
The main feature of English mentality is the loyalty of their traditions.
You will never see an Englishman, who has a croissant for breakfast. You will see a cup of an Earl Grey tea and a slice of butter bread. However, you will be lucky if the English let you come in their house, because the house for the English is their castle. They respect privacy and expect the same from all other people.
In addition, English people are very patient and they can control their emotions very well. The English have negative attitude for people’s emotional emancipation.

I think that you know about “English humor”. A sense of humor is considered one of the most important qualities of the English. All their emotions and feelings, which they cannot express in daily life, are shown in their jokes. A paradoxes and sarcasm are very popular in England. They can make fun of themselves and of others.

I have recently found out that English people are vain. They are sure that life in their country is better that in any other countries. As a result, visitors are often viewed with a certain degree of superiority and contempt.

The English nation is contentedly stingy. Money is their idol. Another passion of the English are pets. You cannot say anything bad about their cat or dog, because pets for English people are family members.

A trip to the pub is also considered a classic English leisure. Moreover, it is not a place where everyone gets drunk, it is a place with its own culture and atmosphere. Being in a pub at any time is not embarrassing at all. There you can see workers, aristocrats and even women.

In addition, the English do not care about what other people think of them. So you may say whatever you like, but British life is based on its own principles, which are carefully guarded.

I think that the English, with all their quirks, are the most interesting nation because of its mentality. There is not a single person who would not like to plunge into at least one aspect of the culture of their mentality.

They combine many contradictory traits of their character, and they sometimes cannot explain the reasons for their behavior and preferences, following the examples and mentions of the ancestors.

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