GENERATIONS THEORY AS WE SEE IT - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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The Generations theory was introduced in 1991 by William Straus and Neil How in their book “Generations”. Their bold theory is that each generation belongs to one of four types, and that these types repeat sequentially in a fixed pattern. Although the studies and observations were based on the American history, later on lots of parallels were found in other cultures [2].These are descriptions of them.

The Greatest Generation

Born between 1901-1924, they are those who experienced the Great Depression and World War II in their adulthood, they are our great-grandfathers, growing up without modern conveniences like refrigerators, electricity and air conditioning. They are the generation that remembers life without airplanes, radio, and TV [1].

The Silent Generation

Also known as Builders or Maturists, born in between 1924 - 1945, coming of age during the postwar happiness. Jazz, Swing, Frank Sinatra, Gone With The Wind and Mickey Mouse generation. The children who grew up during this time worked very hard and kept quiet. They focused on their careers rather than on activism, and people were largely encouraged to conform with social norms [1].

Baby Boomers

After World War II, there was a ‘baby boom’, which gives this generation their nickname. The increased birth rates make them a large portion of the population, and they were typically born between the early to mid 1940s, to 1960 - 1964. They benefited from a time of increasing affluence and higher levels of income than their parents, and a surge in consumerism, enjoying more money to spend on food, clothes, and holidays [3].

Generation X

They were born between 1965-1976 (or 1979, according to some sources). 41 million Gen-Xers are often referred to as the first latchkey or daycare kids. Many Gen-Xers developed independence and self-reliance. Gen Xers prefer to do things their own way and thrive in casual, friendly work environments: 74% of Gen Xers agreed with the statement “hard work is the key to getting ahead.” (Reader's Digest). Gen X respondents ranked workplace flexibility as the most important perk (21%) and are more likely to walk away from their current job if flexibility isn’t available [4].

Generation Y or Millennials

Born between 1977-1997. Current Population is 71 million. Gen Y is tech-savvy, greatly ambitious, in love with change; they're multi-taskers and globally connected - mainly due to being immersed in the digital world from a young age. Gen Y members are much more racially and ethnically diverse due to their online approach to life. They are more participative by nature and embrace diversity, and are strong advocates of giving back to the community. Their strong mindset constitutes the roots of the generation's entrepreneurial motivations, such as creating a social network that connected a billion people around the world [1].

Generation Z

Born after 1998. Population is 23 million and growing rapidly. The Millennials' little siblings are growing up and growing up fast. This June, the very first Generation Z kids will finish college and enter the workforce. Born in 1996 or later with a very different outlook from their Millennial siblings, Gen Z is a smart, savvy, globally-minded force that’s already transforming how brands interact with consumers. Use smart phones [1].

Generation Alpha

By 2025, which is the year when the youngest Alphas are born, Generation Alpha will account to 2 billion of the global population. Generation Alpha is considered to be the most technological-infused demographic up to date. Generation Alpha are children born from 2010 to 2025. They are the first generation entirely born within the 21st century. They are also known as the iGeneration. They are the children of the Millennials. Generation Alpha use smart phones and tablets naturally. These children were born along with iPhones, iPads, and applications. They don't know nor can imagine how life was without them [1].

One of the ideas of Generations theory is that each of us has its own generational values, which are formed in childhood, up to 10-12 years. Values are shaped by roughly the same impact of how we are raised, what events happen. Thus, we, as members of our generation, react to events and life in roughly the same way [4].

A lot of people deny generations theory because they don’t like to be told they are similar to everyone else. As for me, this attitude unites people according to their common interests, character, desires, behavior and values, which are widespread and popular at the present. It’s important to be aware of the social group we represent. I suppose it helps to better understanding people of any age and overcoming the generation gap.


1. ” The Generation Guide - Millennials, Gen X, Y, Z and Baby Boomers “

2. “ Generations Theory”

3.Who are Millennials, Baby Boomers and Generation Z

4. “ The Generations . Which Generation are You?”

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