XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Киреева Е.А. 1, Ермолаева Л.Д. 1
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To date, the problem of the formation and correction of impaired tempo-rhythm feelings for children with speech impairment, in particular for preschool children with stuttering, as this disorder is primarily associated with discoordination of speech movements of the peripheral apparatus at an early age, remains relevant. Stuttering limits the child's communicative abilities, distorts the formation of personality, and impedes social adaptation in society [1].

Many scholars believe that theatrical play is an effective means of forming the intonation side of speech in preschoolers with stuttering. It allows you to form the analytical and synthetic activities of a preschooler, positively affects the sound culture of speech, its intonation structure, and helps enrich the active as well as passive vocabulary of children.

Theatrical activity allows you to form social skills of behavior through a literary work, a fairy tale. Indeed, fairy tales for children of school and, of course, preschool age have an important, educational moral orientation, thanks to the simple elements of theatricality. In fairy tales a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, as well as with the actions of heroes [6].

The content of classes, their forms and methods of conducting should simultaneously contribute to the achievement of three goals. The first goal is to create an atmosphere of creativity, the second is the socio-emotional development of children, and the third is the development of speech and theatrical performance skills. Theatrical activity is an effective means of self-expression and self-realization of a child. Great is its significance for the speech development of children. Theatrical activity helps children engage in verbal interaction with peers and adults. This is a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool that allows you to solve most of speech problems, due to the fact that through theatrical activity dialogical and monologue speech is improved, the expressiveness of speech, its intonation coloring are mastered. When playing the theater, the child tries a lot of roles. The child independently comes up with the plot and voices the characters, conveys their mood and actions.

It is known that a stuttering child, entering a specific image, can speak freely. In the correctional and developmental work for the re-education of speech and the personality of stuttering children, this opportunity for reincarnation, inherent in all people, and even more so in preschool children, is actively used [4].

Using theatrical activities in conjunction with speech therapy lessons of an educational and developing nature in children with stuttering, it is possible to influence positively the dynamics of speech development, the emotional-volitional sphere, the development of basic mental processes.

The theatrical play carries the role of the most important means of forming the intonation side of children's speech, as well as the development of empathy, i.e. the ability to recognize the emotional state of another person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put himself in his place in various situations, to find adequate ways to help. In working with stuttering children, it should be part of any activity or regimen moment. It should be carried out systematically, while selecting and distributing speech material is necessary in accordance with the capabilities of children. Through various types of theater, it is necessary to develop fine and general motor skills in children and to select games for theatricalization in the first stages of working with stuttering children according to the “teacher – children” scheme, and in the latter, “child – children”. In addition, theatrical games should develop speech situations conducive to encouraging the development of speech and speech communication skills [5].

Intonation is one of the most important expressive means of speech. Its study is conducted at different angles and by various methods. All elements of intonation act together, in concert, supporting and strengthening each other. Intonation is a unity of interconnected components: melody, intensity, rhythm and tempo of speech, pronunciation timbre, including stresses and logical pauses, each of which is an integral part of speech intonation and other characteristics. If any component is violated, speech loses the corresponding properties of expressiveness.

In its development, the intonational side of speech goes through a number of physiological stages, and in its finished, formed kind it is a dynamic stereotype, a complex balanced system of connections that arise and strengthen during the development of the body. The ontogenesis of the intonational side of speech determines the correctness of speech formation [3]. Stuttering, being a systemic underdevelopment of all aspects of speech and other aspects, also carries intonational imperfections of one or more characteristics of intonation.

The formation of the skills of intonational design of the utterance through the use of theatrical activities should not remain outside the work on the development of children's speech. It is necessary for each child to provide an opportunity to get in touch with the intonational richness of the language and help in its development.

Currently, the problems of the intonational design of the speech utterance of children with speech impairments are highlighted not only in linguistics, psycholinguistics, communication theory, but also in the methodology of correctional education.


1. Belyakova L.I. Speech Therapy. Stuttering. / L.I. Belyakova, E.A. Dyakova –M .: Eksmo-Press, 2001. - 380 p.

2. Borodich A.M. Methods of development of children's speech. / A.M. Borodich. - M .: Education, 2001. - 256s.

3. Volkova G.A. Game activity in eliminating stuttering in preschoolers. / G.A. Volkova. - St. Petersburg: Childhood Press, 2003. - 240 p.

4. Makhneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten: A manual for employees of preschool institutions. / M.D. Makhneva.- M.:Sphere - 2001. - 210 p.

5. Reutskaya N.A. Theatrical games of preschoolers / N. A. Reutskaya // Game of a preschooler / ed. S. L. Novoselova. - M .: Education, 1999.- 268 p.

6. Florenskaya Y.A. Selected works on speech therapy / Y.A. Florenskaya -M .: Astrel, 2007. - 277 p.

Просмотров работы: 35