The Crimean war began with the victory of the Russian Empire over the Turkish fleet in the battle of Sinop [1, p. 111]. However, soon Great Britain, France, and then the Kingdom of Sardinia joined the war on the side of the Ottoman Empire. The allied armies landed in the Crimea and besieged Sevastopol [2, vol. 3, p. 40]. The city had been holding out for about a year and then the Russian troops left it.
In the third year of the war, the shortage of troops became critical and on January 29, 1855 the Manifesto on the establishment of the State Militia was issued [4, vol. 30, p. 84]. The militia allowed releasing some troops from garrison service and sending them to the front. The Vladimir province was one of the first to recruit militia, thus provincial Assembly of Nobility began to look for candidates for the posts of officers and a chief of the militia immediately. In spite of severe competition, retired Colonel of the Guards, Mikhail Andreevich Katenin was elected as the chief of the militia [6, p. 30].
The Vladimir province was required to expose 11 regiments: Vladimir, Suzdal, Murom, Pereyaslavl, Yuryev, Gorokhovets, Shuya, Alexandrov, Pokrov, Melenkovo and Kovrov. The militia included 12077 people [3, p. 52]. The militia was armed with axes and old rifles with bayonets. All regiments were supposed to have the same form of gray cloth, thus warriors can be distinguished only by the color of the shoulder straps [6, p. 31].
The death of Nicholay I in 1855 was a great shock to people, but did not affect the course of the war, and therefore the formation of the militia. After the winter the militia prepared for the campaign and the regiments gathered in Vladimir. They had to go to Tula [5, p. 338]. Militia regiments from other provinces went through Tula to the South, and residents of the city gave a warm welcome to them. After Tula the Vladimir militia went to Orel, and then to Kiev where there was a headquarters of the Average Army.
In Kiev the commander of the army General Panyutin made the militia review and was very pleased with it. The militia was located around the village of Pogrebische, where it remained in winter until 1856. Unfortunately, besides the cholera epidemic, which began in the military campaign, typhus broke out. Having no battles, the militia suffered serious losses, 989 militia soldiers were struck down by the epidemics [6, p. 32].
On March 18, 1856,the Treaty of Paris, which put the end to the Crimean war, was signed. Russia was defeated, and could no longer have a fleet in the Black Sea [7, vol. 2, p. 296]. It also suffered enormous human, financial and reputational losses [1, p. 291]. People greeted the news with discontent and despondency.
On April 5 the militia regiments were disbanded, and on April 10 they marched back. Surrendering weapons and ammunition in the arsenal in Kiev, the militia lost its militant appearance and moved like a large crowd of people [3, p. 128]. People wanted to get home for the beginning of planting season. On the way back the militia passed through Chernigov, Starodub, Bryansk, Zhizdra, Kaluga, Serpukhov and Vladimir [5, p. 340].
Список используемой литературы.
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