XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Дроздова Д.М. 1, Суромкина Г.А. 1
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At the present time it is quite difficult to find a person who does not have a general idea of ​​the concept of “time management”. A lot of books have been written about time management, a lot of articles have been published and various recommendations with detailed methods have been issued. Today there are time management schools, various seminars and master classes that are held in order to develop personal time management skills. Some years ago the methods and techniques of time management were used only during the labor activity or business organization. But now the methods of time management are successfully applied in the personal life of a person. So, a person guided by these methods easily combines work with home routines and learnsto organize his free time properly.

Everyone in various situations felt a lack of time, did not fit into the deadlines for any task, experienced stress and tension from a forced haste. With the modern pace of life, multitasking and the availability of a large amount of information, the skills of organizing your own time are more relevant than ever. According to many researchers time management helps a person consciously control his time which he spends on various types of activities and significantly increase his efficiency and productivity at work having received in one-day maximum benefit and pleasure.

However, the efforts spent on time management often do not correspond to increasing the efficiency of organizing time in real life. Why does the idea of clear planning and effective organization of personal time turn into its loss?

The ability to manage time is one of the most important human skills in the modern world. That is why today you can find many methods that teach him. However, in the process of time management people make various mistakes that do not allow them to get the expected result from practice. If these mistakes can be eradicated, the person will have more time for important things. Lack of rest, multitasking, lack of priority system - all this is also characteristic of the most productive people. The basic rules of time management or the secrets of personal time management will help get rid of making such mistakes.

1. Correct goal setting.

The first secret of personal time management is based on the person’s ability to clearly set goals and objectives and distinguish which of them are primary and which are secondary, this will help to make up the correct schedule of actions to save time. To understand whether what a person does for him is important he should ask himself the following question: will the result of this action bring the goal closer to its goal? The question will not remain unanswered.

Before setting a goal a person should highlight the main values, analyze all his abilities and determine the level of his motivation, calculate possible problems, needs and difficulties that may prevent the achievement of the goal. It is important to clearly imagine the goal in the smallest details as well as its final result. Also to achieve the goal it is necessary to make up a clear plan of actions and find the means to fulfill the plan.

There are many methods for setting goals but all of them have a common algorithm. It is important that the goal is always as specific as possible and has a clear end result. Also is necessary to justify the need to achieve it. That is why a clear mechanism for achieving the goal should be presented. Moreover, it is necessary to understand why a person needs it and what he will get from it. It is equally important to clearly define the time limits for which the goal can be achieved.

So, having estimated approximately the time required to complete a particular task, and having made up an action plan you can get an opportunity to measure the likelihood of success in time to complete all things on time. In this situation a person if it is necessary can easily adjust his schedule refusing the least important cases or putting them aside.

2. Prioritization.

The next secret of personal tine management is the ability to prioritize. People very often waste time because they don’t know which matter to start in the first place, and which matter in the second. There are matters that play a minor role in achieving the goal, but there are those that play a key role. One of the most effective and simple ways to prioritize is to separate current tasks by urgency and importance. So, having painted your daily affairs, you will be able to clearly see what needs to be done in the near future, what can be postponed, and what matters should be completely abandoned.

3. Planning.

One of the most important parts of time management is planning. It reveals a creative potential in a person and activates his thinking. Making up a plan a person sets himself a more specific goal realizing what he really needs. So, he finds the best way to achieve his plan.

Before making up a clear plan for the realization of the desired goal a person is in constant reflection on this topic. However, to achieve success the action is necessary. Immersing himself in the world of thoughts, a person risks turning his goal into a dream and permanently lose the opportunity to achieve it.

Making up a detailed plan of action which takes into account various ways to achieve the goal gives a person the opportunity to look for different ways to achieve it. If the goal cannot be achieved with using some means and methods, then you can try using other methods. Planning develops in a person flexibility of thinking and readiness for any situations. Moreover, a pre-prepared action plan gives a person a high chance of success. Having a plan gives you confidence in yourself and your capabilities. For a long time all successful people and entrepreneurs have been planning.

The effectiveness of organizing personal time largely depends on the application of the above secrets of time management, as well as a clear understanding of why a person needs time management, how to manage his time and what advantages a person will have.

People who know how to effectively manage their personal time live a richer and fuller life and do their job with minimal time.

Managing our time, we have more living space, we have the opportunity to do what we really like.

Time management allows you to order not only working but also your personal time during the day, week or month to manage to do all the important things on time without being distracted by extraneous questions and problems.

Effective planning allows you to free up more time for a busy and fulfilling life. According to researchers the sizes of such time resources are calculated in years and decades.

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